
Dark Eclipse

It was the 5th of July, X received Dennis last night and sent him to his room, Claire kept an eye on him for the time been then switch turns with Dj. While the others woke up, they felt replenished with motivation and energy to work out. Dennis other versions where outside in the pool relaxing while the others went out for a walk around the park.

"Hey... do you guys remember something from last night?" Nidializ asked after they stopped to drink some water.

"Just going thru a weird portal looking for Dennis, that all that I can remember." Owen was drying up his sweat from his face to drink some water.

"Wait, did we even found him?" Dwight asked.

They were all confused since they don't recall finding their friend yesterday, but they forgot all about it after they saw someone run fast past by them and stopped to fix their shoelaces.

"Dj? What are you doing here?" Dwight asked.

"Oh, I'm just trying to waste sometime, Maita told me to meet up with her soon for training." Dj said.

"Training, you say?" Nidializ was getting ready for another run.

"You guys want to tag along? Been around her by my self feels weird..." Dj said as Dwight was doing an air fist pump for motivation.

Owen turned around and decided to go back to the house to the house to prepare lunch.

"You guys better return before lunchtime and before the cat eats it all." Owen left while the others were on their way to meet up with Maita on an unknown location outside from town.

"Dj do you know where we are going?" Nidializ asked since they kept running towards the local districts near a beach.

"Yea, we just need to turn a right up ahead." Dj said.

They lowered their pace to take the turn carefully after seeing that it was a closed path.

"Alright, we can walk from here, it's been a while since the last time I stayed."

As they noticed a bit of a clearing point of the woods, they saw a few cabins with a crystal-clear lake. As they noticed Maita doing some strange movements with a scythe.

"Damn... she knows how to work it." Dwight said.

Nidializ and Dj looked at Dwight with a way that they would kill him.

"What!? Owen and Dennis would have said it if the were here!" Dwight said.

Nidializ facepalmed and sat on the ground.

"Ok... Owen, I would understand, but Dennis? He would have said something too odd." Dj said as Maita was still moving after she started spinning and tossed her weapon into the air.

She was ready to grab it as soon as it has fallen, but it was taking too long. She looked above and saw that it got stuck with a three branch.

"My... scythe...." Maita didn't know what to do except fall on her knees and cry.

"I can't believe I lost the scythe master gave..."

"I got this."

Dj called out Gaia and touched the three that Maita's scythe was stuck with. The scythe dropped and Dj tried to grab it, but he couldn't lift it.

"What in the world is this even made of!?" Maita quickly noticed that Dj was able to get her scythe, it amazed her that he even brought company.

"Did you bring them to train?" Maita asked as Dj nodded.

"Good... then prepare your weapons!"


Maita quickly punched Dj, he quickly blocked and felt the strength in Maita's punch.

"Come on? You could have given more effort into that."

Dj shook his right hand to cool it off. Maita picked up her weapon and looked at Dj with a devilish smile.

"Why do I feel like I'm about to face death..." Dj said to himself after entering his defensive position.

Dwight was lost after he remembered something from last night.


A dual edged long sword with dark green shards on both sides appeared in front of Dwight. He grabbed his weapon and started to burst out with electricity.

"Wow!" Nidializ kept her distance from Dwight to not get electrocuted.

"What is this?" Dwight asked, since he is having a hard time understanding on what he just do.

"You just called out your weapons name, if you keep practicing, you don't have to call it out by its name." Maita punched Dj since he got distracted by explaining something to Dwight.

"Alright... play time is over..."

Dj took of his weapon from his right hand and it built immense power that could destroy anything that it touches. Then suddenly F.D shows up and stops Dj from making a move.

"Let go." Dj said.

"As if, you could have almost killed her, anyway yawl need to go back home right now."

F.D was scratching the back of his head; he had a bad feeling that something is going to happen later. They did not question why they needed to go back, but they returned jogging in order to not lose the work out. At the pool in X's house, Kiwi was enjoying the fresh air. She recovered from one night's rest and Maita's care.

"I don't remember how I got to that place... but at least I was saved..." Kiwi said.

Someone tossed something out thru the window of Dennis's room that landed on the pool that scared Kiwi to death. She could hear screaming's coming from the room until she finally saw her friend Claire carrying Dennis while jumping out the window.

"Whatever that thing was, it is not human!" Dennis said while he was cracking his hands.

"You think! Couldn't you have attacked it right in the spot!?" Claire said.

"No, X would have killed us if we destroyed the room."

A NS was getting out by the window. It had no face and no legs.

"This must be a ghost ns? I mean, who da hell fears ghost at this year?"

Dennis called out his weapon without sayings it name. Then Claire thought of something that could work.

"Dennis, hold it off for a bit, X must have something that could capture it!" Claire said. "Oh, hell no! I'm going to cut it in half and send it back to the afterlife!" Dennis tossed his sword at the ghost to attack it, then he snapped his fingers to send it away.

As Dennis started to pose for victory, he couldn't get the feeling that something is about to happen. As he stared at the sky, he witnessed a dark eclipse.

"Eh... is it me or am I imagining a massive black moon?" Dennis said, since it was extraordinary for something like this to happen.

"Black moon?" Claire looked at the sky and couldn't believe it. She quickly went inside to tell everyone.

"Kiwi! Get inside now!" Claire screamed so that her friend could hear her. Kiwi got up from she was resting and tried to go in. Her body was still hurt, so Dennis helped her move. While F.D just arrived from looking for Nidializ and Dwight, Claire warned every one of the black moon.

"Ok, everyone stay calm, we have nothing to worry about, this is not the end of the world." F.D said.

The tv activated to the news, and people said that is the end of the world. X quickly pressed the containment button after picking up an energy level from the moon that put everyone in a frozen stasis except for them.

"No!" Dennis punched the wall and enraged.

The others looked at him in fear since they don't know what to do.

"You idiot! Why did you activate the containment field in the house!?" Dennis said at X while screaming.

"Because it was going for a direct hit at us!" X said.

"Wrong! If we got hit, that would have opened a gateway to another world!"

X realized on what he had done and didn't realize that option.

"Now we are stranded in a planet that has no walking soul!" Dennis tossed his phone at Claire and went to the basement to prepare something.

"H-hey wait!" Claire said as she tried to catch up to Dennis.

F.D stood in the way so that Claire couldn't follow as it ended to be the 6th of July.

"Don't interfere or it will get worse." F.D turned Claire around and gave her a little push that Nidializ had quickly caught her.

"Me and him are going out for a while will be back soon."

"Neow!" Neko D tagged along since they manage to understand each other, even if they can be far.

"Grrr... Girls grab your stuff! We are going after them!"

Claire grabbed Maita, Nidializ, Dark, Kuo and Kiwi to get their stuff ready.

"Well, then... Owen, Dwight, both of you will stay here to train for now, while this idiots resolve their problems..." X said.

They both shrugged and played games.

"What are you doing?" X asked.

"Training." X saw the game that Owen is playing, and he had a lot of accuracy. He dint miss a single shot, and Dwight was focusing on controlling the electricity.

"You two are fricking natural!" Wulf said as he was lifting weights.

"Yea, at least they have it easy, each generation progresses different from the other..." Eve said while checking his bow and enhancing it.

"Well... If I remember something... the girls took Kiwi with them and as I recall... She doesn't have a weapon..." They looked at X with a worried face.


X's sudden talk about Kiwi made her sneeze. The girls where walking around the town with nothing else to do after they spotted the boys running around trying to catch Neko D.

"How... Is he... So...? FAST!?" F.D crashed with a light post after Neko D dogged.

"Bruh, your older than me, how da hell can't you read his moves!?" Dennis tried to catch Neko D, but he jumped onto his head. "

Dennis, can you cast a spell...?" F.D asked.

"Huh?" Dennis thought as he had his left hand out for a while, trying to think of a spell.

"Speed x3!!"

Dennis cast speed x3, a spell that increases its target movement speed times 3 and allies, as F.D and Dennis were ready to catch Neko D, they took their coats off and tied it around their waists. By this they achieve full speed.

"You better run boi..."

As soon as they set off after Neko D, the girls got amazed by their speed; they were at the same speed as Neko D but he is to be flexible that he went to the top of the buildings.

"Come on!"

F.D gave Dennis his lance, and he tossed it to the building Neko D was going. F.D grabbed Dennis and suddenly teleported to where his lance landed to continue their chase. Neko D's eyes suddenly started glowing fully white.

"Wait... I know that look..." F.D said while he was ready to guard, Dennis kept going without knowing what's going to happen as soon as he made contact.

"I... GOT YOU!!" But it was already too late, Dennis ended up been covered with light because of Neko D.

While F.D witnessed everything, he only had been one chance to save them both.

"Veil of darkness..."

14 lances showed behind F.D identical as he was holding, intending to kill. He didn't want to hold back, so he cast away of his emotions to prepare a strike.

"Noir Ventus!"

A gust of black wind created by the lances that had enough strength to cut down a building, went thru Dennis and Neko D as they noticed being mind controlled.

"Thanks, if this keeps up, we won't be able to fix this in time..." Dennis said while being too tired.

"Unless we go to the source directly and fix the door." F.D mentioned something about a door, but it was complicated to understand why but they had no other choice.

"I mean... we are four people here ready to fight right, so let's get moving and fix this."

Dennis said while he was getting ready for a fight. Suddenly Heartless came out in front of his friends with a weapon on hand.

"Turn back right now, this is too much for you to handle." Heartless said with concern for his friends.

"Do you think I ma let this chance slip by? Because there's only 5 more days left for it to be released and if we can manage to call it out, will be able to jump to the 11th of July."

Dennis was right on what he was saying, but that means getting everyone involved and prepare everything right now.

"Plus, I believe time is moving quickly correct, F.D?" Dennis asked his future self since he can foresee time itself when he wants too.

"Yes... Right now, we may have wasted time chasing the cat, but it costed us one more day, each day passes by every two hours when the dark moon raises." Dennis checked his phone and set 4 more individual alarms.

"Alright guys let's get moving, we need to find X naval ship, The Arc-Xenal!"

They all nodded, Heartless returned to Dennis body while F.D was holding Neko D.

"Neow, neow."

"Huh? Hey Dennis, Neko says that is best to split up. The ship must around this part of the coast in secret." F.D said.

"Ok then I ma go check the stadium." Dennis said while he was looking at a map.

"Aright, ill head to the coast."

As they decided to go search for the Arc-Xenal, the girls eavesdropped on their conversation.

"What in the world are they talking about?" Claire said.

"I mean, this is Dennis were talking about as far as I can tell he may be planning something to stop this." Kiwi said while trying to see if she can see the guys.

"We better go report this to X, we going to need all of us for this mission." Kiwi said out loud and decided to go back to the house along with Kuo.

"Ok... so our recon and assassin just left the area that means that you girls are under my protection." Dark pointed at herself and her weapon while Maita copied the same pose as her.

"What do you think you're doing?" Dark asked Maita, but she didn't respond.

Dark felt that she was in danger by having Maita standing near her.

"Guys go find Dennis before Kuo informs X about the situation!!" Maita quickly kicked Dark into a blue car.

"What are you two standing there for?! I said Go!!"

As Maita tried to make her friends to find Dennis, Dark was able to recover in time and pounced on Maita, making her do a collision with a wall.

"Come on, we need to hurry. The stadium that Dennis mentioned ain't far from here!" Nidializ took the lead, making sure to reach the stadium in time.

As they raced against time, Kuo already reached the house while Dennis and F.D reached their destinations.

Dennis and F.D decided to stand on a higher point to see the view from the city to the beach as their eyes started to illuminate a bit red. They were holding on to their weapons as they for saw a fight.

"Don't trust no one... Not even your friends right now." Dennis and F.D told to themselves when they suddenly jumped after a bunch of shadows appeared.

"F we may have a problem here, the ns are taking action." Dennis was talking to F.D with built in com-device on his glasses.

"Yea, they just showed up on the shore for a reunion..." F.D responded to Dennis while pointing his lance at someone.

"Just eliminate them no matter what it takes," Dennis gave out the order and Neko D and heartless acted and whipped them out in an instant.

"Taking the fun out of it, damn it."

F.D checked the coast, but he was unaware that the ship was to raise up by itself. While Dennis was looking in the stadium, he found three weird keys that were too dangerous.

"Why must this happen this year... I hope that my other half was able to complete the task... because this seems to be its results."

Dennis grabbed the keys and headed outside.


Some were calling out for him. He turned around and waved, but he felt something wrong.

"Did you two tailed me here?" Dennis had to ask since it was hard to understand how they were able to keep up the pace.

"Doesn't matter, we need to act quickly before Kuo tells X what you're doing!" Claire said while she was ready to call out her weapon.

"Oh... so that explains it, thank you for warning me but its bit too late, I promise that will fix this in no time." Dennis approached Claire and gave her a kiss on her forehead.

She didn't know what to say as he walked away to regroup with his future self.

"Wait! Let me go with you!!" Claire's words managed to stop Dennis in time.

He turned around with a sad look on his face.

"I promise I'll be back, also please stop Maita from protecting me..."

Heartless showed up and grabbed Dennis hand and took him away. Claire was left in tears that even Nidializ couldn't calm her down.

"We need to head back now." Nidializ said while looking at the time.

"By every two hours a day passes by... but it moved quickly. My phone says that we are in the 10th of July."

Everyone got shocked that they are running out of time. Meanwhile Maita and Dark were still fighting, Dark was able to calm down by her lack of energy and Maita was too tired to keep fighting.

"Let's call it even ok?" Dark was already giving up and gave a hand to Maita to help her up. "I agree... but we need to go now." Maita grabbed Dark's hand and carried her in her arms.

"H-hey! Put me down!" Dark was getting a bit angry by Maita carrying her back to the house.

Meanwhile, F.D was waiting for the ship to elevate while Dennis was on his way.

"Man... I wish I had some drinks to kill some time, but I wonder how the girls are doing back at home..."

From the moment of a silent solitude along with Neko D they turned around to notice a red-haired girl walking towards them.

"Wait a minute, Nautic is that you?" F.D could recognize the person by their looks and composure.

"How did you recognize it was me?" Nautic asked out of curiosity.

"Well... you looked like you were looking for Dennis and your dressed like in the old days, but your body didn't go thru changes so I'm a bit surprised to see you in showing off a little." F.D continued to look at the sea while avoiding eye contact with Nautic.

"Oh... I haven't heard something like that for over a year now... How's the family going for you?" Nautic sat down while she got a hold on Neko D, bring him closer to her body.

"You mean mine or his?" F.D had to ask since there was a difference with time.

"Oh, I was referring to his, I'm sorry for the confusion."

"Nah its alright, Dennis just lost a bit of his memories, that's all... I'm sure he will remember of the kids once this gets settled."

F.D stand up after seeing the ship finally raising. Dennis showed up with Heartless, prepared to take care of the situation once and for all. "All right guys, lets show them what we can do!"


Dennis was able to motivate those who are around him as they are prepared for the final standoff against the dark moon.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

DjxCarmacreators' thoughts