
Game of thrones: House Phoenix

Note: I do not own the cover page or anything related to game of thrones plot, only my MC. I'm only writing this fanfic for fun, I will take it serious in the future if I see you guys are enjoying it

j_k_l · 电视同人
4 Chs

chapter 1. new world

Year 2020

Alex was one of the most feard man to ever walk the earth, known for his exceptional skills in the military and was later recruited as a secret agent. He had never had the chance to live a normal life from a young age. His entire life had been defined by duty and sacrifice.

He had seen his fair share of battles, but none as intense as the one that led him to retire. As the captain-commander of Beta Squad, he had led his team to take down countless criminals. They were the best of the best, and their reputation preceded them.

But the most notable mission was the one that earned him the nickname "The Ghost." He was tasked with taking down the leader of the Bing Sung Union, a notorious mafia leader in Russia. They said he was more protected and dangerous than the government himself. But he didn't believe it. He had a reputation for getting things done.

And get it done, he did. Single-handedly, he infiltrated his stronghold and eliminated him. It was a mission that would go down in history as one of the most daring operations ever pulled off.

Five years later,

After completing his last mission as a special agent. He handed in his resignation, tired of living in the shadows, tired of being on constant alert for threats. He wanted to enjoy the part of life he never had a chance to experience as a normal person. He wanted to feel the sun on his face, to smell the fresh air, to have a family and friends who didn't care if he was a former spy.

So, he retired and boarded a plane to start his new life. As he settled into his seat and gazed out the window, he noticed something strange. The plane was quiet. Too quiet. It wasn't just the lack of chatter from other passengers; it was an eerie silence that sent shivers down his spine.

He got up and walked towards the cockpit, feeling like something was off. As soon as he opened the door, a look of shock froze on his face. And then, a loud boom resonated through the air.


Year 275 AC

Alex had woken up in a dark place, where the walls were confined almost suffocating him. He hadn't known how long he had been in this place. He couldn't believe he had survived that blast. He thought to himself, "I should have known they wouldn't let me go and planed to assassinate me after all, I was their best." He chuckled dryly to himself.


As he lay there, he noticed a bright light illuminating the dark room. The walls that were already close tight started to suck in more forcefully, pushing him out of the dark place towards the light. He thought to himself, "Am I going to heaven now?"

But before he could finish the thought, he heard a voice coaxing someone to push, push. The more he heard the voice, the more pain he started to feel. He thought he was going to surely die, and he screamed out to the gods, "If I'm supposed to die, why didn't I die in battle? Why am I being crushed to death? What did I do to deserve this?"

As he exited through the white light, but what came out of his mouth shocked him. He was crying like a baby.

"congratulations Lady Ashara, you have a lovely boy," said the midwife as she delivered the baby to her. "His name will be Ragnar," said the tired Ashara. Ragnar had a full head of white hair and striking golden eyes.

Suddenly a voice sounded in the room, "Ashara, are you okay?" Ashara looked up towards the man named Darian, who appeared more restless than even her. She smiled gently and reassured him, "I'm okay, Darian."

Darian's eyes softened as he gazed at the baby wrapped in a bundle in Ashara's hands. He couldn't help but feel pride and love for his newborn son.


Ragnar pov

Who would have thought after being tatured and sucked through the bright light, the first face I would see in front of me is a giant woman? Thought Ragnar; He suddenly then heard a voice behind him speaking in a language he didn't understand, but from the look at the giant woman's face, who was holding him, it seemed like she was told to do something.

Suddenly, the giant woman carried him forward and placed him inside a lady's arm. But as his eyes met with the new giant lady who was holding him, he was bewildered. She had dark long brown silky hair that looked like a mess as if she had been doing some strenuous activity, along with that she had deep violet eyes. Ragnar then thought for some reason she looked familiar, but he couldn't quite know from where.

Just then, another voice burst into the room, shouting in the same language as the giant lady holding him, which he couldn't understand. But he certainly understood one word he heard from the giant man: "Ashara." Where did I hear that name from? Ragnar thought to himself.

He then felt shock from a realization as he put two and two together, recognizing the woman's face and the name. Wait, it can't be a coincidence, can it? He thought. Am I in the Game of Thrones? It can't just be a coincidence that the lady looks and has the same name as a character he read in a book so long ago. He thought.

He then suddenly took a look at the giant lady again, now known as Ashara. He noticed she was smiling as she gestured for the man to come over. The man had long white hair that reached his neck and had faintly violet eyes, almost like a Targaryen. He also sported golden brand armor with the print of a Phoenix on its chestplate.

As he started to smile, a look ragnar was all too familiar with after the countless assassination missions he had undergone and saw the look his subordinate give there kin before leaving - it was the look of fatherly love. Realization then came to Ragnar after seeing that look and put everything together: the mysterious white light that he was sucked through, the ancient almost medieval look around the room, the giant lady who looked and had the same name as a fictional character named Ashara in Game of Thrones, and this mysterious giant man in front of him.

There's no doubt about it - I've been reincarnated.

Author note:

Been really busy I couldn't continue this what if and after getting a few comments I suddenly think I would try it another time, but I didn't know how to continue the original and started a whole new storyline. It will be mostly the same as the other but just a few changes and for those who read my other fanfic I don't know if I'll continue them for right now and out it on wait, reason being I'm busy with work and alot of stuff.