
The calling of power (2)

As Obliviona pointed her sword at Dwight. She could read every movement from him before he could do it. But before Dwight could even react. He was paying attention to Obliviona's sword.

"That sword... I saw it a few times... But I know it means trouble..."

Dwight said to himself. He then gave a step back. It gave Obliviona the urge to strike, but she wanted to hold back. As Dwight was being observant. He called out his weapon and pointed into the sky.

"What in the world is he doing?"

Obliviona asked herself and looked at the sky. As thunder clouds covered the digital blue sky. She felt as something was coming at her.

"Lightning strike!!"

Dwight called out his move. A thunder landed on Dwight's sword, charging it up with energy. He then swung his sword at Obliviona, sending his lightning strike at her. She saw a blue lightning bolt heading at her fast. She quickly placed her left-hand open in front of her and nullified Dwight's attack.

"What just happened?"

Dwight asked. He saw a smirk on Obliviona and she stabbed the ground with her sword.

"I used a barrier to nullify your attack, but I got to say. That was a brilliant move."

Obliviona said to Dwight. Dwight then was thinking of another way to attack.

"Thanks, but you should pay more attention!"

Dwight then pointed at the sky, and a lightning bolt landed near Obliviona. She then pulled her sword out of the ground and backed away, but as she moved back. The lightning bolts kept landing near her.

"Come on Dwight!! You can't keep attacking from the distance!!!"

Obliviona yelled. She then switched from the defensive to the offensive to take on Dwight. As the battle was taking a different turn, Dennis was a spectator on all this. He saw how the battle was going, but he felt that something else was going on.

"Hmm... His tactic is not bad, but why do I feel that something is off...?"

Dennis asked himself. He then saw Obliviona and Dwight clash with their swords repeatedly. Suddenly, Lota finally arrives and sees Dennis sitting down while the other two continued their fight.

"Hey, what's going on?"

Lota asked. She then sat next to Dennis to see the fight.

"Just simple training. Dwight wanted to get stronger, so Obliviona is testing him."

Dennis said to Lota. Meanwhile, Obliviona and Dwight were clashing swords and none of them wouldn't back down. Obliviona was using full force to make Dwight surrender, but Dwight wasn't planning on giving up.

"That's It!!!"

Dwight yelled. He pushed Obliviona away, making her create dust clouds. Dwight then stabbed his sword to the ground and formed a small ball of thunder magic in his left hand. Everyone saw this and suspected what could happen next. It even made Dennis stand up.

"Obliviona!! Stop him before he hurts himself!!!"

Obliviona then turned around and looked at Dennis with a smile that made him uneasy. Dennis soon realized what was going on, forcing him to interfere in the fight.

"Dwight! Stop!!"

Dennis then pulled out a small cube from his pocket and he throws it at Dwight. But it was already too late. Dwight ate the orb he created and nothing happened.

"Ah man, I was hoping for it to be an interesting fight."

Obliviona said. She then turned around and felt an energy surge behind her. As she turned around, she saw Dwight being surrounded by blue electricity. He had a cold stare that seemed as if he wasn't focused.

"I take it back."

Obliviona then grabbed the cube and smashed it to the ground.

"Okay, Lota. Listen to me carefully... You need to get out of here and tell Mora to head in with a dart gun."

Lota then nodded to what Dennis said.

"What about you?"

Lota asked, showing concern for Dennis.

"I'm going to try stopping them before they kill each other."

Dennis said. He started walking towards Obliviona while taking off the bandages from his hands.

"Dennis, you sure you want to do this?"

Obliviona asked. She then stood in front of Dennis to protect him.

"Yeah, I'm the only one that knows how to stop it, it's just a matter of time before we lose him."

Dennis said. He then took off his coat and his shadow mode activated. As black mist covers his body, it then expanded, covering the entire area. Obliviona then took advantage of it and hide amongst the shadows. Leaving Dennis to take a direct approach.

"Dwight! Listen to me, you are in a state of great danger!"

As Dennis approached. Dwight accidentally shot a lightning bolt near Dennis as a warning shot. It landed right in front of him and it left a burnt mark.

"So much for the talk option..."

Dennis then closed his eyes and felt that his friend was still there. There was only one way to help him, but it was a choice that Dennis would hate. He opened his left eye, and it glowed. He took a step forward and aimed his hand at Dwight. Everything turned pitch black at that moment.

Meanwhile, outside. Mora was drinking coffee in front of Yen and Ace in the living room. Mora was sitting on a red couch and had her feet on the table. Yen and Ace were standing up trying to figure out something that they were forgetting.

"So care to explain why you two wearing all black clothing?"

Mora asked. She then took a sip of her coffee and placed it on the table. Yen then looked at Mora and pulled out his phone from a message from Dj saying to wear all black.

"Huh... Now that's something. Also, have you spoken to your father today?"

"I haven't. I don't know where he is right now."

Yen said. He then sat down on the couch while Ace left to head to his current room.

"I can take you to him."

Mora said. She then picked up her coffee and continued to drink it. Suddenly, Lota comes out of the room from the simulation and doesn't see Mora. She then heads out and sees Mora talking to Yen.

"Mora!! We need your help quick!"

Lota yelled. Mora then grabbed Yen's right hand and dragged him with them to get ready.

"Tell me what happened."

"Dennis said to grab a dart gun and head into the simulation. Dwight suddenly has electricity covering his body."

Lota said. She then was passing in circles, trying to calm herself down.

"That makes no sense... Unless..."

Mora then placed her left hand on her chin and realized what was happening.

"Alright, I don't think a dart gun will help... I'll be back!"

Mora then went into the simulation to help Dennis. Lota then followed Mora and left Yen by himself.

"Here goes nothing!!"

Yen said to himself. He then jumped into the simulation and everything in the room went dark. Meanwhile, inside the simulation. Yen ended up on the mountains and saw Lota and Mora standing by the edge.

"Hey what's going on?"

Yen asked. He then stood next to Mora and saw a field filled with black mist.