
Gateway Chronicles: The Ballencoo Arch

Sunny O'Neil is brokenhearted. Sent to Ireland to stay with her great-aunt Fiona to heal and recover only to discover she comes from an ancient line of peacekeepers whose destiny is to protect and defend the people of her world and the world where myths are real!

DaoistI42fqo · 奇幻言情
65 Chs

Chapter Forty-Eight: Gate of Da'ark

 Nicodemus woke well before dawn. He lay studying the woman who sleeping next to him. He had slept soundly for the first time since he was a boy. Fury smiled as he recalled their evening together. She had surprised him! He caressed her shoulder, running his fingertips down her arm. He deliberately drew the covers away to expose her body. He delighted in watching her respond to his touch. 

 Sunny opened her eyes and stretched languidly. Fury chuckled as he heard her invitation. He drew her under him and claimed her! They lay together, each exploring their newfound intimacy. Nicodemus had never experienced this kind of relationship and was both fascinated and eager to satisfy his desire and hers. The realization that Sunny was just as passionate and just as eager was overwhelming to the point he felt fearful of losing her. 

 "What's wrong?" Sunny asked him as she came to sit astride him. This was an exquisite sensation for Fury! Whatever he was concerned about flew from his mind and he was consumed with satisfying her! 

 They slept. When Nicodemus woke he felt something niggling in the back of his mind. Something was not as it should be. He rose, drawing the sheet around him as he went to the window and looked out. It was predawn grey with an unusual fog laying low over the valley. Tara'Nechtan was quiet and the normal activity of the palace seemed too quiet. He heard a stirring behind him, and he turned to Sunny, drawing her in against him and wrapping the sheet around them both. "It's like the quiet before a storm."

 "You feel it too?" He murmured, his lips teasing an earlobe.

 "It seems too quiet," Sunny replied and turned to wrap her arms around him. "This being a palace with lots of people, it should be noise coming from somewhere."

 "I think it is time to return to Ranjai Tor," Nicodemus said.

 "I suppose you'll send me back to my room and I'll have to fantasize about you," Sunny said mournfully.

 Nicodemus laughed and wrapped a finger around a lock of russet hair that lay on her shoulder. "You know I will not be sending anywhere, my little vixen!"

In Ranjai Tor – Nu'Adaian Time 

 As soon as Sunny and Nicodemus returned to the study in Ranjai Tor, he sent Sunny off to rest. She did not protest and went to his room and fell asleep almost instantly. 

 Nicodemus found Falco waiting for him in his study. "Any further word from our friends in the west?"

 "No, Rom," Falco replied. "Will you be dressing for riding, or should I prepare your morning meal?"

 Nicodemus grinned at his steward. "I will see to my dressing, but I will need some food to take with me."

 "And the Daj?" Falco asked.

 "Have Aria see that she rests," Fury told his steward. "She has been taxed enough. When she does wake, let her know I have been called away to attend to a few private matters. She will understand."

 Falco nodded.

 Nicodemus dressed for riding and added light quilted armor and thick leather gauntlets to his arms and tall riding boots that would protect his legs. None of it would protect him from being shot with an arrow or deflecting a sword blow, but hopefully, it would keep him alive long enough to reach safety. 

 He checked in on Sunny and saw that she was blissfully asleep! Fury suddenly did not want to leave her, but he pushed everything away and focused on the task at hand. He needed a fast horse, and he needed weaponry too! Falco would be able to provide both. 

 His steward was waiting downstairs for him. He had packed saddlebags hanging over one arm and in the other hand was a belt with a sword and several short daggers. Silently Fury strapped the belt with the sword and scabbard to his waist, and Falco slipped one sheathed dagger to Fury's right boot, and he handed the other dagger to Nicodemus to tuck inside his tunic. "I have a mount waiting for you, Rom. I believe everything will be to your liking."

 Fury clapped Falco's arm affectionately. "Hold down things here until I get back. I hope not to be gone long."

 Falco nodded. "Safe travels, Rom."

 Nicodemus glanced up toward the rooms where Sunny slept peacefully. He smiled at Falco and gave him a wink and headed out. 

Late Afternoon - Western Border Town 

 The tavern was tucked off on a side street nearly swallowed up by the buildings on each side. It was nondescript and was walled up by wooden latticework that looked as if it had been patched up many times. That was deceptive, the lattice was strips of strong metal and reinforced by several spells that placed a mask of decay to deter closer inspection by the curious man or woman. 

 Nicodemus left his mount with a livery and paid the man a bit extra to ensure his discretion. A bit more coin usually did the trick, and this was no exception. He strolled down the alleyway to the street where the tavern perched. He paused as he spotted several men enter the tavern and then one man came out seemingly to get some fresh air. He stood off to one side of the bolted heavy door and lit his clay pipe, thin thready spirals of blue-grey smoke floated up over his head.

 Nicodemus waited a few minutes more then crossed the road and stepped up on the wooden walkway. The man next to the door glanced over at Nicodemus and nodded. "It has been a quiet day, not even the usual table games are drawing in the usual customers."

 Fury nodded back, "Good day, Drell. It is just my luck," he replied lightly, "But the company upstairs is always congenial."

 Drell chuckled and puffed one more time on his pipe. "Oh, aye, indeed!"

 "Crimson door open?" Nicodemus asked.

 "Aye," answered the man. He popped the spent tobacco ash into his hand and tossed it out into the street where it smoldered faintly and died. "Be sure to stop by on your way out, Rom."

 Fury clapped the man's shoulder as he passed him. "I will," he murmured, "I will."

 Drell watched Fury slip inside and close the door behind him. Once inside, Fury walked down the short hall to an open area and took the stairs up to the first landing. Across from the gallery were three hallways with three bodyguards standing nearby. The middle hall of where Nicodemus was destined to go. 

 He passed without being stopped. He strode down the hallway to the end where a large heavy door painted crimson stood closed and a guard standing in front of it, arms folded, and a scowl frozen on his face. When Fury stopped in front of the guard, he was given a curt nod of acknowledgment and he stepped aside and opened the door to give Fury entrance.

 "Nicodemus, it has been a long time since you have paid us a visit."

 Fury stepped in and the doors closed solidly behind him. He came toward the sound of the feminine voice. The large throne-like chair faced away from the door and the occupant had a large view of the city from the open windows and balcony. He came around to face the woman who lounged in the oversized chair. "Anya, you are looking well, as always."

 Anya was ageless. She was slender with coppery brown skin that had an almost iridescent sheen over her bare shoulders and arms. The gown she wore was sheer and barely hid her nude form. She studied him with luminous black eyes, "Something is different in you Nicodemus. Sit, tell me the purpose of your visit."

 Fury took one of the chairs that was positioned nearest to the throne where Anya sat. "I have become blood-bound to the Daj Sultana, and I need access --,"

 "You are blood-bound to the Daj?" Anya interrupted and leaned forward toward Fury, her eyes going wide in surprise.

 "Yes." He answered as mildly as he could.

 "Then the rumors are true; she is here in Nu'Ada," Anya responded. She studied him closely, reading him. She sat back in her chair. "Something is different in you, are you more than blood-bound to the Daj? She is more to you and you are more to her?"

 "Yes," Fury answered and that pained him to reveal to Anya this information. "There is more."

 Anya looked concerned for a moment. "Then your alliances have also changed. The Crimson Palace may not be of much help to you in this matter. If you were to step back into your role when you were with Li'Bann or even the brotherhood – I might be able to help you."

 "I need to be able to protect the Daj," Fury replied. "I cannot do that if I am closed off from my powers." He leaned toward Anya, "I need my gateways opened."

 "You know the risks as well as those of us who were with you last time," Anya said. "Are you prepared for this?"

 "I will do whatever needs to be done to protect the Daj!" Fury answered.

 "You are hiding from me," Anya said fastening her dark eyes on Fury. "But I will not press you. However, if you wish to be opened and take back your powers all will be revealed to me."

 "I understand," Fury answered. 

 "Very well," Anya said. "Prepare yourself and when you are ready I will begin."

 Fury centered himself and when he had done all he could do to prepare for the onslaught that was to come, he came to kneel at Anya's feet. He bowed and rested his head against her knees. Her delicate hands and long sensitive fingers came to rest on his head, and she proceeded to open his mind. It was invasive, and to a certain degree, painful. He could hide nothing from Anya, and she laid him bare to make certain he was ready. 

 She released him and he sat back on his heels before her, and she brushed the tears from his cheeks. "I understand how hard this will be for you, Nicodemus. It is a noble and honorable task you have set for yourself. It is also a dangerous task. You may not survive, I suggest you confront your feelings and make peace with them before you attempt any Da'ark magicking."

 "Yes," Fury answered softly. "Thank you, Anya. I will rely on your discretion, my enemies and even my friends, must not know."

 She smiled faintly. "I cannot make any promises, but for now your secrets are safe."

 Fury got to his feet, bowed low, and left the way he had come. He strode up the hall and when he got downstairs he searched out the man whom he had greeted at the front of the tavern. He stopped at the bar and laid a single golden coin on the polished bar. "Your business has concluded?" Drell asked as he picked up the coin and deposited it in the till under the bar.

 "It has," Fury answered. "Now let us drink to old times and carefree days!

 Drell nodded his head, poured two drinks into small crystal glasses, slid one toward Fury, picked up the other, and held it up in a toast, "To old times and carefree days!"

 "Sláinte!" Fury returned and they both knocked back the drinks in one gulp. They both continued to drink and reminisce until the sun began to slip behind the mountains in a wash of bright fiery clouds. 

 Fury left the tavern, and he gave Drell a quick hug, slapping his beefy shoulder in affection. "I will see you soon. Take good care of yourself."

 "Tavern life is a relatively safe occupation," Drell responded. "You watch your back, Nico."

 "I shall," Fury responded and slowly strolled up the deserted street toward the main street. He needed a bath and food before he started back to Ranjai Tor. Several establishments offered all the amenities, so he stopped at the first place that was open for business. He walked in and glanced around. There were a few merchants and out-of-towners already tucked into their evening meal. He went through to the back and laid his coin down to rent himself a room for a bath, and he gathered up his basket of bathing items and was met by a woman whose job was to see to his needs while he was bathing.

 He shucked off all his clothing, keeping his tunic and boots close by. The woman took away all his other clothing and he stepped down into the heated bathing pool and sank up to his neck in the hot water. After a few minutes of soaking, the woman came, unbraided his hair, and began to wash and massage his scalp. 

 He exited the bathing room, massaged, oiled, and shaved, and in freshly laundered clothing. The only things that had not been cleaned were his boots and his padded tunic containing several weapons and a few gems sewn into the hem and cuffs. He tipped the woman, and she bobbed a thankful curtsey.

 Fury ate a meal and enjoyed a strong mug of tea. He listened to the chatter and allowed his newly opened powers to emerge. He found nothing out of place. This was good! He finished his drink, left a few extra coins to the serving woman, and left to collect his horse at the livery. When he walked in, that is where he felt the hair on the back of his neck rise in alarm. He slipped into the stall where his horse was busy munching on his bucket of sweet oats. Fury crouched low and then glanced up into the barn rafters. There perched in the deep dusty shadows was a Watcher. 

 Fury snared the creature in a spell, and it crawled down to sit on the rail. "To whom are you attached, Watcher?"

 "I cannot!" the Watcher whispered. "I have been bespelled even before your magic, Rom."

 Fury delved a little deeper and a flash of an image came to the surface of the Watcher's mind. He nodded in understanding and the Watcher quivered in pain until he released his hold over the creature. "Return with this information, Watcher. Nicodemus Fury visited the Drell's Black Tavern for female companionship, drank the evening away, bathed, and ate a good meal, then rode leisurely back to Ranjai Tor. With his being blood-bound to the young Dannan, he can only resist his urges so long before he must satisfy his needs."

 The Watcher nodded then crawled up into the dark rafters to wait for Fury to leave. He could return to his master and make his report and his master would be satisfied. The story was believable, and Fury's reputation was such that the information was more than plausible. Fury led his saddled horse out of the livery, climbed into the saddle, and slowly rode out of town back toward Ranjai Tor. Once he was far enough out of the town he began to cast out to see just how much he had retained and what he needed to work on. 

 He could now fully cloak himself from Sunny and she would not feel the deception. While this disturbed him, it was for her protection – this he told himself to make it right in his mind. He also knew it was not altogether true!