
A new training regime: afternoon

As Dennis and Nidializ had a plan. They both got into position to take on Obliviona and Crimsonia.

[Dennis] "I'll take on my weapon you take on yours."

[Nidializ] "Right!"

They both called out a copy of their weapons since it's the only thing that they can use. Dennis pointed out at Obliviona since he was still eager for a fight, but at the same time, he worried for Nidializ since he is not sure if she has enough experience for combat. But this gave Obliviona and Crimsonia an advantage point. They both looked at each other and nodded as they read each other's mind. They both went charging at Nidializ with their weapons in hands. Dennis took notice and saw Nidializ that was frozen in fear. He quickly acted and stood in the way to take on a direct hit for his friend.

[Nidializ] "D-dennis!?!"

[Dennis] "This is no time to be scared!"

[Nidializ] "B-but!"

Nidializ then saw Dennis injured by Obliviona and Crimsonia. Their swords pierced Dennis shoulders. As they injured Dennis from protecting his friend, he lost a small amount of blood. He then looked over at Nidializ with a big smile that said they can do this. With such a smile, it gave Nidializ enough confidence to step up and fight. She got a hold of her sword and targeted Crimsonia that was to Dennis's right side. Crimsonia pulled out her blade out of Dennis's shoulder to block Nidializ's hit, but Nidializ was agile. She used her size to sneak past Crimsonia's guard, landed a direct hit that sent her far to her side of the field.

[Crimsonia] "Not bad for your first hit, but can you keep up?"

Crimsonia then charged up an attack. Nidializ took notice and did the same. As she could clearly see, it was the move she learned during her trained but it was more improved. Nidializ was holding her weapon as she didn't unsheathe it, then got into position as she was going for a quick charge. And used a new move of her own.

Meanwhile, Dennis got stuck with Obliviona. He was thinking of away of escape, but he knew that there was only one way. He then looked straight into Obliviona's eyes as his left eye glowed and kept glowing that it made his body build more power. Dennis then grabbed Obliviona's blade and pulled it out of his shoulder.

[Obliviona] "Oh? So your finally showing me your strength? The allow me to show you my all..."

Obliviona gave a quick jump back to cover some distance to get ready. As her eyes glowed silver. It made Dennis realize he shouldn't underestimate his opponent. But it gave him more courage to keep on fighting. Dennis got in position and was holding his blade all the way up.

[Dennis] "Don't you dare hold back on me now!!"

[Obliviona] "I can say the same to you!!"

As Dennis and Obliviona where getting ready to unleash their attacks. Nidializ and Crimsonia went ahead on their fight once they finished charging up.

[Crimsonia] "Crimson slash!!"

Crimsonia sliced the air as it sent a massive energy slash at Nidializ. But she was prepared to counter it with her move.

[Nidializ] "Arial slash!!"

Nidializ unsheathed her sword and immediately cut the air upward. As Crimsonia's attack collided with Nidializ, it pushed her back because of the blast. Crimsonia attacked Nidializ. As she was approaching for a clean hit, Dennis that came out of nowhere blocked her attack. The Obliviona went in and took Dennis with her as she grabbed on to Dennis collar.

Nidializ saw this moment as an opening and hit Crimsonia with the same move. As for Dennis and Obliviona. They kept clashing their swords all over the place. From above, to the ground, even on the walls. It became a high-speed chase over by the field. Dennis stopped on the ground for a second to rest, but he putted his guard up once Obliviona came in for a hit. Then the chase began once again. Crimsonia and Nidializ took notice of this and couldn't believe how fast they were going.

[Crimsonia] "I have never seen someone keep up with the boss for the longest time."

[Nidializ] "Neither has Dennis, he hasn't been this serious since back at our world..."

They then looked at each other and went at it again, but it was a back-to-back strike that was at a standstill since none of them weren't able to get past each other's guards.

[Dennis] "Nidializ!! Catch!!"

Dennis stopped mid air and threw his weapon at Nidializ. She then gave one counter at Crimsonia that didn't let her move. Nidializ took this opportunity and jumped to catch Dennis's sword. But she felt that someone was coming right at her as a bullet, and it was Obliviona that used the wall to her advantage and launched herself at Nidializ. Dennis took notice and cast a black fire ball and sent it at Obliviona.

[Obliviona] "What the-!?!"

Obliviona didn't have time to react properly to Dennis's attack, but Crimsonia recovered in time and appeared in front of Obliviona and sliced the fireball in half. They all landed on the ground to recover their breath. But the longer the fight goes on, the more tired they will all be.

[Obliviona] "Here, you can use it for now."

Obliviona was lending her weapon to Crimsonia so that she can fight on an equal level as Nidializ. But she refused since she had it covered. Crimsonia then pulled out five of the rest of her swords and pointed it at Nidializ.

[Dennis] "Guess this is half stretch... Nidializ, do you think you can keep up the phase?"

[Nidializ] "Heck yea!"

[Dennis] "Alright then lets go all out!!"

Dennis got himself in position and cast both black elements that he can use. Nidializ got herself ready and charged in with her sword in her right hand and Dennis's sword in her left hand.

[Crimsonia] "You need to try harder than that!"

Crimsonia went onto Nidializ and clashed swords with her that made them go all over the field as Dennis and Obliviona moments ago.

[Obliviona] "Guess I can take this off..."

Obliviona unzipped the coat she took from Dennis and tossed it at the ground. Dennis got into a defensive position as she saw Obliviona was wearing gym clothing.

[Dennis] "This is going to be along day..."

Dennis clapped his hands once and made a fist with his right hand and ran towards Obliviona. Obliviona laughed and formed a fist with her right hand and went towards Dennis. As both made contact, it unleashed a burst of power. As Nidializ and Crimsonia went all over the place, they took notice of their friends taking on each other head on with their fists.

And as the fight kept going, Nidializ was the first to get tired. She stopped right in the center of the field and Crimsonia ended up behind her. Crimsonia grabbed Nidializ by her coat and placed her outside the field.

[Nidializ] "No fair!!"

[Crimsonia] "Sorry, but you are already at your limit, if you kept fighting for even one more minute you could have passed out."

Nidializ got angry at Crimsonia. She then crossed her arms and sat next to Nix on the bench.

[Crimsonia] "Now, let's get se-"

Crimsonia got cut off from speaking. She got kicked right in the face by Dennis and cleared the dust out of his hands.

[Dennis] "That takes care of that."

Crimsonia then quickly got back up was going to jump at Dennis, but Obliviona stopped her that was placing her hand in the way.

[Crimsonia] "What is the meaning of this!?"

[Obliviona] "Just sit back, relax and enjoy the show. You are standing in the way of us to go completely all out. Also, you didn't let someone even have a taste of reaching their limits."

After Crimsonia heard Obliviona. She then realized what she had done. She stopped Nidializ since she didn't want her to get hurt, but Nidializ was trying so hard to see how well she could fight. Crimsonia felt sorry and apologized to Nidializ.

And before the fight could continue. Dennis picked up his coat and tossed it to Nidializ. He snapped both his fingers and pointed at Nidializ. Telling her to keep a close look at his coat.

[Obliviona] "Anything else before we end this?"

[Dennis] "Yea... Let me just take this off for a moment..."

Dennis took off his glasses. He tossed them at Nix that examined them once she got a hold of them. Then Dennis took off his shirt. His body was heating up from all the fighting. Everyone got amazed at how Dennis's body was right now.

[Obliviona] "Extremely fit... good shaped muscle... and no trace of hair!?! What in the world have you been doing!?!?!"

[Dennis] "Ever since I woke up in the hospital, I notice that my body was changing. By every passing day, I have lost weight and gained strength, speed and power. Now come at me!"

After Obliviona heard Dennis. She then extended her right arm and activated her limit break. Her body was being covered by a light that had white, black and gray. Dennis took notice and figured out that Obliviona was using her self power of the void. He had no choice except to take her on. As he took one step, Obliviona saw a spark of lighting on Dennis's feet.

[Obliviona] "(Did he just do what I think he did? Probably my imagination.)"

Obliviona then charged at Dennis with her right fist prepared. As she had her fist near Dennis's face, face, he quickly dogged it and landed a kick on her back. She quickly got up and charged in with another fist. Dennis ended up blocking to measure the amount of power that she was using, but he then realized that was using a power that exceeded his own defense that sent him to the wall. As Dennis crashed on the wall, his body became unresponsive. Time moved slowly around him, giving Dennis enough time to elaborate a counter attack.

[Dennis] "(Alright Dennis, think... She can use the power of the void while we can only use is our eye and magic, we can't use the powers of the other at this rate... unless... Bingo...)"

Dennis said to himself in his mind. He then was standing on the wall and was looking straight at Obliviona, with only his left eye open while his left eye was closed. Dennis was ready to finish this fight with the next few moves he had remaining. As he clashed his fist together. Both of his fist got ignited with black flames. He then pointed his left fist at Obliviona and jumped off the wall to get back in the field.

[Dennis] "This ends here!!"

Dennis then ran towards Obliviona. She was intending to block Dennis's attack, but she underestimated him after she saw Dennis smirk at her. He immediately vanished and ended behind her with his right fist ready. Dennis punched the floor that released his new move called blaze inferno. As the black flames surrounded and covered Obliviona. There was one more move on that Dennis had in stored to finish this fight as Obliviona was taking on the heat.

[Dennis] "Black ice spiral!!"

Dennis then punched his previous attack with his left fist. It ended up freezing the black flames. He then called out his sword and sliced the ice. As the ice was braking, they all saw Obliviona unconscious on the ground. But she quickly recovered from the attack and went towards Dennis.

[Obliviona] "Dam, Dennis. I didn't know that you were that strong. Let's fight again soon."

[Dennis] "Yea! And you better not hold back at the start!"

They both laughed it up and ended up passing out on the ground. Nidializ and Crimsonia got worried, and Nix allowed them to take them to the hospital.

I must say that I have given it my all in this chapter. Its been a while since posting an almost 2k word chapter.

DjxCarmacreators' thoughts