
Game of Thrones: The New Kingdom

A soul of a modern person finds itself in the body of a teen in Game of Thrones. Luckily, the soul gets the foundation of Valyrians and creates one of the strongest Kingdoms in the history of the whole Game of Thrones. ---------------------------------------------- 1) I do not like characters where one person destroys an army. So, Mc will be strong but not a Super Soldier King who slaughters on his own. 2) Mc will be king. In my opinion, kings can lead the army but kings should not battle. 3) No harem. Mc will marry only one person.

PelerinliKeltos · 电视同人
16 Chs

Magic And Departure

Meereen, 270 AC

[Yaprak zo Loraq]

I groggily open my eyes, blinking away the remnants of sleep as I slowly sit up in bed. Stretching my arms above my head, I push the covers aside and swing my legs over the edge, my bare feet touching the cool wooden floor. Rubbing my eyes, I yawn and stumble my way into the bathroom, guided by the soft light filtering through the curtains.

As I reach the bathroom mirror, I can't help but feel a mix of curiosity and anticipation. What will I see staring back at me today? Taking a deep breath, I steady myself and meet my gaze. And there, in the reflection, I see a face that both surprises and excites me.

My eyes widen with amazement as I take in my features. My heart skips, realizing I've been blessed with such handsome features. My deep-set eyes, framed by thick, dark lashes, are an intense shade of blue, captivating and mysterious.

But what truly sets me apart is my hair. Golden strands cascade down around my shoulders, shimmering under the bathroom lights. The length is just right, adding a touch of rebelliousness to my appearance. It's a stark contrast against my olive-colored skin, which carries a healthy glow and hints at days spent outdoors.

I take a moment to appreciate the symmetry of my face, the defined jawline, and the slight stubble that accentuates my features. A surge of confidence surges through me as I realize this unique combination's potential.

As I step away from the mirror, I can't help but feel a newfound excitement about the day ahead. Today, I am not just any teenager. I am a teenager who is about to discover secrets of the forgotten magic.

Although I am hungry, and curious about the foods of this new world, magic interests me more. Before I even think about having breakfast, I'm going to learn what's written in the magic books.

I took out the things I had brought from the ruins under the bed. I remembered how glamorous they were when I saw the books in front of me again. Each one has its color; mysterious and intriguing air.

I first pick the brown book. Reading these books could be a problem, as books written in High Valyrian. After the fall of Valyria, the common tongue of Essos evolved into a group of languages called the Low Valyrian or the Bastard Valyrian. I am just lucky that one of the hobbies of Yaprak was learning languages. He has learned enough about High Valyrian to understand the book.

The pages of the first book were filled with intricate symbols and glyphs, a language of their own. The book is about runic language. It offers a way to enhance and imbue objects with magical properties. It allows me to inscribe runes on weapons, amulets, or even everyday items, granting them temporary or permanent enhancements. The more complex they are, the more magic they need to form.

These enhancements, however, were meant to aid in specific tasks rather than granting overwhelming power. It is not possible to create Thor's hammer. But, creating more durable, more sharp swords is not hard. Runes are responsible for the creation of the Valyrian steel.

I picked the crimson book as the second, which I suspect is about fire magic. And, yes. It is about fire magic. Fire, as a source of warmth and energy, held immense potential. But the magic within these pages focused on control and manipulation rather than destruction.

However, things get serious when a person becomes an expert. They can manipulate the fire within a large area. The best example is when Melisandre ignited arakhs of the Dothrakis. Just imagine you set fire clothes and armor of the enemy. There is no need for dragons for blood and fire. A proficient fire mage can be counted as a dragon. Of course, the mage is easier to kill compared to the dragon.

In this book, the thing that intrigued me the most in this book is the "fire message" spell. This spell is very basic and easy to understand from its name. It allows one to pass messages from one fire to another fire. The message can be a sound, or images if the mage has enough proficiency. The larger the message and greater the distance, the magic costs more.

Turning to the green book I found it is about life, healing, and plants. In the healing part, from basic mending wounds and soothing ailments, regrowing limbs is mentioned. There are magics for contagious diseases, magical diseases, blood loss, and even childbirth. If there are enough expert healing mages in a town, except for old age nobody can die. Of course, these are not magic that could bring back the dead or grant eternal life, but they held the power to restore balance and provide help in times of need.

Spells about plants are broken. Controlling plants, blessing plant which gives better and more food, or blessing soil for a bountiful harvest. This is the era of farming and these spells can change the fate of a kingdom.

Lastly, I opened the dark book. As I delved into it, I discovered that this book is about shadow magic which held the power of concealment and manipulation. It allows the user to blend into the darkness, becoming one with the shadows. With this newfound ability, I could move unnoticed and hide from prying eyes. It wasn't a magic of destruction or harm, but rather a subtle art of deception and evasion.

Of course, this magic does not open a portal to some shadowlands. It just makes it harder to be noticed in the shadows. Peoples directly ignore the user.

In addition, shadow mages can use the shadows within specific distances as their ears and mouths. Learning the secrets or whispering to the ears is the job of shadow mages.

I marveled at the tiered nature of these magics, each one possessing its unique abilities and limitations. They were not grand or overpowering, but rather practical and nuanced, requiring understanding and finesse to wield. It was a thrilling discovery, and I couldn't wait to explore the possibilities that lay before me. With these books as my guides, I knew that my journey into the world of magic would be one of measured growth.

"Master, breakfast is ready. And, two hours later a sword teacher will come as you ordered."

Huseyin's voice brought me back. I cannot wait to learn every different spell, yet everything has a time. Now, it is time to eat!

"Let's fill our bellies, a full and busy day awaits us."

Meereen, 271 AC

6 months later

I stood in the dusty courtyard, the warm sun casting long shadows across the worn cobblestones. Sweat dripped down my brow as I held the weighty sword in my hands, trying to mimic the precise movements Master Durin had taught me.

Though I possessed a strength beyond that of humans, I was far from a master with the sword. The Mountain also had super strength, yet he was defeated by Oberyn. My training had only begun six months ago, and there was still much for me to learn.

Master Durin was the sword master I hired as a sword teacher. A stern and formidable man with a grizzled face that told tales of countless battles. He fought countless battles across Essos and retired from his job as a sellsword after his body began to age.

He was just going to tutor me for only one month but he recognized my raw potential and the extraordinary strength that coursed through my veins. So, we extended our agreement to 6 months. Last week, our deal was completed, with the bonus he received from me, he can continue his beautiful life.

Suddenly, my practice was interrupted by the arrival of Huseyin. He rushed towards me, his eyes wide with excitement and a hint of nervousness. "The ship is ready to sail!" he exclaimed, barely able to catch his breath. I guess he came running here.

I paused, my sword mid-swing, surprised by the news. We were leaving Meeren, to Volantis.

Volantis was a distant free city, full of mystery and opportunity. Most importantly, there is the Temple of the Lord of Light.

As the self-proclaimed Chosen of the Lord, how can I not visit the temple of my Lord? Maybe while I'm gone, I'll take control of the temple if opportunities allow. If there are no opportunities, I will create them. What is the use of magic if I cannot deceive some sacrificial lunatics?

For the past six months, I naturally practiced magic. I focused on fire and life magic. Is there any better way to make red priests believe in me than manipulating fires without effort, or healing sicks with Lord's grace?

But, the most enjoyable was runic language. When I created my first magic item, it reminded me of successfully seeing "Hello world" on the computer. This language is without any limitations. As long as I have imagination and enough knowledge, I can open a new era for this world. Just imagine a tool that measures blood ties. There will be no need to check parentage from a book like Jon Arry did.

Lowering my sword, I looked at Huseyin, his face filled with determination. "We sold everything?" I asked, needing confirmation.

Huseyin nodded eagerly. "Yes, everything we owned, as you instructed. The ship will leave at dawn."

"This time you are also coming with me," I said, my voice resolute. "We will face the challenges of Volantis together."

Huseyin's face lit up with relief and joy.

"Thank you for taking me with you Master. I do not wish to leave your side once more. Until the moment our Lord claims my life."

After spending six months with me and witnessing my miracles, Huseyin believed without any suspicion to both Lord of the Light, and me being Him Chosen. However, I think he worships me more than the Red God.

Totally fine in my opinion.

As the sun began to set, casting an orange glow across the horizon, I returned to my house. There, I spent almost all of my time in this new world. I don't feel attached, but leaving this house creates a slight sadness inside me.

That night, I packed my few belongings. It was not hard as I do not own many things.

I tried to sleep but my heart filled with a mix of excitement and nervousness. It was not a good sleep. As dawn broke, Huseyin and I made our way to the harbor, where the ship awaited us. Its sails billowed in the wind, a symbol of the unknown adventures that lay ahead.

Stepping onto the ship, I glanced back at the familiar shores of Meereen, bidding farewell to the life I had known. Ahead of me was Volantis, a city of dreams and possibilities. With the strength that coursed through my veins and the company of Huseyin by my side, I was ready to embark on this grand adventure, ready to carve my path in the vibrant city of Volantis.


In this chapter, there is no action. Sorry for that. I just introduced magic.

I removed the shadow creature that killed Renly. As mc can do magic without sacrifices, it would be broken magic. He can directly kill all opponents.

If you have magic suggestions about shadow, fire, and life; please comment. Sort of like magic that is helpful but not powerful enough to upset the balance.