
Gamer in Overlord

My first ever try at writing a story, so it's gonna be bad. But I would like to become a better writer so i would appreciate any helpful advice or criticism. Anyway, it's a Overlord SI/OC story. A guy dies, gets 1 wish and then gets thrown into a world he seems unfamiliar with. Now it's time for his great adventure. English is my third Language. I write on a phone. And my Internet connection is bad. So if you think there's something wrong with the fic, it's not my fault XD I do not own Overlord or the characters mentioned in the story. I do not own the cover photo. I only own The OC.

Student_Of_Culture · 漫画同人
52 Chs



I still remember the day I was created. The first time I saw My creators face. Lord Tabula Smaragdina. My creator. My father.

I remember when I was created, He was extremely happy. He bragged to all of his friends about his masterpiece. Hearing him say all those things, I was soo happy, I couldn't express it in words.

But I never showed it in my face. I am not supposed to move until ordered.

Lord Tabula gave me a tour of the Great Tomb of Nazarick. He was introducing me to the other NPCs of Nazarick. Creations of Supre beings, just like me.

He then introduced me to my older sister. I was a little surprised at how she looked, but I didn't care much. She's also a creation of a supreme being. She's perfect the way she is.

He then showed me my post, where I would be working.

My post didn't include much. While I am named as the Leader of the floor guardians, I didn't have much to do. Most of the work are done by the Supreme Beings. I only get ordered to do a few little task sometimes. I only stand at my designated place.

Time passed by like that. From time to time, a few supreme Beings come to the throne room to do some work. I heard them talking about various things that I don't know about. Some words like Eroge, Rom-com, DRMMORPG, and various other words that made me very curious. But I didn't ask, as I was not allowed to speak.

I also once heard Lord Momonga and Lord Peroroncino talking about their Job. 'Salaryman'. That's a Job class I never heard about before. Might be some kind of powerful secret class.

One day I also heard Lord Tabula talking about his new creation. My Younger sister Rubedo. His new masterpiece. Even better than me. I felt very sad hearing that.

He bragging about how strong she is, that she could even defeat Lord Touch Me in his Champion class gear. That strength is truly Impressive.

Then after some time, I saw Lord Radruga Val Adrian for the First time. He was a new member of Nazarick. He apparently saved the lives of 4 Supreme Beings. I had a very good impression of him.

He also visited the Throne room everyday to say Hi to me. I liked that as staying alone can get a little lonely.

As time passed by, there was the great Invasion of Nazarick. I was furious hearing about it. Some bugs dared to Invade The Great Tomb of Nazarick. If only I could crush them myself.

But alas, No-one ordered me to move from my location.

After the battle, I heard the tales of battle. I heard tales about how Lord Adrian alone crushed more than a 100 of those Invaders. My respect for him was increasing. He showed those bugs their true place. That is under the feet of a Supreme Being.

After some time of the battle, I heard about the counterattack. I heard how The Evil alliance led by Ainz Ooal Gown destroyed 7 out of the 8 guilds that attacked Nazarick.

How Lord Adrian Killed the highest amount of enemies. And later how he defeated every World Champion 1v1. He got acknowledged as the strongest Player of Yggdrasil. I was very happy to hear that. My respect for him Increased even more.

As time passed by, Lord Tabula started to appear less and less and finally stopped appearing at all. I was worried that I might have disappointed him somehow. But I couldn't do anything.

Soon the others also stopped coming to Nazarick. There was only Lord Momonga and Lord Adrian left. And even Lord Momonga left after a Year. There was only Lord Adrian left.

But Lord Adrian was always there. From the day he joined, he has been coming to the throne room everyday to greet me.

I once heard Lord Peroroncino make fun of Lord Adrian about how he always comes to greet me. How he was a simp and was in love with me.

Hearing that I was could feel my heart flutter. Lord Adrian Loving me. That sounds so lovely. I also love him. He's always been there for me when even my creator abandoned me.

After the rest of the Supreme Beings left, Lord Adrian started to spend more time in the throne room. He would share his tales if battle everyday with me. He might have felt lonely, seeing his friends leaving him.

He also started to strengthen the whole of Nazarick.

Since he's now alone, enemies might attack us. So he was probably preparing for that.

One day Lord Adrian, My love , changed something in me. After that change, I felt free from someone kind of burden. Some kind of bad feeling that was suppressed deep within me went away. I also felt my love for him strengthen.

As days went by, the day that changed everything came. The day When Nazarick was teleported to an unknown place. The Day I spoke to Lord Adrian for the first time.




After teleporting near Carne Village, I took out a small grey ball the size of a Pokeball and threw it towards the ground.

The ball started to expand and slowly turned into a Horse like being. It's a Horse Golem.

A convenient form of transportation. No need for food, never gets tired, is obedient, and isn't scared of going anywhere.

Getting on top of the horse, I started going towards Carne Village. It's evening right now, so I will have to get a place to live. Maybe someone will rent a room for the night. Otherwise I might have to sleep outside.

After a few minutes, I finally reached the village. Getting down from the horse, I walked inside the village.

I could see multiple people busy with their work. After a few seconds, an old woman slowly walked towards me.

"Who are you Young Man? You don't look like you are from around here." Asked the old lady.

"I am from a small Island nation called Japan from the west. You probably don't know about it. It's a very secluded place. It only opened its border a few months ago. I came to this kingdom a month ago searching for an adventure. I was going towards E-Rantel, but got lost. Can you give me directions towards E-Rantel." I made up some random bullshit. I think I am good at using Bullshit No Jutsu.

"I truly haven't heard about that nation. As for the direction, don't worry. I will show the directions with a map. Bug why don't you spend the night here. E-Rantel is pretty far. So it's better to set out in the morning. There are a lot of monsters roaming around at night." Said the Old Lady

"But where will I spend the night. Is there someone who can rent a room? " I asked

"My husband and I live in a pretty big house. We have a few spare rooms. We rent them to travellers like you from time to time. Don't worry, it's pretty cheap." Said the old lady.

"Thanks for the help then." I said.

I spent the night at her house. It seems her husband is the village chief.

For the money, I just gave them a disfigured Yggdrasil gold coin. Looking at it, no one will be able to identify it as a coin from Yggdrasil.

Next morning I woke up pretty late. It was 11:30 am. I could have woken up whenever I wanted, but I spent my time in a lazy way for a purpose. I wanted my adventurer persona to look like a lazy but talented guy.

After I woke up, the old lady, now named Maria, served me some food.

The food wasn't good. Eating tasty food from the Food Plate has effected my tastes. Now ordinary food tastes like shit to me. And this old lady's good food tastes like something barely edible.

As I was eating the food, I heard someone shouting from outside.

"This is a declaration of war from the Great Baharuth Empire. Your Village will serve as a message to The Re-Estize kingdom to never mess with the Great Baharuth Empire."

It seems the fun is about to start.


(Some people wanted a new POV, so I tried one today. It wasn't that good. I think the Peroroncino POV was better.)