
Game-To-Death: UTOPIA

Apocalypse? Check. Zombies? Check. Game-like Augmented Reality? Check. Romance? Err... Maybe. World building in an Apocalyptic Setting. Let's play!

TiF54_Pretifany · 奇幻言情
11 Chs

Phase 7: System Protocol

2.18am. It has been more than two hours since the Apocalypse Game started. Although it was no longer stormy outside, the night was still cold and chilly. However, four distinct silhouettes can be seen moving cautiously on the fire escape stairways, heading towards the rooftop of their apartment building.

Ally was leading the way with H20 half a step in front of her, followed by Marie, and then Kent who was entrusted to watch their backs. Along the way, they encountered two battles which had ended as swiftly as it started. The first was against a strayed zombie stuck on the fire escape stairways just one floor below them. Ally spotted it right after climbing onto the stairways, and after warning her party members, casted 'Bind' with her staff in record time. She was itching to use it ever since she learned the skill and her eyes grew bright when brownish-green vines grew from her staff and lashed out towards the zombie before restraining its movement completely. Her action stunned the zombie as it moaned and tried to get back up but failed. Kent then directly jumped down towards the enemy and struck its head with both wooden swords in his hands. He wanted to vent his anger as he was unable to protect his wife from the zombie from before and so, the miserable zombie was eliminated in less than a minute. However, instead of dropping loot, the disappearing zombie corpse turned into minute light flecks and entered the trio's body.

Ally felt disappointed at first but thinking of the dungeon ahead and other rewards that might come with the quest, she felt better. They continued on their way in a single file but probably due to the loud ruckus their first battle created, their next battle came shortly after. It was against a solo Mutated Bat creature. This time, Ally was alerted by H20's aggressive stance while making hissing, spitting noises. The Mutated Bat had a wing span of 2.2 metres and was almost undetectable as it swoops towards them from a higher altitude in the cover of the night. Ally felt a ringing in her ears as the bat approached, possibly an echo sound attack to confuse them. However, that proved not to be an issue with Ally around as she waved her staff and casted 'Bind' twice, first to completely seal the bat's mouth, then to seal its movement, causing it to drop from the air to the ground with aloud thud. Honestly, her 'Bind' skill is perfect to counter flying-type creatures as the creatures lose advantage of their superior aerial abilities after being restrained. Ally could feel herself being mentally drained after casting Bind three times in a short interval. However, this has also increased her proficiency with the spell and she could feel herself using her Elder Staff more smoothly.

Ally drank a tube of the nutrition serum given by Marie to rejuvenate herself and continued towards their destination. They finally stood in front of the side entrance leading to the rooftop. The side entrance was made from a wooden door.

"Are you ready?" Ally looked at Marie and Kent, and they nodded their heads in affirmation. The backpacks seemed to weigh a little heavier on their backs and their hands gripped tighter against the weapons they held. Ally took a deep breath and used her free hand to unlatch the door before sliding it open.

The three of them gasped at the same time at the unexpected view that greeted them behind the door. The whole area was filled with bright light and torches hanging in the air as if welcoming their arrival. Just as they stepped through the threshold of the door, a new system notification arrived.

Congratulations! You have discovered the existence of the Dungeon: Rooftop Garden.

As you are the first players to arrive, you will receive Double Bonus Experience and a 50% increase in Rewards!

Detecting lifeform… Three Identified Players and One Unregistered Lifeform. Initiating Protocol…

Warning! Unregistered Lifeforms are prohibited from challenging the dungeons. Please choose the following options:

A: Complete Registration Test

B: Remove Target from Dungeon

Please make the decision within 2 minutes.


Gulp. Ally felt her heart in her throat. She didn't expect things to take such a turn so suddenly....

Ally considered their situation and clenched her fist. She wanted to fight alongside her longtime companion and roommate. She would never left H20 behind to fend for himself. She chose the first option right before the 2 minutes were up. Following that, a golden cage appeared out of thin air and trapped H20 within in. Arcs of electricity are formed around the cage causing the agitated H20 to hiss and spit in terror.

Edited: More monologue added at the end. Unnecessary details removed.

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