
Game Of Thrones: House Pendragon

A man reincarnates in game of thrones with knowledge and skills that no one would imagine where he came from, The Man destined to rule over all. [The story begins before robert's rebellion, the mc will be the bastard son of Rickard Stark and a woman of Valyrian descent] [Mc will be intelligent, strategist, manipulative, flirtatious and strong, I don't intend to follow the canon too much, because if you want to see the canon, read the original book] [I am not entitled to any characters, they all belong to their creator]

zLucasH · 电视同人
36 Chs

Chapter 28 - Plans

"Si vis pacem, Para bellum"

That's one of the things I was taught in the Elysian fields, it is almost impossible to conquer peace with beautiful and good words.

Man seeks peace, but at the same time he longs for war, thinking about peace while shedding blood is something human beings can do, they are the two sides of the same coin.

"Elric, let me introduce you to the new members of the group" I spoke with a smile as I opened the bags on my side.

Fenrir jumped out of the suitcase quickly, and Hela slowly came out.

"This is Fenrir, a Direwolf we found beyond the wall" I spoke taking Fenrir on my lap.

"Hey there, big fella," Elric said with a smile, as he patted his head.

Passing Fenrir to Rhoslyn who was to my right, I picked up Hela from the ground.

"And this little girl here is Hela, a shadowcat." I spoke scratching behind her ear.

Elric reached out his hand and Hela licked it.

"They must be starving, James, bring more meat and a pot of water!" shouted Elric, and a few minutes later the tavern keeper came bringing a plate of meat and a pot of water.

"Let's cut to the chase." I spoke.

"The things I asked you for, how are we doing?" I asked looking at Elric, who upon hearing my question, let out a sigh, and smiled at me.

"I would say well, some objectives are going well, others not so well." Elric spoke.

"Just as we planned, I found some children willing to serve our cause, with that, we have about 121 specialized in assassinations, however, only 63 managed to complete the training successfully and are ready for the missions, the other 53 are completing their training, but I believe we will finish in a few moons." Elric said.

"121 is not the amount we agreed upon, but I have made up for it in skill, I think you have had a chance to see." Spoke Elric.

"Yes, Michael right? In fact, he is quite skilled." I spoke with a smile.

"He is one of the best who have completed the training."

"What about our network?" I asked.

"We have at least one person in almost every house in Westeros, only missing a few smaller houses, which will soon be allocated, in the most powerful houses we have quite a few people undercover, in different occupations." Elric spoke.

"Did you put in Winterfell too?" I asked.

"Just as we agreed, sir." Spoke Elric.

"Right, increase the net, spread your shadows to every alley in this kingdom, I want to know everything that is going on, if Tywin Lannister wipes his ass after he shits or even if Rhaegar is a dickhead, remember, information is power!" I spoke.

"And so it shall be done, my lord!" Elric spoke.

"Do you have anything else to add Elric?" I asked.

"Yes my lord, recently I have achieved our financial independence, I stopped collecting profits from drinks, and we have started to be self-sufficient, today our main profits come from taverns and brothels, in the taverns we also sell information. "spoke Elric.

"Before I continue, this belongs to you" spoke Elric, as he took out 1 gold dragon, and placed it in front of Arthur.

"I thought it was very strange when you told me to create this company, but it surprised me, how many noble houses are acquiring our servants, I am not able to train so many, at first, no house was interested, but after the Tyrell house acquired one, almost every house in the Reach rushed to acquire, and from then on it was one after another, even to the Manderly wanted one." Elric spoke.

"Arthur, what is this company of Maids you are talking about?" Rhoslyn asked.

"Hahahaha, the night Elric left, we were planning what he should do, that's when I had the idea of creating a company of housekeepers, we educate women and men in management, etiquette, among others, their job is to take care of the clothing and objects of guests and family members, supervise the tidiness of rooms and other areas, serve food and beverages and supervise their preparation, secretary agendas and letters, control laundry and linen services, manage personnel and perform administrative activities." I spoke.

After a few seconds after I explained, Perseus, who was standing next to me on the left side of the table, widened his eyes at me.

"They have knowledge of everything that goes on inside the house, they can kill whoever they want inside it." Perseus spoke.

"Precisely." I spoke.

"Fuck..." Spoke Kevin, with an impressed look on his face.

"Hahahahaha, they won't even see where they got hit from" Spoke Sigurd while biting into a chicken thigh.

"Arthur, if we can figure out what they are capable of, wouldn't the contractors know too?" Astrid asked.

"If they have the slightest bit of intelligence, yes" I spoke.

"So what good is all this?" Rhoslyn asked.

"It won't be a quick process, little by little we will give information that can help the contractors, with that generating trust, I instructed Elric to give an intensive training to all who volunteer for this job, they go through several processes and tests, all who have graduated, possess several knowledge that the contractor will have use." I spoke.

"Couldn't that be a double-edged sword? They could betray us and give information to the enemy." Astrid asked.

"We have thought of that possibility, I have made it a point to make the fate of someone who betrays us very clear, but even then it is not something that is guaranteed, so we have more than one spy in territories that have the servants, and none of them know about the other." Elric spoke.

"I could make a rune in each, but that would take time and resources, things we are in short supply of recently" I spoke.

"And what is the name of this company?" Rhoslyn asked.

"Royal Deluxe" said Elric.

"A good name" spoke Rhoslyn with a smile.

"I also recently started a tailoring company that makes clothes for the nobility, I named it Kingsman, it has no function other than making clothes" spoke Elric.

"Hahaha, I was wondering what Arthur's other crazy idea was" spoke Sigurd with a mouthful of chicken.

"Don't talk while eating, you disgusting man" spoke Astrid, elbowing Sigurd in the ribs.

"Do you have anything else to tell us Elric?" I asked.

"Saying no, but I have to request." He spoke.

"And what would that be?" I asked.

"As much as you have taught me math, economics, management, I am very overwhelmed, I have to take care of an information network, assassinate, manage two companies, I'm afraid that somehow might somehow overlook one, and it will bring some kind of consequence." Elric spoke with a tired face.

"I see" I spoke, as I tapped my fingers on the table, thinking.

After 2 minutes of thinking, I got up from the chair, went towards the bags that were on the next table, removed Dark Sister from the cloth she was wrapped in, and came back in front of everyone.

"Rhoslyn, kneel down." I spoke.

The moment she heard my order, Rhoslyn's eyes widened, and a beautiful smile appeared on her face.

"Yes my lord" she spoke, as she knelt down.

"By the powers granted to me by the Old Gods, I, Arthur Snow, the lord of Yggdrasil, appoint you, Rhoslyn Goldrain, General of Vanaheim"

"Thinking of peace whilst spilling blood is something that only humans could do. They’re two sides of the same coin—to protect something, another must be sacrificed.”

- Madara Uchiha

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