
Gaming Guru's Reincarnation

Q + E + R Demaciaaa!!!! Good job Gare- I mean Timmy. Now Ezio, you have to assassinate thes- Oii wait wait, someone stop these barbarians, they are destroying the buildings too. Where are pyromancers?? Go and support the Golems from behind. Follow the reincarnated Gaming Guru as he sweeps through the world with his army of different champions and troops?? *Contains your favourite gaming characters and heroes references* *This is not a fan-fic, it only draws inspiration from few of the video games* (Main story starts from ch 3, 1&2 are background plot) ____________________________________ Note- This novel is completely set in fantasy world, and any type of real life gaming things are only fictional or co-incidental. Thank you.

Sleepy_Dreamwriter · 奇幻
9 Chs

K.O >Game Over<

{Author's note - main story starts from chapter 3, if it's too boring for you, consider skipping there, Enjoy}


(Looks like my game's over huh)

It became harder to breathe with each passing moment, I was already 72, I was breathing shallow, and could feel my senses getting dull. Slowly and steadily, darkness permeated and took over my eyes. Eventually, I stopped breathing completely. And suddenly, in the midst of darkness, scenes displaying my past started to play starting from my childhood.('So it's true...when you die, you whole life plays in your mind once before complete death')

It never had much to display about my early life, no siblings and parents passing away in my teens. But I was quite the hardworking one, not good looking one, but neither a nerd. I was state topper in the exams held for maths opted students, through which I earned my way into the university. I then worked my way into a government job, good pay, good stay, even old age pension. I was your typical common man life. Well, it should have been, if it wasn't for me dying virgin.

In my early days, I was too much of a karma believing guy. I stayed single and virgin, believing that one day, I would find someone destined, someone who will fall in love with me, and I would be her first, as she would be mine (p:s I was a no seal no deal guy), well I found her "almost". As you can guess, the typical heartbreak arc occured, and she left me for a rich one. I fell in love again later, but she one day disappeared with all my money. Sigh...what a hypocrite I was, to fall in love again. And what a fool, who got played again.

And at last, the most exciting part emerged, one which always kept me occupied and was the cherry on top my rotten cake-like life, Video Games!!! Yeahhhahaha!!! Anyways, I was a huge fan and addict of Video games, since they gave me a feeling and sense of freedom. Someone said Freedom?!!??!!!Rahhhh!!!!! (Eagle screeching intensifies). I played many iconic ones, whether it may be Tft, minecraft, Assassin's creed or others. Many of them shut down over the period of time as different new games came through. Well, I played them all the same. I even reached leaderboards on multiple ones, carrying same name in each of them, a nickname my mother gave me when I was young, "Sanu", well, I was also adorned with a title from the fans and public alike 'Gaming Guru'. I only had one longing feeling left before embracing my end, to live through the games like those op mc's I read in novels, well, maybe with my favourite game elements??Maybe huh.....

Now everything looks black, black-grey?? Must be Eigengrau. Well, K.O world

Game Over.....

With that, in the year 2072, inside an advanced and futuristic looking city, inside a massive apartment complex, The "Gaming Guru" kicked the bucket.

And inside his brain, an electron shone. Where even scientists of this era believed that electrons and quarks were the most fundamental particles, an existence of unimaginable energy shone between the actual fundamental particles. A "key", which will embark him on a journey far away.

Hello readers,Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me! And please comment on if you like it or not and if you do like it, add it to collection!!

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