
Gaming Guru's Reincarnation

Q + E + R Demaciaaa!!!! Good job Gare- I mean Timmy. Now Ezio, you have to assassinate thes- Oii wait wait, someone stop these barbarians, they are destroying the buildings too. Where are pyromancers?? Go and support the Golems from behind. Follow the reincarnated Gaming Guru as he sweeps through the world with his army of different champions and troops?? *Contains your favourite gaming characters and heroes references* *This is not a fan-fic, it only draws inspiration from few of the video games* (Main story starts from ch 3, 1&2 are background plot) ____________________________________ Note- This novel is completely set in fantasy world, and any type of real life gaming things are only fictional or co-incidental. Thank you.

Sleepy_Dreamwriter · 奇幻
9 Chs

Undying Rage

Throughout the entire ordeal, Sanu could do nothing but watch everyone fall, one by one. He couldn't do anything when his to be grandpa fell. He could only shout, cry and beg as he saw the guards supposed to protect his mother fall, and when she was concussed and fainted on the ground, he looked into the eyes of the enemies with 3rd PoV skill and muttered.

'I swear it, I swear it you bastards!! If you ever escape alive, I WIL SLAUGHTER EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU AND WHOEVER'S BEHIND YOU.'

*Swoosh* *Pierce*


The spear went through Sara's stomach, piercing him with her, after which an intense pain ran throughout his chest region, like thousands from needles were piercing him in a circle, clouding his rationality and making him gasp inside the stomach. His could sense his consciousness fading away with him being as helpless as ever. But a message from his system changed everything...

[A direct opening to outside is detected!!]

[Congratulations to the host for being born]

[Host has received *1 free boosted champion skill card*]

[Danger detected!! Danger detected!!]

[Host's life force is slipping away, Host is required to select to select a skill to preserve his life quickly]

'I..I need something to live, no som... to kill th...tards. What wa.... skill, my low elo ch..pion. Yes, I ..ve selected, SYSTEM!!'

[The Desired skill has been unlocked, a free passive skill of the desired skill holder's Champion has been gifted. Boosting both the active and passive skills]

Meanwhile, the youngest one among them spoke with sparkly eyes "Big bro, you even sent her child along with her, you are so awesome!! isn't he Le' Zha?"

"He is, now let's kill those two bitches while big brother handles that nature mage class old fart"

"Let's go, haha"

Finishing their discussions, they turned around to walk towards the earth wall, but failed to notice a small bloody hand coming out of the "dead" lady and grasping the spear.

"After all this farce is over, we will disguise ourselves as travellers and escape further inland, or even better to other kingd- Gahhh!!"

The Eldest one bent his head down and saw a spear coming out through his chest, blasting his heart in the process. *Gulp* both Le'Zha and the youngest gulped audibly and started sweating, someone who can do this to their eldest can easily dispatch them too. Fear for the worst, they slowly turned around along with the eldest one and came face to face with a grotesque, bloody and unimaginable scene. Ever their worst fears dwarfed in front of this sight, which sent shivers down their spine.

They saw a small bloody 'creature' coming out of the 'corpse', holding the other end of spear. The 'monster' opened his eyes and instead of any iris or pupil, all it had was blazing red eyes exuding intense bloodlust which gave them chills and goosebumps.

Time seemed to slowly tick by and under 5 seconds, most of the blood dripped down the small creature, falling on the 'dead' lady. They could now make out it's humanoid figure and upon closer inspection on it's shape, size and height, a realisation dawned upon them. Something which sent another round of shivers inside them, no matter how one thinks about it, it's impossible!! A completely outrageous scenario which couldn't happen even in one's wildest dream. But their entire worldview was shattered when they saw a rope like organ attaching it with the 'corpse', seeing which their mouth went agape and their legs started giving out except the eldest who was already dying.

"Uahhhh!!! M..mon..monster!!!!! He..help me!!! Brother!!" *Thud* the youngest pissed in his pants upon seeing the 'monster' and tried to escape but tripped and fell down the ground. Le'Zha fell on ground too and a small runic sphere fell out of his chestpocket without his knowledge and rolled nearby. Instead of noticing it, he shouted "Devil's spawn, it must be a Devil's spawn!! No human can give to such a 'monster'!!"

"Stop babbling you fools *cough cough* can't you see me dying, my heart has already burst *cough cough*. Atleast avenge me you fools, what am I holding the tip of spear for!!! Kill that thing, whatever it is!!!!"

Upon realising that their elder brother was closing on his demise, both somehow gathered strength in their legs and rushed forward to attack that 'creature'. Both did a sharp turn and surrounded it from left and right. Without giving it time to respond to their attacks, they both pierced it's small body with their respective swords, which were as wide as half his upper torso. Both the swords pierced through it's body from opposite sides, *swoosh* and came out from the other side after slashing through both the lungs, heart and whatever it's upper body had under neck. Watching it closing it's eyes, a sense of relief ran through both of them. No matter how strong or outrageous a monster was, a newborn's body which was not even the height of their lower arm barely posed any threat by itself. It even got their big brother by surprise, or they should have killed it without his sacrifice.

They suddenly realised that their eldest brother was dying and it hit them hard enough. Previously due to the sudden appearance of the 'monster', they were too occupied to realise the gravity of their situation. They turned to rush towards their big brother, but froze in their tracks when they saw his expression crumple.

"Nooo, Behind youuuu!!!"


An inhuman roar filled the entire town, heard only by those in the battlefield or those beyond living. Both the brothers felt their senses blaring alarms inside their head, something which they had never sensed throughout their life, a sense of impending doom, their doom. They saw their elder brother on his last breath, with his eyes opened wide and focused on the beast behind them stuttering something through his dying breath, ' r..run'.

A few moments ago, the leader and their eldest brother was rejoicing upon the death of beast which reaped his life. He stood and embraced his end contently upon seeing his killer dead, but the moment it opened it's eyes again and roared, everything seemed to come to an end.

"Nooo, Behind youuuu!!!"


'Why, why did this happened, how can it not even die!! How this monster even came to existence!!

Where did everything went wrong?? from the moment we killed that bitch or when we decided to slaughter this town for supplies and intel. Maybe from the moment we landed here. No, it was surely from our lands, we shouldn't have accepted this mission in the first place, we wouldn't have met this monster if not for all that merit collection!!'

After hearing his monstrous roar, he saw that 'monster' trying to tear apart the spear with both it's tiny lands and somehow gathered all his leftover energy and muttered ''r..run'', *crack..crack* but when he saw cracks appearing throughout the body of the mithril spear, he looked into the blazing eyes of that monster and gave up resisting. 'He he, this world is completely done for. What a monster you gave birth to you damn bitch.'

*crack.. crack* ""Baam"" *splurt*

The spear cracked from the middle and broke into two, but things didn't end with just spear. Since the spear was lodged inside chest, with sheer strength and brutality both parts of spear tore apart their victim from the middle into two uneven bags of meat. Watching their brother blast into heaps of meat they somehow tried running away from the 'monster', but both halves of the spear moved towards them, not horizontally, but diagonally, targeting their heads. *splurt* Both their heads burst apart like watermelon and their bodies fell down the ground. The pathway soaked with the blood of their victims now absorbed their blood which gushed out like a fountain. Le'Zha's body fell down the ground and pushed the runic sphere which had fell earlier away, as it slowly rolled away towards a nearby dark alley, carrying the scene of a 'monster' both of which will one day make the entire continent tremble in their wake, albeit in a different way each.

Somewhere far away, in another realm inside the same world, a lush green forest was filled with creatures beyond mortal's imagination. Be it a rainbow-coloured snake or a cube-shaped bird, all types of animals inhabited this forest, which seemed to stretch beyond eternity with no end in sight. Standing in a remote region were tall trees with orange-coloured barks and leaves, which even bore oranges on their branch. Most of them were surrounding a clear pond, which gave out a calm and serene feeling and under one of such trees, a wolf pup was staring blanky at the pond's surface.

Unlike what one would expect, the water under him wasn't clear like rest of the pond but was showing vast multitude of colours which seem to change every moment. It wasn't just a random mix of colours, but a scene, a live scene showing a man tearing apart into two uneven halves and two people nearby with colour drained from their faces before it burst apart into chunks of flesh, falling down along with their headless bodies. The pup saw the entire fight ending with brutal death of those 3 humans, causing it to shiver in a mix fear and ecstasy.


'Those bastards dared to kill me and my pack? Harrumph!!..serves them right! Now that these invaders are dead, my pack won't be alone to travel afterlife. Sadly, I couldn't accompany them. I never expected for the spirit realm to like my prowess and pride so much that it bought me inside it. But it looks like I still have a reason to exist'.

It looked at the image of the small 'monster', who despite being stabbed and skewered through with 2 swords was standing upright, it's purple eyes showing a profound depth as it looked down upon the chunks of meat with disdain.

'Soul name 'Gaming Guru'? What is guru? Anyways, since you have avenged us and displayed such a powerful plethora of power and might, I shall vow upon my soul name that I will dedicate my entire life to such a powerful existence, whether you might be a human...or a monster.' He bowed and walked away from the pond, looking forward to the future that will unfold.

*Ding* *Ding* *Ding*

Even after hearing successive notifications from system, Sanu didn't budge, he looked towards the earthen wall with hazy eyes as he heard the clash of ongoing battle coming through other side of the wall. He looked towards a particular system notification and said in a hushed voice 'summon 10 barbarians'.

*Swoosh* *Shing*

A golden light shone brightly through the darkness, like the dawn of sun. As soon as it receded, 10 muscular men of 6'2 feet stood in front of him in a horizontal line. Each one if them was blessed with blonde hair and blonde long horseshoe moustache making them seem like 'HulkHogan' is his prime. They were each carrying a sword in their right hand, kneeling and waiting for the first command from their lord.

[10 barbarians's have been summoned]

[Host can order them telepathically]

Seeing the scene in front of him and hearing the system prompt, he smiled and commanded them 'Beyond this wall are two enemies attacking a granny, your task is saving two women hidden inside the walls and that granny from those two and killing them by any means necessary, do not let them escape and if they try to, chase them down till they drop.'

After giving the command, he turned to look at his 'dead' mother. Instead of seeing a bloody hole on her stomach through which he came out, he instead saw a wound getting healed up with a green luminescence slowly. A smile came one the newborn's face as after sensing Sara's eyeballs moving, tears started falling through it's small eyes. He didn't waste a moment and tore apart the cord connecting him with his mother. Suddenly system chimed in..

[Host is detected to be calm, Undying Rage deactivating, using the passive skill Bloodlust to heal host with remaining rage]

[Due to using skill above your body capacity, you will enter a period of rest]

With the sudden notification, his eyes turned hazy and his body started swaying, before his consciousness drifted away, he ordered the nearest barbarian 'Carry me and my mother safely to the those two ladies and granny. After those two humans are killed, round up everyone and hide in the nearby forest and wait for my further orders. I will send someone soon to bring you all, till then survive by yourself..'

With that, he fainted. Before he could hit the ground, the barbarian he ordered picked him up with his mother and followed behind other barbarians who were rushing to chop down those two unlucky brothers, who still had no idea of their other 3 brothers' demise.

How did you like the first skill selected? Trynda reference. And barbarians from Clash of Clans reference!!!

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

Sleepy_Dreamwritercreators' thoughts