
A nightmare of the light

{Dennis POV}

As me and my friends headed out. We encountered a weird phenomenon occurring outside of the building. A powerful light was descending, everyone that took notice of it couldn't stop starring.

"What is that?" Nidializ asked.

"I can't tell... Its to bright." Claire said.

Me and Dj said nothing. My left eye glowed while Dj's eyes glowed as well. We both could see what was beyond the light. And it meant trouble for us all.

"Dennis, is that the same ns that we encountered on the Nightmare tower?" Dj asked.

"I think I forgot its name... But yea. That is one of the ns that we encountered." I said to Dj.

We could only see a man wearing a black robe, while Claire and Nidializ could only see a light dropping on us. Something must be done, and I was the only one with a plan for this. I pointed my left hand at the sky, getting ready for what may come next.

"Dj, this may sound late, but I need you to use magic with me. It is the only way."

"Hmm... I don't remember on how to use earth magic but.... I can use fire or you want to twin spell?"

"Combo." I said to Dj.

Dj then stood on my left and pointed at the sky. We were both ready for a countermeasure for the incoming ns. No one else could see us. But if this keeps up, everyone would be blind to their entire life.

"Black ice!!"

"Fire ball!!"

As me and Dj released our magic at the ns. We saw both our spells combine. Dj's fire ball covered my black ice, and it was going straight at the ns. But it had no effect. It vanished once it got close and became one with the light.

"Any back up plans?"

Dj asked. I then began thinking while getting into position. The only thing that came in mind was to take it head on, but it would be suicided. At this point, I would rather take my chances.

"Dj, go to the 20th floor and get ready on my signal. I am going to do something risky..."

I said to Dj. I then covered my face using my left hand and my body was being consumed by my own shadow.

"But what about Claire and Nidializ?"

"They are already in a trance... Now go."

Dj went into the building and headed to the 20th floor. Now it was me and the ns until I give Dj the signal.

"Now let's dance!!!"

I said out loud. My body then got covered by a small black wind, giving me the ability to fly for a small period of time. Then it levitated me, reaching the second floor of the building. And finally, it sent towards the light to face the ns. It was too bright, but I can still see the ns.

"I wonder how will it attack.... Will it send a concentrated light beam or an energy ball?"

I said to myself. Then I noticed that the ns was preparing for an attack. I placed my left hand in the way and it over casted an extra shadow. During that time, Dj made it to the 20th floor and saw me thru the window.


Dj yelled out my name and I used my right hand to give the signal by casting a black fire ball. He then jumped out the window with an iron ball in his hand and tossed it at the ns with full strength. I charged in behind the iron ball, using it as an extra shield. The iron ball reflected the light, and I took advantage of it. Once I got close, my shadow got bigger and touched the ns.

"Got you!!"

I said to the ns. Then my shadow tossed the ns to the ground, and it broke everyone's trance.

"What in the world happen?"

Claire said. She then looked at Nidializ confused and was looking around for me and Dj. She then saw a shadow slowly shrinking and looked up. Me and Dj where falling, but we landed on our feet and didn't receive any shock damage.

"Um... Can one of you two explain what was going on for the past twenty minutes?"

Claire asked. Me and Dj then pointed at a humanoid figure at the ground that was the ns. She then looked at it and called out her weapon and took aim. I then lowered her weapon down and shook my head at her.

"Let Nidializ take care of it."

Once I said her name. Nidializ quickly went on to kill mode and called out her weapon. Next thing we knew was that she ended the life of the ns in an instance. There was no blood on her weapon. She then went back to normal and was confused about her own actions.

"Did you teach her how to do that?"

Dj asked me. I then recalled the time we trained on our sparing match with Obliviona and Crimsonia, but I never teach her on how to activate an instant kill mode.

"That was not me..."

I said to Dj. We then just decided to let it slide for now and keep it going. On our way towards the location. We came across a coffee shop. Dj pointed out that the ns was standing in front of the clothing store. It never occurred them why would it do it, but if it was me... I would have been looking at a video game store.

I then stood in front of the clothing store and thought out loud on where I would go if I do this.

"Ok... If I was standing in front of the clothing store... I would head towards an exit point heading towards an alleyway to be at the other side of town. Then from that point on head to the park that has a pathway to a meetup point near a district."

"Then should we do all that?"

Nidializ asked me.

"No, that path was to lose somebody if I was being followed. The actual path was to double back once I lost my follower and head in the opposite direction that would be near the actual video game store and head towards that alleyway that leads to the build that is under construction nearby."

I said to my friends. They were in shock while understanding everything that I said.

"Then what was the point of doing a recon mission and trying to capture him?"

Claire asked.

"To see if you guys can understand how it would act and figure out from that point on what would be my next move and right now. I would have been waiting at the top of the construction building for about 48 hours and still counting."

It was already clear on the location that we should be heading. We all took the path that I previously mentioned and ended up at the construction site. From here on out, it is a matter of life and death situation that we may face. But something didn't feel right.

"No welcoming party?"

I asked. It was weird that there was no ambush or no one in sight to welcome us.

"Dennis, what are the chances that we can win against Rampage?"

Nidializ asked.

"If I have to say... About 50/50. Why you ask?"

"Because she is standing up their without a care in the world."

I then took notice of Rampage. She seemed lost and disappointed. But deep down, she was angry and wanted to cause harm.

"You four have a lot of nerves to be coming after him... But it won't matter once you are all dead!!"

And there it is. Rampage's angry side came out with hostility and a threat to us all. As my friends called out their weapons. I just stood back and felt that something wasn't right. And once I looked at the sky. It all became clear to me.

"You better be careful with your words... Otherwise it will come back to get you."

I said to Rampage. Then Obliviona forced herself to appear from her own free will. She then placed her hands over my shoulders and turned herself into her weapon form.

"Then say your prayers!!"

Rampage then released a dark red energy pulse that gave her extra power. She then laughed while her left hand turned into a mini-gun while her right hand turned into a blade. She finally jumped towards us that started the fight.

If you have questions on what direction the story should be going. Leave a comment, share and mark this book into your collections so you won’t miss out on the latest updates and chapters. Hope you all enjoy reading!!

DjxCarmacreators' thoughts