
Game-To-Death: UTOPIA

Apocalypse? Check. Zombies? Check. Game-like Augmented Reality? Check. Romance? Err... Maybe. World building in an Apocalyptic Setting. Let's play!

TiF54_Pretifany · 奇幻言情
11 Chs

Phase 3: Artefacts and a New Skill

Status : Player <Level 2> LEVEL UP!

Species : Human <Female>

Artefacts : <None>


Strength 4 (+1)

Agility 7 (+1)

Vitality 6 (+1)

Endurance 7 (+1)

Resistance 3 (+1)


Intelligence 9 (+1)

Wisdom 5 (+1)

Willpower 8 (+1)

Attack 9-12

Defence 5

Health 56/56

Ally glimpsed at the <Status Info> chart in front of her, sucking in a deep breath.

Looking at the numerical values representing her abilities, she sighed. As expected, there is truly a difference between heaven and earth compared to her game character that had achieved a Godlike-status in the virtual game. It was really asking too much for the possibility of her game character magically transferring its abilities to her real body as well, isn't it? Just as she thought that, a voice sounded in her head.

<Your level is too low to unlock the skill for harvesting power from external sources.>

Ally was again rendered speechless. Dismissing other wishful thinking, Ally put the matter of her feeble status aside and turned to the three treasure boxes. That's right. Even beginner players will be able to defeat stronger monsters.

What do they rely on? Items! Equipment! Treasure! Ally felt a tinge of excitement when she imagined the kind of treasure that would appear. Speaking of which, she had achieved something like a First-Kill here right? Then, the rewards should be luxurious too! Yeah, forcing herself to be more optimistic, Ally reached out to touch the first treasure box.

Poof! In its place is a black silky robe. She caught it from the air and examined its properties.

Armor-type Artefact (Nightshade Cloak). Restrictions: None. Description: It is a cloak made from the Nightshade Spider Silk. Provides cloaking abilities and deal sneak attacks. Resistance against all magical attacks increase by 5%. Def + 5

Ally felt quite satisfied with this reward. It was obviously beginner's equipment yet there are special attributes attached to this 'artefact'. An equipment fit for an assassin or magician-class type of player. Then, she turned to the second treasure box. With another 'poof', a small wooden staff appeared in its stead.

Weapon-type Artefact (Elderwood Staff). Restrictions: Wisdom above 5. Descriptions: It is a staff carved from the branch of a thousand-old Elder Oak Tree. ATK + 3 Magic ATK + 15%

Not bad. It seems that the loot this time is biased towards the Magician class players.

She moved onto the last treasure box. Poof! This time what appeared isn't an artefact, but a book! Ally's eyes gleamed. Skill Book! She had wondered what it would take for her to gain skills in order to fight the monsters, and now as if her prayers were heard, she received a skill book! She crossed her fingers and silently prayed that it was a skill she could learn and use right away.

Skill Book <Unique>. Restrictions: None. Descriptions: It is a compilation of ancient knowledge from the druid's race. By studying the information, you can learn the Skill <Bind>. It is a method that condenses your mana to restrain your enemies. Able to be used on multiple enemies and cause damage over time.

Do you agree to learn this skill? Yes / No

There was no need for hesitation. Ally selected Yes and she can feel her mind being flooded with countless words and information. The effect was instantaneous. She could cast the skill immediately after learning.

Just as Ally closed off her status window, she heard hurried footsteps from outside her door. She then heard her neighbour's door swung open crudely and was then slammed shut immediately. She glanced towards her neighbour's place and at the person that had just entered her neighbour's house. Her eyes proceeded to widen in shock! That…that… young man that walked into the house…. It couldn't be…?

Edited: Added ATK and DEF on the Artefacts Description. Removed many irrelevant rants and unnecessary details.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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