
First mission

It was the next day. The teams assembled in one of the rooms and turned it to an office. Everyone had their own side in the office and a team room. As they all sat down to discuss how they are going to do this. X had to explain it all since he was the one that could do stuff at the house.

"Ok, everyone I want you all to select your team names. When that is done we need to set the colors of your rooms so that we can continue." X said.

He then handed pieces of paper to everyone that had to write down a team leader and name. Dark and Eve already know what they going to choose. Kuo was thinking of choosing Wulf as team leader while the last team had a bit of a dilemma.

"Dennis, you know what to do." F said.

Dennis broke the piece of paper since he didn't need to fill anything. X looked at them and didn't know why Dennis did that. As he was about to ask. Kuo and Dark gave their paper to X to carry on to announce it.

"Alright, first team to be announced will be team beasts and as their leader will be Wulf. As for the second team is the Twin angels with no active leader."

X said. Now they where waiting for the last team to introduce their team name and active leader. Dennis was the one to stood up to say the team name.

"Our team name is Hatred of time and I Dennis will be acting as active leader."

X noted it down on a new paper then put it away. Then he gave everyone a key to their own rooms as he decided it was time to go for a mission.

"This going to be a team effort mission, as you can see, yesterday Dennis found a shadow. I want you all to go take a look and eliminate any hostile threats."

Everyone understood on what X told them. As they knew the location, they didn't bother asking any question and headed out. When they got out. Everyone got notified of an ns being spotted.

Meanwhile on the shadow that was found the other. Selest had guards set up a perimeter. It was all normal until it took one of the guards in side. It triggered an alarm that made the teams show in an instance.

"That's a ns lake." F said.

He pointed it out as soon as it was taking another guard.

"Ok then, we need to exterminate this thing or move it somewhere else." Dennis said.

Team Beast stepped in. As Wulf was about to give out a plan.

"I can mange to stop it from taking lives but once I can stop, Someone needs to finish the job." Wulf said.

The remaining teams looked at each other. As team Twin angels know who can finish it. They decided to take a different role.

"We can take care of getting the area clear." Dark said.

"Then we will land the finishing touch..." Dennis said.

It was a good idea at first but before the plan could be executed. The area was surrounding as they all notice something coming out from the center.

"What is that?" Kuo asked.

But Dennis took a closer look and was like a bubble. His left eye started to glow and started to see a massacre. Blood at every direction and their corpses been taken by the enemy. As soon as the bubble started to raise up. Dennis began to give orders.

"Dark!! Eve!! Take flight and stop that thing!" Dennis shouted.

They both looked at Dennis with a confused stare.

"Why?" Eve asked.

"At a certain altitude it will bring out a power ns. We don't have the proper strength to take it on!" Dennis said.

They realized that Dennis was serious about what he was saying. And during that point, the ns noticed that it needed to attack.

"Neko D, circle around the place and don't let anyone out! Wulf! Kuo! Get ready to fight!" Dennis said.

As soon as they noticed the ns appear, they charged in to destroy it.

"F! Heartless! Make it rain!"

"With pleasure!" They both said.

F throwed his lance at the sky as Heartless made multiple black thorns get out from the ground that was heading towards the center. As it nailed a strike. Kuo and Wulf were taking down the ns with their bare hands until they got surrounded.

"Did they multiplied while we took them down?" Wulf asked.

"I think they are coming from below us..." Kuo said.

They were both on to each others backs as they saw the ns getting closer. Dennis saw what was going on and called out Obliviona. He took one swing and opened a clear path. Then he went in with his weapon in hand as he was preparing a spell with his left hand.

"Jump!!" Dennis shouted at Kuo and Wulf.

They both jumped to get out of Dennis attack. Once Dennis got to the place. He punched the ground with his left hand and casted a inferno that was burning the ns all together. As soon as Dennis was standing properly, Neko dashed in to get Dennis out of his own attack.

While Dark and Eve where on contact point with the bubble. Dark got a hold of it with her chains. This gave a chance for Eve to charge up a light arrow that could pierce it.

"Do it!" Dark said.

Eve released the arrow and it pierced the bubble. As they saw the arrow pierce it, it was still intact with a hole.

"It didn't work!?" Eve said.

Everyone bellow noticed what's going on and decided to act before it was to late.

"Wulf!" Dennis said.

He tossed Neko D at Wulf for him to throw the cat at the bubble. Wulf throwed Neko D as Dennis approached in to be sent into the sky. Wulf throwed Dennis as well. As they both went into the sky. They passed Dark and Eve to take on the bubble. When they made it. Neko D brought out his claws while Dennis was ready for a strike. They strike it down once they past by it. Neko D grabbed on to Dennis shirt as he putted his hands on his coat pockets to slowly glide down.

"Guess that works." F said.

He then grabbed a sample to analyze it soon. As Dennis landed they all noticed that Sara was on her way. When she got there she had a medical team with her and checked the guards that got taken in.

"We have this under control, you should get some rest." Sara said to Dennis.

She already had the injured guards and taken them to the hospital. They all returned back to the house. When they arrived. X had changed the interior color of the house to shades of gray and had white neon lights to give it an extra touch.

"Good job with your mission today. You can procced by taking a day off tomorrow or help out with the ns tomorrow." X said.

At that point everyone went to their indicated rooms and went to sleep for the rest of the day.

Hello. I would like to thank you for reading this story! I would appreciate it if you, the reader, let know what you think of this story in the comments or a review. I hope you enjoy this chapter and the next one coming!

DjxCarmacreators' thoughts