

Ginnan looked at his cell phone which was on the nightstand. He blinked, trying to reach the difference, but instead dropped it to the floor.



A female voice that Ginnan knew very well.

"Y-Yuki-chan?" mumbled Ginnan. He tried to get up, but couldn't even sit up. His hands just reached for the air. And he gave up until Renji came back with a tray of porridge.


Renji picked it up from the floor.

"Yeah," Ginnan nodded slightly. "He hasn't called since I was sick in the flat," he said. "But, I don't know. Can I pick it up?"

Renji turned it off instead, "No. Until you have dinner first," he said. Then return the phone to the locked drawer. Unlucky. Ginnan felt a strong jealous aura floating in the air.

"Ugh, okay," he said. "But get it again after this?"
