Jon helps Robb defends a citisen, and becomes the Gamer, before choosing to go to the Night's Watch he decides to go to Essos to try his luck and ends up becoming a living legend. It's a Gamer Fic, but not the kind they always make, the gamer is different. THIS HAS MULTIPLE GAMER MC'S!!!!! This is a Translation. The Author can be found on and goes by the name: krasni
Jon was snuggling with Danny on the bed.
"How much longer? Is it a boy or a girl? Why didn't you tell me before? " said the boy excitedly.
Danny laughed.
"God! Jon, I found out a few days ago, I don't know how much time is left or if they are a boy or a girl," she said happily.
A few days ago Jon arrived from his attack on the gold company, they were preparing the defenses for the Dothraki attack that would undoubtedly be soon.
From the information obtained by Arya, the Dothraki plan to attack Meeren, arriving around the same time as the Golden Company.
Now Meeren has the advantage.
He knew that the Dothraki would attack directly.
Which meant predicting the mode of attack.
They also knew the time they would come.
Preparing defense was essential.
And finally, with the golden company dead or wandering in the desert he left them without any support.
They had already stopped Khal Drogo, who was the Dothraki with the largest army.
Even so, they had to be prepared, once they were finished with them.
Jon would go to finish off the Dothraki in his hometown, and then it would be Volantis' turn if all goes well.
Danny told him the news in the morning.
She's pregnant.
Jon was so excited, he couldn't believe that he would be a father.
Holding hands, they both went down to breakfast, where Arya and Sansa were waiting for them.
They raised their eyebrows at the loving gesture of the couple when they heard.
"Shall I tell them?" He asked his wife.
The girls looked at him curiously.
"I'll tell them," she said excitedly.
Jon nodded.
Arya and Sansa frowned.
"You're going to be aunts," she told them.
A moment of silence passed and then Sansa let out a shout of joy and Arya smiled stupidly.
Sansa jumped Danny while Arya gave her congratulations.
"OhmygodOhmygodOhmygodOhmygodOhmygod," said the girl.
Arya rolled her eyes at her.
"I'm going to spoil him so much," Sansa whispered and looked at Danny's stomach.
"When will he be born?" she asked.
"It's still unknown, we just found out and I'm still not showing," she said.
Robb looked at the gates of Winterfell being protected by Ramsay's army.
He was waiting inside Winterfell.
'Like the coward he is' the boy thought.
"Are we ready?" Robb asked.
"The army is ready, but even with our strength, breaking the doors will be difficult," she said.
Robb nodded.
He knew that, but they had no choice.
He had to get Winterfell at once.
"We will attack quickly and without mercy, we have fewer men but we are braver and more powerful, the bastard will fall," said the boy.
Dacey nodded and took out the mallet from behind her back, she saw the enemies waiting for them.
"For the king!" the girl exclaimed.
Robb charged forward on his horse and his entire army followed him.
Ramsay's allies screamed and confronted them.
Robb arrived first to the attack, his support magic Haste, and his fire aura activated.
The attack was destructive for both sides, with screams being heard for several kilometers.
Robb felt his euphoria empower him as he tore through, cutting through everything in his path.
It was when he felt immense pain in his stomach, a war hammer had hit him. He fell from the horse.
"ROBB!"He heard Dacey but ignored her and stood up and looked at his opponent.
"Little Jon," Robb said.
Umber glared at him.
"This is for my family," he said and launched the attack.
Robb deflected his blow and kicked him.
"Your father would be disappointed," Robb said.
The Umber rose.
"My father was a battle-frenzied fool... he died for nothing, while you led us into a war we couldn't win" He rebuked him and attacked.
Robb stopped the attack.
"He was loyal," Robb told him.
"To Ned Stark, a man who had enough intelligence to know how to choose his allies, not like his child," he said and counterattacked.
Robb saw he'd upset him.
"Did you think he wanted war?"
"That he didn't want his great Jon and his mother alive?"
[T/N: I guess he means father with the great Jon thing.]
"Do you think he wanted this? "He asked, attacking with fury.
"It doesn't matter what you want, what he did condemned us all. Attack the South? Where do you think the resources come from? Will the south close the borders and we will die of hunger?" he asked.
He deflected.
"Are you saying that's why you did it? For food? What about our honor?" he said.
Little Jon laughed.
"Honor? What is honor if you can't feed your family? It's easy for you Robb, you live in Winterfell with a great forest, but we Umber protect the north in its darkest part, there is no food, not since the Starks gave the New Treat to the night's watch, do you know? what is hunger? What is it like to have to defend the little you have from the savages? To see your mother cry because your sister disappeared and you know well what the savages will do to her? " he said.
Robb frowned and punched his face, and Jon fell. But he got up quickly.
"You lived in your castle your whole life, Robb. You say you're a northerner, but you don't know what it's like to live in the north...Ned Stark did know, he did fight with the correct allies...The Boltons are shit, I don't deny it, but at least they have allies who can feed the north...No I don't like them, but my family can live with them...And not with you" he said.
"Do you think so? Tell me Jon, why do you think I'm here? Why do you think I fight? My pride? Revenge? Justice? " Robb asked and attacked.
Little Jon could barely stop him.
"Well, for everything, I fight for my pride, for my revenge, for my justice... That's what a northerner does," He told him.
Jon counterattacked with his mallet.
"Well, I fight for my family, I live for them and I die for them," he said.
"Ice aura," he whispered.
His sword began to emit icy vapor.
Little Jon attacked, but Robb evaded him and hit his club with his sword, it exploded as it was frozen and destroyed, Robb moved quickly and pierced Jon.
"My wife...My Son..."Little Jon stammered.
"They're fine," Robb told him before he turned into an ice statue. Robb's eyes sparkled.
And he arrived at the white room.
He got to the computer and clicked exit, he had leveled up, he was level 10, and he had 4 skill points.
Jon looked at the approaching sand cloud, the screams of the Dothraki were horrifying.
The boy smiled when he saw them, his creatures hidden under the sand would surprise them.
As he predicted, a cloud of sand appeared among the Dothraki, from beneath it, dozens of snakes and scorpions came out, snapping at everything in their path.
The Dothraki were less than five thousand, a good number, but not now that they knew they were coming, there were many defenses.
Between his creatures, soldiers hidden with crossbows in the sand, and traps, Jon and his army were three or four thousand strong.
Even if they lost, that amount was impossible to break through the improved gates of Meeren, not without the golden company.
"We've already won," he murmured as he saw his armies begin their attack.
He summoned two elephants first to attack head-on, increasing their speed and strength and they attacked a large number of Dothraki. The boy watched as the mercenary army attacked from the west and east.
"Maybe I won't have to go this time?" He said, seeing how much the soldiers improved with the constant battles.
He felt his eyes glow and entered the white room.
"Level up?" he muttered.
Then he nodded, it was not so strange, not counting his passive experience points, during the fight against the golden company he used many of his skills and annihilated many mercenaries and he had not obtained any level, it was normal to obtain it now with the creatures that he sent to attack.
{Congratulations, you have leveled up.
You have seven skill points to spend.
Name: Jon Snow
Level: 22
King of Valyria (1+skill point)
Liberator (+4 skill point)
Skill Points: 7
Exp 0/7300
Swordsmanship Level: 9
Summoning Magic Level: 6
You have selected the Summoning Magic skill.
Do you want to raise your Summoning Magic skills level to level: 7?}
Jon pressed yes.
{Summoning Magic Level: 7 acquired}
His body felt numb upon receiving the skill information, he felt like thousands of stings all over his body.
{Summoning Magic Level: 7
Cost: 200 mana per spell
Exotic northern animals: Mammoth/Shadowcat/Polar bear/ Direwolf.
Weapons and armor of war (Swords/spears/bow/arrows/steel armor) Basic siege weapons, Royal utensils, house designs, gold ingot.
Defense: You double the defense of the animal you choose.}
Jon looked curious, there were so many cute things, Mammoths, Shadowcats, polar bears, Direwolves, War weapons and armor, Siege weapons, gold ingot.
[T/N: Ok.]
He quickly left the place and summoned three charged catapults, the mana was considerably high, he felt himself exhausting quickly, but he gave the order, dozens of rocks fell on the Dothraki in a few moments.
After that, the mercenaries finished them off.
Dacey attacked the rest of the army with all her power, Robb took the lead, and saw how Ramsay stood at the doors distributing orders.
Giant stones flew out of Winterfell towards them.
"Careful! " Dacey shouted.
Robb watched in horror as it headed towards him, but just when everything seemed over.
It seemed to hit an invisible wall and shattered in mid-air.
Robb looked confused, and felt something blocking the sun, Robb's and Ramsay's army looked the same, Ramsay himself in Winterfell saw, confused, a person levitating ten meters from the ground with his hands outstretched.
"Bran?" Robb whispered.
The boy looked down. And he waved.
"Hey," he said.
Some screams were heard and the army turned to see hundreds of men and women on horseback appear with war cries, Robb noticed that Val was commanding them.
Bran looked at the enemy army.
"Traitors! Vile traitors! Those who betray House Stark, betray the North! Die! " The boy exclaimed and pointed his hand towards the enemy army.
"Ice bomb" The boy launched.
A ball of ice escaped from his hands and exploded in the middle of the enemy army, they froze in seconds. Bran's eyes shone and he entered the white room and headed to the computer.
{Congratulations you have leveled up
You have six skill points to spend.
Name: Brandon Stark
Level: 12
Skill Points 6
Exp: 0/850
Greenseer (1+ skill points)
King beyond the wall (+1 skill points)
Water Magic Level: 4
Wind Magic Level: 4
You have selected the Water Magic skill.
Do you want to raise the water magic skills level to level: 5?}
Bran pressed yes.
{Water magic level: 5 acquired}
He felt the icy north through his veins, as he coughed in pain. But he soon recovered.
{Water Magic Level: 5
Cost: 70 mana per spell
Water detection: Detect enemies in the water
Snow: Creates thick snow, blinding enemies' sight.}
The boy left the room.
Robb then screamed.
"Finish them," he said.
Ramsay threw more stones but Bran's shield stopped them.
"Through the doors," said Dacey.
Bran looked at the gates of Winterfell and Robb ordered to attack.
The boy raised his hand.
"Geyser," he whispered.
A torrent of underground water came out under the door, breaking the chains it held and the closing mechanisms.
Robb watched in wonder, one of the doors unlocked and fell.
[T/N: YEAH!!! NOW THAT IS A CHAPTER!! The battle with the Dorthaki was anti-climatic but still good, no it wasn't...why am I lying? I'm just tired. Anyway, hope you guys enjoyed it. If you like this chapter then leave a comment, write a review, and drop some stones. If you want to read a few advanced chapters then check out the P@treon or the Ko-fi. It's well over 20+ chapters ahead!]
[Also check out my other books, either go to my profile or search up 'Invisible-a Harry Potter FanFic', 'Searching in the Abyss', or 'Omnitrix of Justice'.]
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