
Back to the Celestian Kingdom

Meanwhile, at the Celestian Kingdom. Every thing was a normal day besides the crisis from Retronia. While Dennis and his team where on their way with the ruler of the Retronia Kingdom 'Sally' thing where about to get out of hand.

Back at the house. Dwight, Owen and Donte were bored. They just starred at the screen until someone knocked on the door. Owen was the first to notice and looked at the door.

"Who is it!!?"

Owen asked by yelling. No one responded, but someone kept knocking on the door. It even caught the attention of Dwight and Donte.

"I'll get it!"

Donte said. He was the closest to the door. He then stood up from the couch and went to open the door. When he opened the door. Donte saw it was the youngest of the kids and it was none other than Niza.

"Hello, mister. Is my dad around?"

"Your dad?"

Donte asked. It confused him since he was trying to figure out who's Niza dad was. Owen then got up and went to the kitchen. And on his way, he told Donte who was Niza's dad.

"She means Dennis. I don't know where he even is right now. Even as well for Nidializ, Claire and even Dj."

Owen said. He then entered the kitchen to make some food.

"Hmm... Then can you guys help me? I have something to give to the gramma."

Niza said. The boys then got confused and wondered who she was calling gramma.

"She is at that castle over there!"

Niza then pointed out over at Celeste's castle. Donte then pulled out his phone and was calling Dennis.

Meanwhile, on the ship. Dennis was piloting the ship, and he set it up to auto pilot the moment his phone was wringing.

"Hello, this is Dennis speaking."

"Dennis, where you at, bro? Your... Daughter is looking for you and she wants us to deliver something to her gramma."

"Really? Dude, can you handle that for me? I am right now on my way back, and it's going to take like about a day to get back."

"What do you mean a day to get back!?"

Donte yelled at Dennis since he didn't understand why is Dennis taking long to get back. Dennis then ended the call and messed around the ship that activated the camera and it was linked to the screen in the living room.


Dennis yelled out Donte and he turned around. He then saw Dennis on the ship and Nidializ entered the pilot room with a piece of paper for Dennis.

"Wait, so you guys are on your way back?"


Dennis and Nidializ said. Then Niza entered and waved at Nidializ and Dennis. They then did the same.

"Okay, I guess we can take her to her gramma. Who even is her gramma, anyway?"

Donte asked. Dennis didn't want to say anything, and the camera lost connection. It then said offline in all caps with the color red.

"Ok, that shouldn't be happening..."

Dennis said. He then took the paper that Nidializ wanted to him to check while trying to monitor everything from the sky.

Meanwhile. Niza and Donte then stood outside and were waiting for Dwight and Owen. It took them about 10 minutes before they get out.

"What are you two wearing?"

Donte asked. Owen and Dwight were wearing sunglasses and were dressed almost the same as Dennis, but the only difference was the colors. Dwight was using a dark green shirt while Owen was wearing a purple shirt. But they had their coats in hands.

"Hey, we got to keep it in style. Now lets go."

Dwight said. They then headed out to go to the castle. On their way, they ended up passing by the woods near Sara's house.

"Hey, who lives here, by the way?"

Donte asked. Sara's house caught his interest and wanted to know more about the person. But while passing by, they saw Flora working on a flower garden while seeing another girl tend to the animals.

"Hey Flora!!"

Niza said. Flora then noticed her Niza and started waiving slowly because of the boys. Niza then went walking on the water and the boys got impressed.

"Wait what!?"

They all said. They then tried to walk on the water, but they sank the moment they had a foot in.

"Do you three need some help?"

Flora asked. Owen then got out and pulled Dwight and Donte out of the water.

"We good, we just helping Niza out by delivering something."

Owen said. He then started looking around and saw something moving around the bushes.

"Um... What exactly is this place?"

Owen asked.

"Oh yeah, you never went far from the house. This is um... Sara's house, and it is near the dark oaks woods."

Dwight said. Then their eyes glowed. Purple for Owen, and dark green for Dwight. Donte, however, was not affected and took notice of what was going on with his friends.

"You three get inside the house!!"

Donte said. The girls listened to him, and they went inside the house. Once they got inside, Donte pulled out a knife that was colored in black and red. He then stood silent and was paying attention to his surroundings until he felt something coming from above him. When he looked up, he saw that it was the same girl that he met on the dark oak tree.

"Oh, its just you."

Donte said. Then a girl dressed in a black robe jumped down from a tree branch.

"You are no fun..."

The girl said. Donte then waves at everyone that was inside and they got out. He as well as snapped Owen and Dwight back to their senses.

"What just happened to us?"

Owen and Dwight asked and looked at each other until they saw Donte, that had a knife out. They as well noticed the girl beside Donte and she vanished.

"Dennis can explain."

Donte said. After Niza got back to the boys. They all quickly departed to visit Celeste.

A few hours later...

The group ended up in the main entrance of the castle and they encountered the guards blocking their entrance.

"Pardon me, but can you let us through? We want to visit Celeste."

Niza said. The guards then stood their guard and blocked the entrance. Owen then took a deep breath and pulled out his phone.

"What are you doing?"

The guard asked.

"Calling Dennis."

Owen said. After the guards heard Owen say Dennis's name. They then allowed entry into the castle. With nothing else to be said. They went in and found Celeste on her throne.


Niza yelled. She then went to Celeste and sat on her lap.

"Niza, it's been a long time! How's your family doing?"

"Well... Dad said he will come back tomorrow and I hope that mom comes back as well. My big brother and sister are working on something for dad."

"Wait, did you say he will come back tomorrow?"

Niza nodded at Celeste. She then saw the boys looking away to avoid any confrontation with a royal.

"I see..."

"Also, I brought this to you. It was supposed to be for my dad, but you can read it instead and inform him."

Niza said. She then got off Celeste's lap and regrouped with the boys. Celeste then opened the letter, and she was already panicking from having a first look on it.

"Niza... Do you know where your father is right now...?"

"He is on his way back."

Niza said. Celeste then dropped the letter and grabbed her staff.

"Thank you for coming today and if all excuse me I'm going to have a word with Dennis..."

Celeste said. Everyone else then left and Celeste hit the floor with the bottom part of her staff twice, and an orb that was on top of the staff began to shine. It then teleported Celeste away.