
Chapter 10: Strength and Alliances: A Day in Maegor's Quest for Power

As Maegor and Leana awoke at the break of dawn the next day, they smiled at each other. They spent a little more time in bed, savoring the peace of being together. By midday, dressed in clean and elegant clothes, they left their rooms. This new day was significant for Maegor, as he would be discussing new alliances and expanding trade networks with other Free Cities' leaders. However, first, Leana and Maegor needed to have breakfast, as they had not eaten anything since the previous day.

In the dining hall, a grand table awaited them. Various fruits, cheeses, fresh bread, and hot teas adorned the table, which featured delicacies from the finest kitchens of Volantis. Leana looked at Maegor, who was sitting next to her, and smiled.

Leana: "After this breakfast, you have a busy day ahead, Maegor. I'm sure you have a solid plan for forming powerful alliances."

Maegor: "Yes, Leana. My father and I have prepared a comprehensive plan. Today, I aim to make strong agreements with the Free Cities. But first, let's enjoy this delicious breakfast."

During breakfast, servants buzzed around Leana and Maegor, attending to their needs. While Maegor enjoyed his meal, he also reflected on the busy day ahead. Leana noticed Maegor's thoughtful demeanor.

Leana: "Maegor, you seem a bit tense. Is everything alright?"

Maegor: "Yes, Leana. I'm just considering how crucial today's meetings are. We must succeed."

After breakfast, Leana left to visit her mother, and Maegor entered his father Aemon's chamber. After greeting each other, they sat down. They shared a few jokes about the night before and then discussed the day's plans.

Aemon: "Maegor, the meetings we have today are crucial. We must establish solid alliances with Lys, Myr, Tyrosh, and other surrounding cities. We can persuade them by sharing the profits from alcohol sales."

Maegor: "Yes, father. I will meet with each city leader individually to explain how profitable our alcohol trade will be. Ensuring fair shares will keep our alliances strong."

Aemon listened attentively to Maegor's words.

Aemon: "While making these deals, we must also consider their expectations. Do you remember the details of some past agreements? What we learned from them will guide us."

Maegor: "Yes, father. I remember every detail. Today, we will apply what we've learned to make better agreements."

By the afternoon, Maegor and Aemon began meetings with the leaders of Lys, Myr, Tyrosh, and other major and minor cities. In the grand hall, each leader discussed trade and alliance agreements in meticulously prepared meeting rooms. Maegor made detailed presentations to each leader, explaining how they would benefit from the alcohol trade.

Maegor: "Lysandro Rogare, I guarantee the success of our trade agreement. Our alcohol trade will bring you substantial profits, and you will receive a fair share of this gain. This agreement will strengthen the ties between our cities."

Lysandro Rogare nodded after carefully considering Maegor's offer.

Lysandro Rogare: "Lord Maegor, the terms you propose are quite appealing. I accept our trade agreement. I'm confident that working together will be beneficial for both sides. However, we will need to implement some additional security measures."

Maegor: "Certainly, Mr. Lysandro. We can create a joint defense plan to ensure the security of our trade routes. This will keep our trade uninterrupted and strengthen our alliance."

Similar discussions took place with the leaders of Myr and Tyrosh. Each accepted the profitable trade opportunities Maegor presented. The Myr leader suggested expanding trade routes and diversifying alcohol products, while the Tyrosh leader proposed that cultural and artistic collaborations would further strengthen the alliances.

By the evening, most of the meetings had yielded positive results, and many new alliances had been formed. As night fell, most guests had left, with many departing with new agreements and alliances. Some remained in Volantis to finalize deals. After the guests departed, Maegor rode out to the massive volcano outside Volantis, where his trusty dragon Arrax was located.

As Maegor rode toward the volcano, his thoughts turned to Arrax. The bond they had developed over the years was one of his greatest strengths. Upon arrival, dragon keepers and elite guards greeted him. After a brief conversation with them, Maegor walked towards the massive volcano.

Arrax emerged from his lair with a roar, showcasing himself in the sky. Maegor marveled at how his friend had grown over the past ten years. The family had been astonished at Arrax's growth. While his sister's dragon, born a year after Arrax, had reached a size of 60 meters and a wingspan of 70 meters, which was considered normal growth, Arrax's rapid growth had left the family in awe. Arrax was already the size of an adult dragon and was still growing. According to the dragon keepers, he had reached an enormous 90 meters in size and a wingspan of 110 meters.

Upon seeing his master, Arrax landed and stood before Maegor like a mountain, showcasing his impressive presence. His crimson scales and black membrane exuded an aura of awe and terror. With bone protrusions adorning his head like a crown, Arrax was truly unique. Maegor walked towards his friend, who lowered his body, and they locked eyes.

Maegor: "Arrax, my friend. It's wonderful to reunite with you."

Maegor gently stroked his friend's snout, whispering affectionate words. In response, Arrax rumbled and exhaled warmth from his nostrils. Maegor instructed the dragon keepers to set up the saddle on Arrax's back and donned his dragon rider's attire made of leather. He also strapped on his Valyrian sword, "Wrath of the Dragon," which he never left behind. He then approached his dragon again.

Arrax lay down, waiting for Maegor to mount. Without hesitation, Maegor climbed onto his dragon's back and secured himself in the saddle. Once Arrax sensed his readiness, his massive body rose with a rumble and began flapping his wings.

After not being able to soar with his friend for a long time due to recent events, Maegor missed the feeling of freedom. As they flew around Volantis and over the sea, they cast a shadow over the city as night fell. Ordinary people, hearing the dragon's roar, fled in fear to their homes, gazing out of their windows in awe at the immense silhouette.

Maegor: "This feeling is as incredible as ever. Flying freely, soaring through the skies with you."

Maegor enjoyed the night flying with his friend over Volantis and the sea. Afterward, he landed back at the volcano and instructed Arrax to return to his lair for rest. The dragon keepers, using Valyrian, guided Arrax to his cave with their staffs.

After watching his friend return to his lair, Maegor changed out of his dragon rider's attire and into his elegant red and purple garments. As the night faded, he watched the first light of dawn reappear. He mounted his horse and rode back to Volantis.

Upon arriving in Volantis, Maegor was ready for the challenges and opportunities the new day would bring. He had much work ahead for his family's future and was determined to fulfill his duties. As the sun slowly rose, Maegor rode his horse into the palace courtyard. Servants and soldiers awaiting him in the courtyard prepared to welcome their master's return.

Servant Jana: "Welcome, my lord. Flying with Arrax last night must have been refreshing."

Maegor: "Yes, Jana. Soaring with Arrax always renews my spirit. Now, we must focus on today's tasks."

Maegor reunited with his father Aemon. Upon hearing about Maegor's flight, Aemon was pleased to see his son's spirits high.

Aemon: "Maegor, it seems that spending time with Arrax has done you good. Today, we need to review the agreements made yesterday and plan our next steps."

Maegor: "Yes, father. We need to examine the details of the agreements and understand their implications. Additionally, we should discuss how to further strengthen our alliances."

As the day progressed, Maegor and Aemon gathered in the palace's grand meeting hall. Documents and maps from the previous day's agreements were spread across the table. Maegor carefully examined each document.

Maegor: "Our agreement with Lysandro Rogare highlights the need for securing our trade routes. This will not only ensure profit but also strengthen our alliance."

Aemon: "Yes, Lysandro is a smart leader. By cooperating with him, we can make our trade more secure. We also made similar agreements with Myr and Tyrosh. Each has different demands and expectations, but these alliances will provide us with significant advantages."

Alongside trade and military strategies, Maegor and his family also emphasized cultural and social interactions. Leana, with her mother, organized various events for the women and children of the palace. These events aimed not only to entertain but also to strengthen community unity.

Leana: "Mother, I'm planning a reading day for women and children today. We will tell old Valyrian stories and stimulate the children's imagination."

Viserra: "That's a wonderful idea, Leana. Passing on our cultural heritage to the younger generation is very