
Game War

At X house, there was a party going on full of games, it involved video games and board games for everyone could have fun, Neko D was looking for Dennis while holding a plate full of sandwiches and soda, so he went upstairs to find him. As for Dennis, he was been carefully watched by Heartless, that was sitting in front of him acting like a bodyguard, Dennis woke up or said anything after seeing Heartless out in the blue. He seemed calmer to see him waiting patiently for something.

"For how long I was out?" Dennis asked.

"A couple of hours, everyone is having so much fun that I dint bother joining them." Heartless was not interested in having fun.

"That something I would do if I was pissed off or tired."

Neko D showed up with a plate of food and drinks for Dennis to then show him a game he brought from a store.

"Did you get this for me? That's so kind of you."

Dennis hugged Neko D to thank him for the game, Neko D purred on Dennis chest since he was happy as well but there was something else been planned, Neko D grabbed Dennis' hand while he was done with his sandwich and soda into the basement without no one noticing.

Meanwhile, everyone was still having fun, but it wasn't enough to end the night, so X proposed a deal offer to everyone. "Let's make a team war, you guys vs the alts." X said. "It's a deal!" Dennis' friends agreed since it bore them out of their minds, so X lead them to the basement as he was holding a key for a secret room.

"I welcome you to the virtual reality chamber, now who is ready to have some fun?"

Before they could continue, there was an explosion happening as if someone dropped a nuclear bomb, X activated his monitor to notice someone used his satellite canon.

"Ignore that... lets focus on with the games."

The first game involved cards, as the second round was a game selection and for the last one a battle simulation. Once X started up the room, the first round started, its scenery changed into a casino.


It amazed everyone of what they are seeing, giant gambling dice floating around in the sky with poker chips and cards. On the main floor, it had slot machines and a door that lead to the game was going to be held. Dark guarded the door with Eve dressed as the dealers. Everything that they were in sync, so it didn't matter asking question for each individual.

Please continue to the next room if you're going to take part"

They entered with a question and within that was Wulf managing the bar as Kuo was taking a drink dressed in a fancy dress as X was waiting near the game table.

"Everyone that will not face me can go take a seat at the bar and the person who will may take a seat here." X said as he was waiting, shuffling the cards.

Everyone was thinking if to volunteer but it was something so basic and easy that everyone could play but the thing is that the game was very well-known and played by two individual in the group, Dennis and Nidializ, the only two that play the card game that much but Dennis wasn't there to play.

"I'll do it."

Nidializ said as she volunteered and sat down on chair to play, as the others went to sit down at the bar to talk, Kuo was happy to be having company but she was worried about something else. The game was called briska, there was a few on how to win, either you have all 3 cards from the life that was been played or have the maximum total of points but the only way to win was if you had all 3 card of the life, 1-3-12 the only numbers that a player needs to have a life Aka Black hand but if it's the wrong one it's called the White hand. X and Nidializ grabbed 3 cards each and the life was gold, the only one that Dennis and Nidializ where always battling on most of the time. X had a few high numbers but Nidializ started lucky with the number 3, she disposed one the other card that she dint need and X toked it since it was a higher number of that type of the card, X draw a card that involved the life and Nidializ draw the 12 and she was missing the 1.

X tossed a card that he didn't need and Nidializ took it, they both draw a card and it wasn't what they wanted, they kept wasting card 5 more times, X accidentally build a White hand but as for Nidializ she was preparing for something and a distraction.

"X, you're a robot version of Dennis, but I have to wonder, do you play the same as him?" He had to answer before he can accept his defeat.

"I may not play the same as him, but this is my first time that I play this, If I win or lose it will not matter" X dropped his cards after he gave out an answer.

"Oh... Then I shall give the honor of experiencing this battle."

Nidializ stood up to show her hand of the full life set of victory the black hand, X showed his hand and stand up to give a handshake of fair play. Once they shake hands, the simulation changed to a back alley that was being painted with graffiti and the floor got covered with a thick mist, their clothing changed to street wear as if they were rappers and slight gangsters. They noticed that Dj and Claire where in the front ready to compete at all cost. They even saw Wulf waiting in an entrance for everyone. He had sunglasses on and was dressed ready for a dance battle. He waved his hand to signal his friend to come over as they saw everything black and inside the building. Wulf was waiting in an arena for dance battle. The floor has being covered by tiles of distinct colors and change into a different color if it changes.

"I welcome you all to the dance hall revolution!"

Wulf came out from above, swinging around a platform that was tied up by something in the ceiling.

"The rules are simple, change all the tiles of the floor into a same color. Two will have to take part in the dance battle as the others get into the machines to solve the puzzle."

Dj pushed Claire into the arena as he gave thumbs up to his friends to take care of the puzzle.

"Kuo may I get your help?"

Kuo came out of nowhere holding on to Wulf, bringing him into the dance floor as they were ready for a fierce battle, Claire and Kuo approached each other like if they were about to kiss but it was to start the battle. As they had their eyes closed, they held each other's hands as the music dropped to let go. As for Wulf and Dj they dropped and quickly went up with a spin. They copied each other's move into the rhythm of the music, as time passed the puzzles where being passed already that it wasn't enough entertainment for the contenders. Kuo and Claire backed up to give Dj and Wulf a lot of space. They snapped their hands as they were getting closer, Dj pulled out a fist as Wulf did the same, they dint land a hit, but they fought for reals until the simulation stopped as both teams have been pushed away from the middle.

"I had enough of this, No more dance battles from now on! You could have decided on a rap battle!"

Dennis jumped down to clear the smoke by spinning his coat, revealing Heartless and Neko D on his side.

"Whoever beats me on my rule set wins!"

Dennis could force change the simulation into a cyber arena, it had two stages and divided into two fights, Dennis and Heartless will face his friends as Neko D will fight the others but there was a secret fighter near the end waiting for the final fighter standing. As everyone was waiting, the first one to go were the alts vs Neko D. They got into position, with their own weapons prepared as Neko D was looking at everyone with an innocent stare.

"He can't be that strong, right?"

Wulf had to ask since he didn't know what is happening. X pointed his gun at Wulf to explain. "

His a very formidable opponent don't underestimate him since he is small."

Wulf looked at X seriously that he ended up being face kicked in an instant.

"Told ya." X said.

Neko D quickly tried to punch X on the face, but the guns blocked it. X sent him back and shoots to put some distance that allowed Eve to get a precise read to fire his arrow with his stellar bow. Neko D stopped moving and jumped very high as Dark approached with her scythe to land a strike. But he bites it to give a counter. He grabbed Dark to send her back to the ground and followed down to fight off Kuo that was already waiting with her claws out as they paired each hit.

"I wish I could fight them, but I guess I must fight all you once it's my turn."

Denis said. Owen was already cracking his fists about, ready to slap a face in a few minutes. As the battle continued, Neko D hasn't even received a hit. He was dancing on Wulf's fallen body as a mark of his territory.

"X is there even away to beat that lil shit!?"

Dark asked since she wanted to make a scratch on Neko D already, but it was impossible.

"Negative, he is like an ultimate life form as we speak."

Neko D's eyes glowed completely white as he was prepared for his killer move. His body started to release an aura that was making everyone tremble. X team was about to surrender as Neko D was ready to use his move, Dennis had to step in and stop Neko D before he could finish it.

"Sorry guys, but you loose this one."

They lowered their weapons and Neko D canceled his activation.

"Next time... Don't think too much and follow your gut."

Dennis put Neko D down and it was his turn to fight his friends; without a combat experience he was in an advantage, but they outnumbered him. Dwight grabbed a long sword that was in an arsenal as well Owen took the dual pistols that didn't use bullet, Nidializ grabbed a katana as Claire was inspecting on a sniper and as for Dj, he was going to use his fists.

"A well-selected armory, I must say, but that won't be enough."

Dennis pressed a button that activated the battle. No one dared to attack without having a sort of tactic until Heartless has been overcast as a giant shadow behind Dennis. He was getting closer and pulled out a sword.

"Shall we?" Dennis asked.

Dj was the one to make the first move to face Denis up front.

"Indeed, we shall." Dj said as he was about to upper cuts Dennis, sending him back creating burn mark on the floor. Dennis could recover his stance, but he started moving once he heard the gunshots from Owen and Claire been followed by Dwight to give a clear strike that knocked Dennis down. He growled and was missing his glasses.

"Initiate protocol zero..."

Heartless was summoned as a unit to take care of Owen and Dwight. Dennis quickly tried to rush Dj as Heartless divided them as two different sections to fight.

"We aren't scared of you."

Owen said while trying to keep his cool.

"You should be..."

Heartless activated his trap move that put Owen and Dwight to sleep to land a finisher hit to see the rest of the battle. Dennis fought Dj with his fists, they kept pairing until Dennis landed a kick.

"Not bad, but I want more."

Dj was approaching at Dennis with open arms to give him a bear hug. Dennis smiled as he was charging a punch and landed a hit on the stomach that sent Dj back on the floor.

"Nidializ, stay here, I'll take care of it."

Claire went into battle to face Dennis with her sniper. She was shooting without aiming, then landing a strike with the sniper's barrel. Dennis called out the sword and cut Claire sniper.

She looked at it and till she threw it away.

"I had enough of this..."

Claire raised her right arm and was holding it with her left one.

"Aim of the goddess, never miss fire and take out my target... Guntria!"

Claire called out her weapon and aimed and shot at Dennis without a chance of relaxing.

"So, it's going to be like that? Fine! I shall use it as well!"

Dennis was dogging every bullet as he was about to call out his weapon.

"Destruction, madness, seek my target to obliterate... Obliviona!"

Dennis called out his sword and started to cut each bullet that was coming at him from every direction that even everyone else that was spectating where amazed. Nidializ was making sure if Dj was still alive, before she was about to touch him, he quickly stand up and rushed into battle preparing to call out his weapon.

"My fist are my shields, I hit to defend, lend me your strength... Gaia!"

Dj called out his weapon that where reinforced and rushed into take a good hit on Dennis face. Dennis blocked the attack and grabbed an incoming bullet. He then stand properly and activated a limit brake.

"Heartless shadow imperious" Dennis's body busted a shadow force that repelled Dj as Heartless was merging with Dennis creating a clothing that is hard to damage and creating an aura that was evil. Nidializ had to help, but she encountered Neko D prepared to fight as both sides started to fight it cause a collision to change who is fighting who. As Nidializ almost damaged Neko D he switched with Dennis to change party members. Dennis fought Nidializ, and she blocked the first hit, Claire came from behind to hit Dennis at the back with her sniper. He quickly dogged the hit as he had to block an attack from Nidializ.

Dj was fighting Neko D, he was able to hold him and sent him flying to land a perfect kick to send him to the direction where Dennis was blocking a few hits from Nidializ that he noticed and saved Neko D to use him as a projectile directly at Claire to focus directly at Dj.

"This is taking too much time..."

Someone that was hiding his presence from everyone was seen the fight as Dj sent Dennis flying. He was able to do something to finish the fight already by whispering something into Dennis ear.

"Always become a menace..."

With that, Dennis's eyes glowed and was getting powered. He threw his sword at Dj that made an area impact that eliminated Dj from the match. He quickly grabbed Neko D and finished him alongside Claire.

"I had enough of this..."

Dennis pulled out his sword and pointed it at Nidializ that was moving weirdly. She seemed that she lost her mind and noticed something on her back.

"Well, shit..."

Dennis went on his guard preparing for an attack as she was saying a few words.

"A crimson night... a voice once lost... the one that can bring back a bright red hope.... Crimsonia!"

Nidializ katana changed the color of its blade into a reddish tone as the grip dint finished as she quickly was landing strikes at Dennis that it was getting difficult to block now.

"Release your genuine power..."

Dennis heard the voice again and started his counterattack with only 3 strikes and a grind stomp, then he flicked Nidializ's forehead to bring her back to her senses as he pro-claimed his victory. Dennis helped his friend on getting up since it was a rough fight, but the night wasn't over. Everyone heard slow claps from a distance.

"Good job on your succession of the crown but its time to for you to be de-crowned." Dennis turned back, pointing his sword to who was talking.

"I should have known that it had to be another me to understand this." Dennis said.

Dennis already knows what this all meant, a matter against the present vs the future to see the power gap.

"So, you finally made your way to finish me after I was able to figure out what's going on here." Dennis said as F.D laughed and pulled out a lance from his back.

"I'll make sure to pierce your heart." He pointed at Dennis' heart as he was about to laugh like a madman.

"Don't worry, my sword will cut you down before you get the chance."

As Dennis and F.D starred into each other's eyes, they take one step of movement and Dennis' left eye glowed, causing a bit of a bleeding accident from all the tension. F.D had his lance on Dennis's heart as he was rushing, but Dennis threw his sword above himself for a distraction.

"Sword arts: 5 illusion strike."

Dennis charged at F.D to attack, he wasted 4 of the fake attacks to land the fifth as he could avoid getting pierced on the heart.

"A miss?"

F.D could hurt Dennis on the sides, but he wanted more, so he randomly attacked as Dennis was moving back to grab his weapon to end it.

"It ends now..."

Dennis slashed F.D on the back as he received fatal damage near the neck. "Not bad for a rematch..." F.D almost fallen on his knees as he saw Dennis fall to the ground hard as he passed out.

Owen and Dwight were the only ones near him and went to get Dennis to take him to the hospital.

"I'll take him quick."

F.D was blocking the path, insisting on taking Dennis to the hospital himself.

"If his parents find out that someone injured him, I'll be dead, so let me take him to the hospital."

They had no choice. They let go of Dennis in the hands of F.D as he vanished on his way to the hospital.

"Explain now, who was he!?"

X was looking at Nidializ, he noticed traces of F.D on her. Wulf sniffed Nidializ, and it had traces as well.

"X, I think that was the future man, his scent was way off the charts" Wulf said.

"He just asked me a question that's all!"

Claire grabbed Nidializ and dragged her out to go to the hospital. As for everyone else, they were cleaning the spilled blood and dust from the room. On the next day, it was 6am of the morning and the doctors did everything they could to help Dennis. As F.D was waiting for the results, he couldn't rest at all since Claire and Nidializ showed up mad bragging and almost killed him when he tried to do something good. Nidializ stopped Claire a few times from harming F.D until she got tired. Right now they were drinking coffee as they waited for the doctors.

"So, can you tell from what year you came from?"

Claire asked since she was remembering something that was blocked from her memory.

"I'm from the year 2027, from the other world that X probably explained... it's been so long to see you like this, Claire."

F,D said as Claire blushed and quickly went to Nidializ as for protection from F.D, Nidializ even patted Claire's head to comfort her.

"But... you in the other hand... did you trespassed the barrier a few years ago?"

"What barrier?"

F.D made that question to Nidializ since she could understand what it's going to happen but with the response of a question made him ask something else.

"Do you remember the last time Dennis was acting strange?"

"Yes... it was the entire eye bothering him. He was supposed to go around this year but..."

F.D was handing over a box to Nidializ.

"Don't worry about it too much, he will be fine unless he gives up by force."

F.D stood up after seeing the doctor closing in on him.

"How's my kid doing doc...?" F.D asked.

"He will be fine in a few days. We sent him to a room on the third floor."

"Thank you so much for helping him."

The doctor left, F.D picked up Claire as Nidializ followed them to the room Dennis was being held.

"He looks so peaceful..." Nidializ was about to take a picture, but it was prevented as F.D placed Claire on top of Dennis.

"What do you think are you doing!?!" Nidializ was flustered.

"If she stays near him for 24 hours, he will be able to leave quickly."

Claire woke up from the sudden commotion.

"Can't I just sit next to him...?"

F.D shakes his head, for the reason why because someone wasted a kiss.

"You wasted a healing kiss, and until he doesn't wake up, you will not get off that bed." F.D sat down and crossed his arms.

"Guess I'll stay... someone needs to have an eye on what's happening here."

As Dennis and Claire were a sleep, they were sharing the same dream about a house that was near ruins and a voice calling out for help. It took a few hours for someone to notice, but Claire woke up first and saw Nidializ doing art on F.D's face.

"Now that's a masterpiece."


When Claire was about to get off the bed, she was being held by Dennis that was half a sleep.

"Pff, you have a few arms tied up."


Claire noticed that Dennis arms were around her. She locked back and noticed Dennis covering his face in her hair.

"I'll see you tomorrow, I'll take this lope with me back to the house."

Nidializ was dragging F.D out of the hospital, leaving Claire behind alone with Dennis.

"Guess I have to stay until you wake up again."

As the day passed by, there was something going on back at the house. X was setting up his command center in one of the unused rooms, as he was programming everything his radar detected something unstable in an unmarked place that had nothing. "High energy readings and anomalies? Seems like the 11 stages just started..." X left the room to continue his evaluations.