
Chapter Fourteen

Since I was not working Sunday morning, I took a power nap before showering and heading over to see Kody.

I wanted to talk to him about the whole 'having his friends chauffeur me' thing. It wasn't that I wasn't grateful. I was. It just put me in an awkward spot and I didn't think I could handle it for much longer.

I got to his house at around three o'clock. I was actually dressed super casually with a hockey jersey and black tights. It was nearing the end of October and the sun just wasn't coming out anymore.

When I knocked on his door I wasn't exactly surprised to see the girl pull it open. I was surprised by the twist in my stomach that signaled jealousy.

Who the hell did I think I was?

Just because I was carrying Kody's child didn't make me his girlfriend. Hell, I didn't even want to be his girlfriend.

And yet here I was glaring at some innocent girl because she answered his door in nothing but a big T-shirt and tube socks.