
Another Time skip

Now that my Racial and Job levels are decided, I need to check out the Items. Specially, World Items.

There are 200 World Items in Yggdrasil. Every single one of them is OP. And 20 of them are game breaking.

Twenty is the name of 20 World Items that are unrivaled in terms of power. All of them could only be used once. If one needs to be used again, one should find the item all over again, regardless of the difficulty of the process.

Out of the 200 world items, there's only info about 25 of them in the Internet. Most people don't share info, but it's also that most of the world items has not yet been discovered. They are located in the harshest or the weirdest of places.

After 5 years of Yggdrasil, only 87 has been found by players till now. And only 5 of the those are One of the Twenty.

Anyway, first I check out the descriptions of the 20 game breaking world items. And damn, they truly are game breaking. One of them even allows the player to request a Change of some aspect of the Game.

One has the power to request the developers to change the magic systems of YGGDRASIL.

One allows to insta kill anything in the game. Even a World Enemy. I think I found weapon of choice against the Devourer of Nine Worlds. Killing a World Enemy alone sounds Impossible. I was just gonna buy every One use item that does big damage in the shop and throw it towards the Dragon. But it looks like I found a better way. Anyway, back to the Twenty.

One that allows to delete a player from the Game itself. The account itself gets deleted. But the user also gets deleted. You have to really hate someone to use this item on them. And it looks like it's already been used once.

One has a potent effect on anything with a negative karma value, and its area of effect could span an entire world. An AOE that covers a whole world.

One even allows a player to turn into a World enemy. Talk about BS. Why are they all so unbalanced?

Anyway, most of them won't be that useful to me. I might collect some of them towards the end of the game. I am definitely collecting the insta kill ones. Don't want them to appear in New World in anyone else hands.

And as for the one that allows one to become World Enemy, that might sound OP, but I don't know. Becoming a world enemy might sound nice, but I don't know how it might effect me once I reach The New World. I might suddenly get the urge to destroy the world.

And about the update, Why would I even need that? And even if I used it, I can't trust the Dev's to actually do what I requested. They might just do something that's similar to my request but is actually bad for me. They are confirmed sadist.

And even if I needed some changes to the game, I will just find the address of all the Dev's and kindly 'request' them.

Now back to reading. I continued reading most of the World Items description. A few caught my eye but 1 in particular I liked The most.

A world Item that lets you reset your Racial and Job levels. No need to die and farm for levels again. Just use the item, choose what you like, and done.

And it's also not one of the Twenty. So it will not go away even after I use it. I am getting this one first.


6 Months later

It's been six freaking months and the quests are still not complete. Why are they soo freaking hard? The enemies don't even matter. If there are though enemies, I just throw some big damage usable items towards them. It's the Journey that's taking so long. I have to travel for hours no stop only to get a few dialogues from an NPC and get told to go to another world talk to another NPC and the same thing happens again and again. It's freaking annoying. But Why?

I could just maybe hack the Server again and just unlock the classes I want. But why don't I do that? Because I want to feel a sense of accomplishment. I am gonna get this power in the future for real, so I wanna work hard for it. I am already cheating by getting so many shop item, but if I also just unlock the classes, I will truly lose interest in the game.

I have had experience like this in my previous life. Since I was poor in my younger time and couldn't buy in game items, I would just download the hack version of the game. But that would make me lose interest in the game very quickly. The game gets too easy that way. No need for skills and to spend times in game to unlock something. No sense of accomplishment from any achievements I recieved. It's just boring.

So even if this all sounds like nonsense, I still wanna do it the hard way. For myself.


8 months later

I am finally done. All four quests done. World Item collected. Levels reselected. I am all set.

Now all I have remaining to do is kill the Devourer of Nine Worlds. So I was just going towards the Boss.

The One shot kill World Item that I am going to use again the boss is Know as "Middle Finger of the End." I am not Joking. That's truly the name. And the Item is just a big Golden Middle finger.

And the name suits it, as it's truly a middle finger towards the enemy. No matter how much health, defence and resistance you might have, you are going down in one shot.

As I was wondering about all this I finally reached my Destination. It was a Humongous Cave inside which there was Miniature version of the World Tree.

There was a Big Dragon sleeping near it. Talk about obsession. Not only is that dragon obsessed with eating the leaves of the world tree, It even sleeps near a miniature Version of the World Tree.

As I approached the dragon, it started to wake up. After getting up it looked towards me and gave a big Roar. After that it quickly rushed towards me. As it was getting near, I brought up the World Item and used it.

The World Item started to shine and it went away from my hands and started getting larger. After getting as big as me, It faced the dragon and shot a middle finger beam at the Dragon.

And the Dragon dropped dead.

Talk about an Anti climatic and funny ending of one of the strongest enemies of the game.

The world item also disappeared in a burst of light. It will probably spawn somewhere else randomly. I have to go collect it again.

And now i was all done. All my class quests are done and now there is also no worries about my Dragon race going away. All there is left is to search for good equipment for myself. It's gonna take some time as I have to farm a lot to gather Data crystals to make my equipment good.

And maybe it's time to Join Nazarick. Playing with some friends might feel better. I haven't talked with anyone else other than Ava for a long time. I am feeling kind of lonely.

But how should I approach them. I am not very good at socialising, so my request to join might get rejected.