
Incident (1)

[Int +10]

[Wis +5]

[Advanced Medicine, Advanced Herbology, Advanced Agriculture, Basic Language, Advanced Language, Basic Etiquette, Basic Writing, Advanced Math, Advanced Chakra, and Advanced Chakra Control Knowledge gained.]

[Taijutsu Styles and Sword Styles obtained.]

Naruto: "That's it? I expected a little more from a location of knowledge. I guess the Leaf's library is proving to be a little less useful now. Perhaps I need to go to another nation for their knowledge as well." Not gaining much and seeing that it was already late, he decided to quickly make dinner and sleep. Dinner was a simple salad with bits of meat in it and a juicy delicious steak with some special sauce made from honey and soy sauce. Soon he was done eating and decided to put away everything and go take a nice needed shower.

After the shower, he went directly to bed. Only to wake up two minutes after to do a small task. This small task consisted of making an ID Clone do what it did in the previous night so that Naruto can get ahead in his studies and finish his undeveloped skills. Seeing that he did everything that he could do for the day, he decided to finally go to bed.

With everything out of his head and a peaceful mind, Naruto fell asleep in a few minutes. Half an hour later, Naruto entered the state of Deep Sleep. One of Cain's reasons for helping Naruto max out meditation was to have a consistent peace of mind. This peacefulness inadvertently helps achieve deep sleep a good ninety percent of the time.

The medical civilians and the medical ninjas never focused on how sleep can develop the human body so they don't know what deep sleep can do when it happens. An example of the effect of deep sleep is that glucose metabolism in the brain increases which means that there is an upgrade to short-term and long-term memory and overall learning. Deep sleep is also when the pituitary gland secretes important hormones, like human growth hormone, leading to growth and development of the body.

As an eight-year-old, Naruto's body is in a stage where his growth will start to increase greatly and due to deep sleep, Naruto will be healthier and more physically capable than people of the same age. Not to mention, Nauto's recent food intake consisted of more beneficial and nutritious items which will make Naruto grow to his full potential as a human. Of course in the future, this won't be necessary anymore.

In Naruto's dream, it was just black once more. Naruto looked around and noticed that this space looked similar to the times he met that strange man who also possessed the Yamato. It had the same eerie feel to it and the silence is just simply unsettling. Only a second later did two lights appear and from the two lights came two men. One man, he recognized as the person who holds the Yamato and the other, he has no idea. The 2nd man wore mostly red with his hair grown out and had a massive claymore with a skull in his hand. Naruto mentally named them red and blue due to their color choices and the lack of knowledge of their names.

As he observed them walk to his location, he thought that Blue created a shadow clone. It wasn't until Red had a mischevious smirk that he realized that Red and Blue are twins. Unlike Blue, Red didn't give off any sense of power and seemed like someone you can approach while Blue had the eternal frown.

?: "Sup Kiddo."

Naruto: "..." 'HUH?!?'

?: "You okay? You look like you've seen a ghost." Naruto quickly got out of his daze.

Naruto: "No no. I'm good. I'm just a little surprised."

?: "Hm?" Red saw that Naruto was glancing at Blue from time to time. "I totally understand little man."

Naruto: "What?" 'What does he understand?'

?: "Of course. It's obvious. You're wondering why a more handsome version of my brother came with him right? It's okay. I understand."

Naruto: "huh?"

?: "I mean the ladies would always swarm me every time I go to a party and trust me when I say that I have all the charm and looks in the family." He laughed and boasted. This bragging went on for a minute or two while Blue who was next to him was completely indifferent to Red's antics. In fact, there wasn't even a slight blink or a flinch or any facial movement that indicated that Blue cared about Red's existence. Soon, Naruto finally lost his patience.

Naruto: "Excuse me." He said loudly.

?: "Hm?"

Naruto: "What are you two doing here anyway? I sort of understand why Blue is here but why are you here Red?"

Red: "Is that what you named us?"

Naruto: "Well yeah. I had to name you guys something."

Red: "It does suit us..." He started pondering. "Red as in power, determination, and passion while Blue as in Intelligence, Wisdom, and Confidence. Good names."

Naruto: 'Well I wouldn't go that far but I guess now I know what they are like if he really is accurate.'

Blue: "Enough. We are here to demonstrate. Not chatting."

Red: "Oh please. You're nothing but a party pooper. You find an heir and all you do is act like an a*s instead of teaching the kid. Look at him. He probably doesn't even know how to teleport yet."

Blue: "...Are you done?"

Red: "For now I am." Blue looked directly at Naruto.

Blue: "Look at me boy." That got Naruto's attention. "This is how it will work. I will teach you my techniques and showcase the powers of the Yamato. What you can comprehend is up to you and your intelligence. At the end of every month, we will fight only with our swords and you will show me what you have learned. If you pass the test, I will care about your name. If you can pass for a year consecutively, I will tell you my name. If you fail any of the tests, the Yamato comes back with me along with your growing demonic heritage. In two years you will become a perfect half-demon like me so you will be stuck with me for two years."

Red: "Don't forget about me." Blue completely ignored him.

Blue: "This will be your first lesson. Learn my fighting style. I will fight against my brother using the Yamato only. No demonic power usage because you can not create nor control any yet. Only when you become 5% demon will you start generating demonic power. Understand?"

Naruto: "Yes." 'I think.' Blue nodded.

Blue: "Next, you will learn about a demon's power scale. A good way to explain this is by example. Some demons have demonic power of 2 units per every 5% of their bloodline. Since they are full demons, they now have 40 units of demonic power. Another demon might have demonic power of 3 per every 5% of their bloodline. So now they have 60 units of demonic power. Do you understand everything so far?"

Naruto: "I think so but why am I learning this? There are no demons from where I come from."

Blue: "I know. However, this information is important for the three of us. 4 technically."

Naruto: "Why us three?" '4? Where?'

Red: "Cause we're the last few hybrids of humans and demons."

Naruto: "But...I'm not a true hybrid."

Red: "You don't have to be. You already are due to your friend."

Naruto: "...You know?" he gulped.

Red: "Obviously." Red looked at Naruto like he was an idiot. "How else would we get here? Not to mention, it wouldn't matter anyway. Our memories will get wiped in two years and you will be the only to have memories of the conversations and sessions we will have."

Naruto: "I see." 'Cain why?'

[They are originally not supposed to be here but you conveniently got the Yamato so I thought it would be useful for you as they could give you lessons and training. Don't worry though, I froze their universe so that when they get back, everything would go back how it was going. Also, I did give them the ability to take away your heritage and the Yamato if you fail your tests for motivation purposes. Please don't hold it against me.]

Naruto: 'I won't. You always have supported me so I understand. Thanks, Cain.'

[No problem.]

Naruto: "Back to the topic. So why are these numbers important?"

Blue: "Because we are hybrids, our power scale is different. Rather than having an additive increase like other normal demons, we have exponential increases."

Naruto: 'I am so glad I gained that Advanced Math knowledge or I would have no idea what the hell he is talking about.' "So that would mean that we Hybrids would be much stronger right?"

Blue: "Yes but up to a certain point as our bloodline limit is 50% and our demonic power is based on every 10% of our demon bloodline."

Naruto: "Why 50%?"

Red: "Because any more than that equals a complete change of your body. You want to look like a demon forever?"

Naruto: "No."

Blue: "And that's why it is important to keep a good balance. As for our demonic power units, we both have 17." Naruto started doing some math in his head.

Naruto: 'So they start with 17 and they have 50% of a demon's bloodline with the demonic power depending on 10%. That would mean that their base would multiply itself 5 times due to their bloodline limit. And if I do 17 to the power of 5, I would get around 1.4 million of demonic power.' "I calculated about 1.4 mils as your demonic power. Is that good or bad?" Red and Blue looked surprised.

Red: "You did that all in your head?" He asked with a shocked expression. 'This kid's mathematical genius.'

Blue: "It is extremely good. Most demons have around one to 100,000 while their leader has about million."

Naruto: "Got it." 'So demons are pretty weak huh. Wait... one million? I thought it was additive for full-blooded demons.' "Wait. This demon leader. You said a million?"

Blue: "Around there. Why?"

Naruto: "That would mean that this person would have 50,000 as their base unit of demonic power! Can you imagine what that person could if he or she somehow becomes a hybrid?!"

Blue: "Well he's already sealed up anyway and the other demon leader is already dead so don't worry about it."

Naruto: "Uh...okay. No! That's not the point. Why is your base demonic power so weak?"

Red: "Your friend said that power is somewhat balanced and proportional for demons. It is the laws of my Universe that govern how our powers work without us knowing it and it likes to keep a weird balance. For strong full-blooded demons like my father and the demon leader that have strong base units, they have additive values while us, with the weak base units, have exponential increases. "

Naruto: "..." 'It makes sense. I give it that but that kind of rule is just plain weird. Balancing? What is the Universe balancing? For what reason? Not to mention, he just confirmed that there are other worlds out there. Perhaps I could go there one day.' Seeing the blank face of Naruto, Red decided to give a different answer.

Red: "Short version. Our Universe just works the way it wants to and we just have to accept it if that is easier to understand."

Naruto: "That oddly sounds more believable than what you said before." Red chuckled at Naruto's comment. Blue coughed to gain both his brother's and Naruto's attention.

Blue: "Moving on. Are you ready for the demonstration?"

Red: "Ready when you are Ve-" A light blue sword went right by Red, grazing his ear slightly.

Blue: "What did I say before?" Blue had an extremely sharp gaze that he didn't have before.

Red: "Sorry brother. Must have slipped my mind." He laughed casually. There was almost a sense of laziness in his movements as he started to walk around Blue.

Blue: "Take this seriously."

Red: "I am. I just don't think you're ready for me."

Blue: "I'm not ready for you? We'll have to see about that."

Red: "Hahaha. Just like old times. How many times have we fought against each other? Blue?" Red emphasized his new name.

Blue: "As long as I can remember. Red." Blue did the same emphasis back. An almost maniacal smile appeared on both their faces as the pressure around them increased significantly. Naruto almost couldn't breathe in this atmosphere. "Begin." said Blue as both of them immediately rushed out.

My longest chapter yet. 2000+ words. Hope you guys enjoy.

Auren02creators' thoughts