
Gate x-potch

Dev(Lev), the night shade. A man who keeps living after death, but on the third life he needed to do something to retain his life. that is Lasciviousness.

Starstrucks11 · 奇幻
3 Chs


{Alven land, the realm of enchantment and beauty. A place where the ordinary laws of nature bend to the extraordinary. It's a world where the sun paints the sky in hues of lavender and gold, and the moonlight shimmers in a thousand shades of silver.

The air is also filled with the sweet scent of nectar and the melodious whispers of the wind. Combined with the land carpeted with emerald green grass, dotted with flowers of every color imaginable. The trees,huge and ancient, are home to countless species, their wings shimmering like precious gems under the dappled sunlight.}

"Looking at the description on the screen in front, this world is meant for those who have a good heart. Seeing that they practice the ordinary law of nature, it would be hard to live as a hated moles on this world."


How should I turn this to my needs? The type of place I was fitted to. Not a place of questions but a place of domination. The kind of place I was accepted in, and the kind of place I don't have any worry to live in.

Then again, I only make some conclusions base on the description given by my trait "Mirroring" I should look for further information of those living being on this planet. That way, I will know how to slowly crush them...

Mirroring was a trait I got from the combination of purple fire and Unknown butterfly when my body was created by the mysterious being. Solely by awakening it and use it as my vessel, I got it this mirroring for the payment of loosing my abilities to weld the unique power of the blood and servant of the Lilac house. Given that, I still got this...

Mirroring has many form that I can use, one of that is that it was writing something like a novel writing it's own story. Or a part of my story, informing me of what I do not know. And another for was this...

{With a flick of a finger's, three purple butterfly appeared. Fluffing its wing as its circled}

"This three babies are my eyes and ears, and they will be of great help in acquiring information on this new land."

{Lev eyes look at the far distance on the sky, his eyes that look unwavering and mysterious, as he wore a hint of smile.}

"Only time would tell how a plan will commence. Now, I shall wait and watch my babies doing my work. Fufuf"

{Departing from three directions, the three purple butterfly commence, carrying the command of their master. They travel quite the distance till one of them stamble on a watery place.}

Hmm, the sound of water flash, drip, and humming of words. This is... fairies?

{What befall in front of Lev from the screen was full of fairies dancing around with the flap of their wings and has joyful appearance at the top of the pond.}

"I can't believe I was seeing a human size fairy flying around and playing with the water pond decor in primrose flower."

{The memories of childhood couldn't be hidden being remembered from Lev's eyes. It is where the age of the most peaceful time earth has, were kids could play freely outside without the wory of being eaten by monster.}

Now, I couldn't really tell if humans are even different from those monster who killed who. Even if I already know the answer, will I be able to do well? Am I any different what the monster?

"Mother Faelyn, look I did it. I finally know how to dance the step you thought. I did great, right? Right?"

"Yeah, Mimi is a gifted child after all."

"Then do you think I can dance tonight and perform the ritual with everyone?"

"Of course, now MiMi was at the mature age, she could finally choose to participate to any event and rituals.

"Yey, I so happy, Mother Faelyn."

"Of come on, you cute child."

Hmm Hmm

{Lev eyes only focus on the screen, he watch those fairies continue to play around, till the moon shines above.}


{For the first time, Lev received a message of unknown origin. Different from the mirroring trait he had. A message that will greatly change his plan.}

[To you who was looking at the sacred River of Elbe, if you create disturbance to the fairies who were performing the sacred ritual, I won't remain still and will quickly vanish you from this land. So think carefully!]

Did I just received warning? Me? The night shade?

{Sacred River of Elbe, a place of rituals and practices. The homeland of elemental spirit. It is a magical pond that change its appearance. For the day it will illuminate a joyful appearance with primrose flowers decor its surrounding, and for the night it will show a magnificent and free appearance of dance and move, decor in moon flowers.}

"So they were an elemental spirit, huh. Then that explain the different colour of mark on their chest."

If I move now, I will for sure vanish from this land like that message said. I wasn't strong to begin and after my body was created, I was only given 10 days of practice to learn of my trait and lurk around the mountain. Though, I was given time to practice cultivation and awaken my new body, I was still at the starting point of cultivation, gathering of energy.

Right, the current earth has already entered a cultivation time, and those who had preserve the blood of servant user has become one of the unique class they had.

An example of that is my little twin brother who at the age of seven awakened his attributes which is the purple fire, and at the age of nine before we were sent by those freak trainers to enter a gate and acquire actual combat, he had already awaken his servant, which is still in a form of an egg. Sadly, I never got to see it hatch. If I have seen it, for sure it will look just like my cute little brother, Fufuf.

"Haizz, I suddenly feell like eating."

The level of cultivation start from, Qi Gathering Stage, Foundation Establishment Satage, Core Formation Stage, Nascent Soul Stage, Spirit Severing Stage, and Immortal Ascension Stage.

Each stage consists of three phases solely, Early, Middle, and Late phases.

Now, I was still on the middle stage of Qi Gathering and that I couldn't do anything.

But well, I should still advance and see what my action lead me.

"Tomorrow is a good choice..."