
Gate of Immortality

With the sacrifice of his dao body, Samsara emperor has finally opened the gate of reincarnation, yet the secret of eternal life lies behind the door of immortality. Alas, only one strand of divine intent is all remained of him. So for the final task, he has chosen a vengeful soul, from a faraway place called earth..... Yang shi, A ordinary, unlucky, man finally broke when her beloved woman was harassed to death. While couldn't avenge her with his capability, Yang shi made a deal with an unknown entity with the cost of his soul, but he didn't know that a mythical adventure awaits him... " Hey, beautiful lady, why don't you marry me?, what you have a fiance?, Hmph. I will take care of him and his sister." " Hey, are you blind? why the hell you bumped me, Do you wanna die? " Wow, that jade vase is a treasure, will you sell it to me? No? So, I will just steal it from you." " Wait, since when I have become this evil, yes after coming to this world, it seems I have changed." Follow our MC, and see how he tackles his excessive lust, anger, and greed. ....................................................................................................... [ The cover page is not mine. All the credit goes to the artist.]

starry8sword · 玄幻
308 Chs


" Fuck that Fatty." Yang Shi cursed under his breath as he washed his wounds. Still, Yang Shi felt a little uneasy as he killed someone. Till now he had killed three peoples, Young Master Song, Uncle Wang, Fatty Ku. Although they committed heinous crimes, still, Yang Shi has a mortal's mindset. He couldn't accept to be a murderer. While he was absent-minded, an old man reached there with a fishing pole. It seems he came to catch fish.

Yang Shi was started at the sudden appearance of the old man.

" Young Man, it seems You are injured." The old man said, looking at Yang Shi.

" Nah, it's shallow. It will heal in some times." Yang Shi said.

" Ok." Old man nodded and sat there to catch fish.

Yang Shi again lost in thoughts.

The old man asked again," Hmm, You seem a little troubled."

" Yes." Yang Shi answered absent mindedly. Then suddenly asked the old man," Why do you ask?"

" Nothing." The old man replied while concentrating on fishing.

" I...I killed someone." Yang Shi said.

*Cough* The old man suddenly coughed and said," You killed someone?"

" Yes."

Yang Shi couldn't understand, Why did he tell this to an old man. The old man was looked like a mortal, with no cultivation. Even with his old age, there is a healthy glow in his skin. He said with astonishment," Did they committed any evil?"

" Yes, they committed a lot." Yang Shi nodded.

" So, there should be not any problem, right?" The old man said, furrowing his brows.

" But, I killed them. I just...." Yang Shi was a little frustrated.

" Ah, a black crab." The old man shouted. It seems like he didn't hear Yang Shi. A pitch black crab, size of a palm caught the fishing net.

The old man hurriedly caught the crab, But the crab clamped off the flesh of old man with its sharp claws.

*Ouch* The old man hissed as he threw away the crab.

Yang Shi laughed after seeing the scene. " Gramps, You are naive or What?"

" What do you mean?" The old man asked while sucking his wound.

" You should have killed the crab first."

" Oh, my bad." The old man laughed foolishly.

" Heh..." Yang Shi also laughed but suddenly halted as he realized something.

[ You should have killed the crab first......."] The sentence echoed in his mind.

" Yes, That's it. You need to kill them else they will harm you. Although, it seems killing is much, but to them, it is easy as pie. Since they can do it, Why can't I?" Yang Shi pondered on it.

Yang Shi can't stop all the evil in this world. He is no hero or defender of justice. All he needs is power. The power, which is necessary to protect his loved one. Yang Shi had already experienced powerlessness, despair, darkness, When Mei Xian was abused and committed suicide. If not for Samsara Emperor, Young Master Song should be alive and raping girls right now. The Song family should have existed and committed crimes in dark. All needs power. Money is power, High position is power, Having brute strength is power, Intelligence is power. This world has given a second opportunity to Yang Shi, to live again. Yang shi not gonna let it go

[I was alone when I came into this world. So, I'll bear this pain alone. I can only depend on myself in this strange world… and no one else. I'll never depend on anyone else.]

Yang Shi took a deep breath and sat cross-legged. He started to channel his spiritual Qi and began to study it slowly.

Yang Shi finally felt a change taking place in the Niwan Palace(1) within his mind after an indefinite period of time. He then felt a little change in his meridians along with a flush of heat. But, it felt very weak and insignificant; one couldn't feel it unless one monitored every part of the body in a constant manner. The flow of the Qi was thin to the point of being almost non-existent. But, its presence was truly abnormal. It was something rather peculiar.

Yang Shi crazily tried to send manifest his Spiritual Qi outside of his body. Finally, with a crisp sound, a white mist rolled of his palm. Yang Shi opened his eyes and jumped in happiness. He used his mind to control the spiritual energy. Soon the white mist turned to a ball of mist. Yang Shi concentrated more to change the shape of the ball, but is suddenly dispersed in air, like smoke.

Yang Shi felt dizzy as a pang of pain spread in his forehead. " My mental strength is lacking and I don't have any suitable magic art. Damn it." Yang Shi thought as he fell asleep. When he awoke, it was already dark.

" Huh, Where is that old man?" The old man wasn't there.

" I should Thank that Old man." Yang Shi felt elated. Now he can manifest his Spiritual Qi outside of his body. This means Yang Shi now could use magical arts like a true cultivator.

" I can use the Spiritual Qi as I want. Let me see inside of my body." Yang Shi channeled his Qi and saw blood vessels, organs, flesh inside of his body.

When he peered inside of his DanTian, His expression took a great change. He saw quite a number of things are residing there. Normally, all cultivators' DanTian are empty. A treasure can only occupy its space in DanTian, if it has a treasure spirit. But there are five things in his DanTian.

An azure blue Lotus with myriads of petals, A fiery red Lilly with three large petals, Out of three petals, only one petal was brightly lit. Other things are a golden rune and an octagonal Yin-Yang pendant.

"Wait, how does that pendent appeared here?" Yang Shi was greatly surprised. This pendant was something The Old man Tang[2] gave him, in his past life.

" Could it be a treasure?" Yang Shi was mused.

" No wonder, Why Samsara Emperor said that I have a horde of treasures. *Tsk Tsk* He wasn't lying."

Yang Shi filled with satisfaction. Now he felts like he was the main protagonist of this world.

" But this red Lilly..." Yang Shi used his mental strength to peer inside the Lilly. Suddenly, boundless anger and rage, filled his mind

[Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! Slay beings of heaven and earth… and forge a path of blood… l wipe-out the skies… and will obliterate the lands… Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill!]

Yang Shi's eyes turned crimson as he roared like a demon.

[1]Niwan palace is located in the center of the forehead.

[2]Old man Tang is the old man of Chp2, Who shelters Yang Shi and had Martial Arts manual

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