

The graveyard was north of Thorn City. If it was based on scale, it was more like a satellite city than a cemetery.

Towering walls surrounded the entire cemetery. Spaced twenty meters apart on the walls were Placating the Undead and Life Barrier spell runes engraved by the Holy Spirits Church and the Rose Palace's Mage Hall.

Fortunately, Thorn City produced abundant Elementium Silver. If it were any other major city on the continent, even the Empire's capital, Platinum City, and the famously wealthy Tulle City wouldn't be able to afford such extravagance.

As the Blackwater Swamp believed in ancestor worship, people firmly believed that the souls of the dead needed their bones to exist. Therefore, most of the dead in Thorn City had been sent to this graveyard for burial for millennia.

The corpses had accumulated over the years, and the number of dead buried inside had probably reached an incalculable number.