
Game Of Thrones:The Clan Crimson

Young Wake dies and reincarnates in the world of game of thrones as young Wake Crimson the heir of clan Crimson. This is his story, how he will use his knowledge of the series to better his clan and change his future. ********** All characters and plot used belongs to the Game of thrones franchise and George R.R Martin except the OC.

Wake_Evan · 电视同人
4 Chs

Might & Magic

Year 288 AC,

I am 8 years old now and am growing faster than kids my age. I am already 4'6 which is tall for an 8 year old. I have black hair and red fiery eyes. It has been 2 years since I started my martial training. Anything from swords, spears, axes and other weaponry I have been taught by fighters of the fighting pits that my father bought as slaves. I have been taught horse riding from the Dothraki sell-sword.

A thing I noticed about my constitution is that I am stronger, faster and more agile than kids my age. My reflexes are already at peak human limits. I figure it must be unique to Valyrian blood magic that is strong in me. Daenerys was not a warrior so we never know whether she had the same constitution or not.

One day after completing my daily training I snuck out of my room to visit the secret chamber in the Lords solar. I was curious to know what secrets it contained. My father was out on a visit to the free cities due to some business with the slavers and I knew he wont be back for another week or so.

I entered the solar and shut the door behind me, I proceeded to the entrance of the chamber and opened it. What greeted me were racks filled with books of old with some shining with covers made of gold, there were valyrian steel daggers and ornaments hung on the wall and in special glass cases. In the middle of the chamber there were two chests made of gold and bone, dragon bone perhaps. I went closer to the chests and opened the one on the left, It contained 2 dragons eggs my father had told me about. One as black as the night sky the other grey like ash, both were hard as hard as stone but when I touched them I could feel some sort of energy being radiated.

It was warm and soothing, I figure it was sort of resonance between the magic in the eggs and my blood. Putting the eggs back in the chest I moved to the other one, It contained a tome made of some black metal like material I couldn't recognize and some vials filled with dark red liquid, Dragon Blood! There were a total of five vials filled with the most rare liquid on the planet.

On the cover of the tome there were written the words,

" Only the blood of the dragon may access the knowledge of old"

Under these words there was a carving of a dragon with its mouth open and red rubies in place of its eyes. I was fairly certain my blood would be potent enough to open the tome. I could also use a vial of the dragon blood but I didn't want to waste it when I didn't have to. So I took a dagger hung on the wall cut my hand and pour the blood on the mouth of the dragon. When the blood fell the tome absorbed it like a sponge. After a moment or two, runes lit up along the borders of the tome and on the dragon as well. The dragon animatedly closed its mouth and spread its wings wide. When the runes stopped glowing the tome opened.

I spent the rest of the week training and reading until my father returned. I didn't want him to know that I could access the knowledge of old because if this information got out we could very well be in trouble. I trusted my father but I didn't trust the very walls we stayed in. We were only a minor house with some control over the trading business on the isles but if someone knew that I could hold the power of the Dragon lords then surely my house would become history. We were strong financially but we didn't have a standing army to protect us. The pirates that my family had made slaves of had rebelled as soon as our dragons had died. That had resulted in a catastrophe, what loyal servants and soldiers we had had fought back courageously but the damage had been done.

We now only controlled the isle of tears with the city of Gorgai ( Gogossos) as our home. We only had enough men and boats to keep hold over the isle of Tears and protect ourselves from pirate raids. We couldn't protect ourselves from assassins or Faceless men that would surely find their way to us when this news reached the Maesters of Old town or the Faith extremists.

The week of reading through the tome and all the other books had granted me the knowledge that would surely bring about chaos and using this chaos as a ladder I shall make my house rise to prominence again. The books although mostly contained history of my house since the Doom including what plague had caused us to sell our eggs, it was called Red Death.

The Red Death was a disease that erupted in the slave pens of Gogossos years after the Doom of Valyria. It swept across the Isle of Tears and then spread across the rest of the Basilisk Isles. It killed nine of every ten men, who died screaming, bleeding copiously from every body orifice, their skin shredding like wet parchment.

Other than the useless but somewhat intriguing knowledge I acquired the one thing that would make me invincible in this world, Magic. The tome taught me that Valyrians could use their magic in myriad of ways but were limited to their mental prowess and imagination but I being from another world and older than I was supposed to, also having mental strength twice as a normal person was not.

Their magic was mostly blood related and ritualistic, I was already strong and I would continue to grow strong as I grew older so body enhancement rituals were out of the picture, there were rituals to bond dragons with humans but when I hatched the eggs they would already bond with me so didn't need those as well. There were rituals to hasten the growth of dragons which would certainly come to use later. Right now what I needed was a mind related magic that would help me compel people to my will, make me able to predict the actions of my opponents and allow me to disorient my foes for a little while which was enough to change the fate of a person. After skimming through the perfect memory of the tome in my mind I found what I needed.