
Games We Play -Shaman

Main world (DxD) Dungeons (GoT, Vanadis, Danmachi) Chaos Incarnate Raynor Valeron sent back to his time as a kid. He was living normally as any weeb would do with a second chance. That's until he saw someone on TV. From here out, his life has spiralled out of control. He unlocked a 'dungeon' and started his grind. Oh, he can't cheat. --- Mc is Neutral Evil, and his magic is Esoteric Shamanism, in other words ritualistic symbolism, including souls, blood magic, and beast taming. He has a partial Game system interface and dungeon, which acts like a doorway to the multiverse --- Tags: Evil Mc, Gore, alot of killing ( I mean alot...he killed over 50k in just 22 chapters, including some important characters), Souls slavery, Hunting, Kingdom building, supernatural, Gods, pillaging of bloodlines, totem magic, pets (Like wolves and Dragons), Harem and wars. Patreon: Patreon.com/DragonsFics Discord: https://discord.com/invite/denoffanfics

Dragon15681 · 漫画同人
43 Chs

Dragging Devil to a Date

After making her look at him, the devil girl sighed in relief after letting her go.

"So straightforward. You get extra points for that. Though I don't know much about you to easily accept such a proposal."

Sona nodded at his words.

"This is why I am here. I…We have four years to decide."

She said that it is serious.

"I would prefer if you accept, I don't wish to be haunted by old devils, and you would live a life of luxury."

"I see. Quite good, but I am a Hunter and a Shaman, I strive in nature, for the past five years I lived in a forest as old as humanity, hunting beasts feral and rare, Well not as rare as I wanted since it appears supernatural is real…and they could have more fanciful ones."

For a second she had a calculating look. It looks quite cute. Raynor even gently poked her cheek.

"You are very cute when you are all serious."

She blushed at him for a second before taking a deep breath.

"It's good, at least I know what you like. I didn't expect a…Shaman…those are a VERY rare class of individuals."

He nodded at her and summoned his Dogo.

Instead of being afraid, she looked at the wolf with a curious look. She could feel some magic coming from him.

"This is Dogo, he is a silly mutt. A house pet."

"That's a wolf… did you name a wolf… a Dog? But with an extra 'O'?"

"Yep, as I said he is a house pet. I have another close to a hundred bloodthirsty wolves who killed a lot of people." He said with a shrug and summoned Deimos and Phobos.

This time Sona took a step back…she felt sheer bloodlust… from these two killing machines!!!

He then quickly unsummon all three.

"As you can see I am Beast Tamer, as well. My dragon is still growing but soon I will have a mount."

"...A…A dragon?"

"Yep, well they are more like blood magic altered Drakes by a 6000 thousand-year-old civilization of Blood mages."

"...Hold it. Can I learn about this from the beginning to the end?" She was drowning in information!

For a moment he thought about it.

"Sure. Date it is then. Let's get home and change and then we can explore the town and talk."

'He is so straightforward… and confident. Whatever happened to him has truly changed who he is. Still…he is still the same smart guy who beat me. Maybe this way is better? His previous self was quite a loner, he only hung around with his blond friend.'

As Sona was thinking Raynor wrapped his hand around her and started to lead her. This made her slightly blush…

'He is not holding back at all!'


On top of the largest building In this small town, a black-haired girl with twin tails and dressed in a magic girl uniform was looking at how her darling little sister was talking with her Fiance.

She was one of the four Satans of the Underworld. Serafall Leviathan, before her Ascension as Satan, her name was known as Serafall Sitri.

Though now her eyebrows were twitching as she looked at how smoothly this…questionable guy was around Sona!

The Leviathan was in this town as long as her baby sister! Well, not the whole time but she was around long enough to understand this guy!

Now the change was monumental for him! She could even feel blood radiating from him, some Godly essence, and other things like souls…a lot of souls… he did some serious magic…

Overnight such a thing is simply impossible. This means something has happened to him!


Sona was…horrified, baffled, and even terrified of what Raynor could do.

She knows he is smart, her chess match has proved that. So, the Devil girl wondered what he did in this world where he was spirited away.

The obvious answer is that he has changed. He hardened himself for such a dark medieval world.

Though she never expected he would face odds of 100 to 10000, and destroy castles, and cities… he said all that in a casual tone.

'By the Satans…I need to be careful, I don't want him to go on a killing spree!'

Another thing she is curious about is how well his magic works against someone from this world.

After having some small snacks in a coffee shop in the town, the Sitri Heiress wanted to figure out his fight strength.

"How about we spar? I do want to know how well you do against a High-Class Devil."

"Hmm? Are you sure? I don't want to hurt you for no reason." He genuinely said that he can hurt her which made her have two different sets of emotions. One is that she is touched by his care, and another one is that she is slightly annoyed that he has no idea how dangerous a Devil can be.

"Don't worry. I am quite capable."

"If my future Princess says so. Then let's do it."

Once again she flustered hearing him call her like that. Though she quickly controlled herself.

She took him away to a small park next to the river.

"Don't mind the ground. I will fix it if you destroy it."

As Sona said that she waited for his move.

Though she quickly noticed how the air got seriously thick. At that moment she witnessed a Native American totem manifest behind him. It was a ghostly thing. The wolf totem glowed and a wolf howl spread through the grounds.

Next moment Raynor was in front of her and a fist went at her!

'He is Fast!'

Sona that moment created a wall of water to block her but he went through her water like it doesn't exist!



"I killed you once. Let's continue to see how far you can go." After saying that he took some distance once again.

His words made her get serious and anxious. Would she truly die? But how?

She then saw a white knife in his other hand. She didn't even see it until now!

"A simple knife won't kill me!"

As she said that she shot several balls of water but they all were shredded by these knives!

"...What are those…how did my magic get cancelled by them!?"

"My ivory knives are made from boar tusks which are hunted down and processed by me. Symbolistic hunting Rituals are involved in all of its processes.

Any of my actions as a hunter involves magic rituals. You are fighting several days' worth of magic processing involved in a hunted beast.

On top of that, I am channelling anti-Element magic. This makes you defenceless in front of me." As he said that he moved. Leaving a small trail of dust clouds as he was in front of her once again.

Another ivory knife was in front of her neck.

"This makes it two."

Sona slightly gulped down.

"...You are good. We can leave this at that."

He swirled his knife before storing it away somewhere.

"Smart girl."

At that moment that stiff air settled down and she could breathe calmly.

This was the sheer difference between someone who fought in several wars and who didn't.

"...This magic…what is it? It went through my magic like it doesn't exist."

The black-haired devil girl said that with some awe. She never experienced anything like that!

"In the world where I was, existed something called the Age of Heroes. In that age existed a man who successfully courted a daughter of two gods. A goddess in her own right. She has chosen to abandon her godhood to live with this man. But her Godly parents didn't like this so they would destroy every single castle he built. In that grief, he developed magic to counter the forces of nature and the gods themselves."

"... That's some grief…"

"Tell me about it. The guy's descendants even after 8000 thousand years STILL have that trait the moment they are furious they do some crazy things. The last one which I killed myself rebelled against a continent-size Kingdom and was victorious and became its King."


"For a woman."

"Did he get her in the end?" This kind of sounded like a fairy tale…

"No she died from childbirth, the child's father raped her because of some prophecy. That's why the other one rebelled."


'Not a fairy tale…nope! That's one gory world.'

'Though…this reminds me…' Sona that moment tried to think. She heard something similar before.

"Yes. Well, the magic is quite esoteric. But they are good at their appropriate uses."

His words brought her back from her thoughts.

"Yes. Thank you for agreeing to spar with me."

As she said that she summoned her magic circles and started to fix the surroundings while Raynor in the process collected his Ivory daggers.

After doing all that It was time to go home and process what she learned.


"I will take you home."

She was about to say no but a single look from him made her nod at him.

The Devil girl understood who would be wearing pants in this relationship. Honestly, she doesn't have the guts to say no to him!


As Sona returned to her home, she closed the door behind her and leaned against it.

She sighed deeply.


The Heiress stiffed hearing her older sister's voice. This was…expected.

"Sister… what are you doing here?" As Sona said that she walked into the living room. She saw her sister lazing on the couch while reading some sort of manga.

"Are you saying I can't visit my darling So-tan!?"

"You are Satan Leviathan… I am pretty sure you are busy with something?"

"Even if I am, I have time for my So-tan!"

"If you say so." The Younger Sitri sighed in defeat. This is so annoying with her big sister watching her every move.

"...Your Fiance…what happened to him."

This made the younger girl turn stiff when she heard how serious Serafall was.

"He was spirited away for five years. It's hard to believe—"

"No. It's not. My magic senses are trained more than they are yours. I have faced a few…questionable devils before. What I sensed from your fiance… is blood, souls…nature…Godly essence…"


"Hmmm…yes…hard to tell, but I did pick some of it."

"I see…"

"What are you going to do with him?" Serafall asked very curiously. Her actions depend on what her baby sister will tell.

"I will continue what I started."

The Leviathan puffed her cheeks like a hamster.

"...You do know he killed a lot of people…to have this many souls around him…"

"He is a Shaman and a Hunter. Sister, I watched him the whole day. He has the mentality of a Predator. He beat up some arrogant brats. But didn't kill them. So he does have self-control. He is even courteous to me."

"...You are just infatuated with him…fine…I will do my investigation."

After saying that Serafall disappeared with her Leviathan circle.

"...I just hope they don't fight…Raynor's weird magic could get sister off-guard." Sona said with a deep breath. She has no idea how well his magic will work against Leviathan so he could potentially hurt her… maybe even poison her.

After all, Sona wasn't able to see all of his tricks. In a simple short exchange, he could have potentially killed her several times.


When Raynor's mother returned from work she could smell food. It was fried meat of some sort. She never smelled this before.

It was not pork, beef, or chicken…and the rich spices…Who is cooking!?


"Yes? I am nearly done." it was the familiar voice of her son!

Since when does he cook!? The only thing he could cook before was frozen pizza and boiled eggs…

The moment she entered the kitchen she noticed how different he was looking!

His hair was wild and his t-shirt was a tight fit with his impressive muscles…

"...W-What happened!?"

"Long story, let me finish the stag steak."

"S-Stag? Where did you get that!?"

"As I said, let me finish this."

Raynor continued to cook before he placed two steaks with rice and veggies. Followed by some drinks.

"What is that?"

"Honey with tree sap. It's good stuff." Her son offered her a cup.

"...This is good. Does it have…some alcohol? It's fermented isn't it?"

"I think so, I let it ferment for a bit. I think several weeks." He said with a thoughtful look.

"...So what happened! Speak up, mister!"

"I got spirited away for five years last night."





"What does it mean?"

"I have moved away to a perpetual medieval world, where feudalism was around for 8 thousand years. I was trained by a hunter. Went to war. Did some things. Tamed wolves. Hunted things." He said with a shrug. As he didn't say specifics.

"...You are serious?"

He simply rolled his eyes and summoned Dogo.

The wolf's appearance has freaked out his mother.

"This is Dogo. He is a silly mutt and my first pet." As Raynor said he pulled out a slab of meat and gave it to the wolf.

"T-T-Thats a…"

"Wolf. Yes, he is properly trained and tamed. Watch…"

After the silly dog finished eating his meat Raynor made the wolf do some tricks which calmed his mother down.

A few minutes later he recalled it. Which made her calm down even more.

"...I need something to drink."

That moment Raynor summoned an actual Wooden barrel full of wine…

It was massive.

"This is wine made from green grapes and fermented for 60 years. You can have it."

"...I didn't ask for the whole barrel…"

He shrugged at her.

"I don't have them in other ways."

For a while they were quiet. And instead enjoyed the absurdly good steak. The spices were simply out of this world.

While the pair continued with their food Raynor's mother eventually started to ask questions only women would be interested in.

"...Since you were away in the medieval world…did you find yourself a high-born lady? Or even a Princess?"

"If you ask about girlfriends I found one today."

"...First thing you do after coming back is get a girlfriend!? You work fast!"

"And not just anyone. Remember that girl from the finals in Stockholm? She moved into the city and my school, even into my class."

"...Oh…some dedication!"

"Yes. I guess she was smitten by my chess talent or something." Once again he shrugged.

"I could bring her tomorrow to the supermarket so you can see her yourself."

The older lady sagely nodded. It appears he became more carrying. Or something similar to that? Maybe this whole crazy thing was good for him.

"Fine. Do that. Oh and open the barrel. I want to taste other world wines."

Raynor smiled and did just that. He used his knife masterfully. As if he practised this for years.

Well, tonight she is going to get wasted. After all, she lost 5 years of her son….


As Raynor returned to his room. He was feeling quite restless.

He didn't do anything today.

Which pissed him off. He felt like the day went away and he didn't do anything!

He walked over and sat down on the bed. He looked at his right hand. The tattoo of victory. The souls he got truly finally are conquered and under this complete control.

This means he doesn't need to burn them away like some sort of fuel or explosives.

Though his mind wandered to something else until he realised something!

He can improve his soul by using these domesticated souls.

To try this he closed his eyes and proceeded to take one and start squeezing it and turn it into essence and add to his own.


"...whoa…this was intense!"

Not only did he feel improvement in his overall mental, magic, and sensory skills but his quantity and quality of magic slightly increased.

Raynor quickly realised that he can't just stuff himself with these souls as his soul needs to digest the essence he just added.

'At least I know a method to just grow stronger overall.'

Though this method gave him ideas to make items with effects.

Thinking for a bit he decided to carve some statues. At least this would diminish that ugly feeling he was having in his heart.


As Raynor went to sleep, in the dark void a window popped up.

[Dungeon Diving options:]

[Task Dungeon]

[----] {Open by collecting 12 Stars}

[----] {Open by collecting 24 Stars}

The Wolf King looked at this and he understood that there are several types of dungeons. It reminded him of some of the phone and PC games with their different modes.

Without thinking much he pressed on the first option and what he got was:

A huge Targaryen three-headed Dragon banner….

There was a timeline on the bottom. Which goes from Year 283 AC (After Conquest) to Year 0.

In other words, he has a whole Dynasty Timeline to explore.

But after inspecting for a while he only saw four dates he could visit.

The Tournament in Harrenhal, The War of Dorne, The Dance of Dragons, and the Conquest. Each gives three stars.

In total, this will give him 12 stars which will unlock another diving mode.

'Though how I will get more stars?'

Thinking for a bit he saw an arrow on the top which was greyed out.

'I guess I need to finish these tasks first.'

He pressed on the Tournament of Harrenhal option. Where the downfall of Targaryen happened. He is itching to end, Rhaegar, fight Peak Robert, see what Lyanna is all about, and see young Cersei.

Not bad ideas but then he saw something which made him frown.

'...This truly feels like a phone game… I need action points!?'

[You need 3M to enter this Task Dungeon!]

Checking for a bit more he realised that he needs three months of charging! And charging is not using the dungeon!

'Fuck…Thankfully I milked the tutorial to all that is worth!'

Raynor was quite relieved and slightly disappointed that he could not crush that delusion prick!


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