
Game of Thrones: Holy Flame King

[Author’s note- you can read this novel even if you haven’t read the book or watch any episodes from TV series as smaller explanation will be given in story … and lengthy explanation will be added as notes after end of chapter .] After many years… the legendary lord known as the dragon knight, the son of the holy flame, the nightmare of the schemer, the smasher of the order of the game, the undefeated myth on the battlefield, the ruler of the seven kingdoms, and the guardian of the whole territory___ As Samwell Caesar sat on the Iron Throne, he couldn't help but reminisce about the distant afternoon when he received the pioneering order from the Rose of Highgarden. It was a time when no one could have predicted that this young man, who had been abandoned by his father, would set off an iron-blooded storm that would sweep across the entire continent of Westeros. Interactive map of GOT - https://quartermaester.info/ Mtl source- https://www.mtlnovel.com/game-of-thrones-holy-flame-king/#tabreview

Tortle121 · 电视同人
242 Chs

Chapter 79

Chapter 79 Meeting

  Of course Samwell will not go to see some shit princess.

  He's in a very bad mood right now.

  He never thought that a Dorne princess would appear here.

  In this way, the Starfall City, which was originally a sure thing, might not be so easy to obtain.

  Arianne Martell would not allow the Dayne family to be in the hands of a girl who was clearly inclined to the people of the reach, even if she was indeed the first heir to Starfall City.

  What's more, even if Natalie's inheritance rights are true, there are indeed few flaws.

  what to do?

  Storming Starfall City?

  Samwell felt that he was not crazy yet.

  Even though Starfall City's troops are indeed empty at this time, with Princess Arianna, the people inside will definitely not surrender easily.

With just a few hundred people under him, if he wants to conquer the Dayne family before the arrival of Dorn's reinforcements, is just a dream .


  Samwell was not reconciled.

  Although he won the previous battle, his territory was also destroyed, and his accumulation of more than half a year was burned.

  If he couldn't get compensation from Starfall City, he would be really in loss.

  What's more, if he retreats this time, will Starfall City let it go?

  Especially since Arianne Martell, an ambitious woman, is still here, she will most likely gather the troops of the Dayne family, and even the troops of the nearby lords, to attack Eagle Island.

  When the time comes, how will he defend ?

  Therefore, instead of letting the flames of war spread to his own territory again, it is better to stick to this pier.

Not only can it block the Dornish people's attack, but he can also seize the opportunity to request assistance from the Highgarden.

  Although the Tyrell family was reluctant to send troops to defend Eagle Island earlier, the situation has now changed. With a stronghold established in the western part of Dorne and access to a pier that can transport troops continuously, as well as Natalie Dane under his custody and possessing the key to unlocking the west of Dorne, he is confident that the Tyrells would not remain indifferent.

  Now that he had made up his mind to stand firm and wait for help, Samwell ordered his soldiers to take over the entire pier, drive out all the civilians on the pier, and began to build fortifications to prepare for battle.

  After observing the terrain of the pier, Samwell found that if he wanted to stick to this place, he couldn't just guard the pier.

  Due to the pier's low elevation and lack of strategic depth, defending solely on the pier would result in vulnerability to the Dornishmen, as they could easily drive them into the sea as food for the fish.

  Therefore, he decisively expanded the defense line to the outside by two or three miles.

  This section is full of rugged rocks, and there is only one road to enter and exit, but after turning eastward and turning over a ridge, there is a flat sandy plain.

  Therefore, it is relatively simple to fortify, by just blocking the only road leading to the pier west of the ridge.

  After his subordinates dug trenches on the main road, erected earth barriers, demolished the wooden houses on the pier, and built several fences on the ridge, Samwell asked Hughes to reply to Princess Arianne—

If she wants to see him, then she should come here by herself.

  Hughes took the order and came back soon, replying:

  "My lord, Royal Princess said that she has arrived and wants to see you."

  Samwell frowned, a little surprised at the courage of the Dorne princess.

  However, since the other party really came, then of course he wanted to see her.

  If we can reach an agreement, then this battle can be avoided, and it is better not to fight.

  Coming to the first line of defense, Samwell saw a group of Dornishmen gathered on the opposite side from a distance.

  After he appeared, two figures on horseback stepped out of the Dornish people and came towards the ridge.

  Seeing this, Samwell brought his attendant, Katu, and went up to meet them.

  The two sides met in the middle, separated by more than ten steps.

  Princess Arianne looked curiously at the Knight of the Reach, and found that he was completely different from what she had heard before.

  Of course, she had long felt that the rumors about Samwell Tarly she had heard before were all deliberately woven false news. How could a cowardly fat man abandoned by his father open up a territory in a place like the Red Mountains.

  Not to mention defeating the Dayne family army led by Urik Sand.

  The young man in front of her was exactly what she had imagined—

  tall and handsome, exuding a high-spirited temperament, his gray eyes shone with confidence and courage.

This is a difficult man to deal with.

  Arianne made a judgment immediately.

  Samwell was also looking at Princess of Dorne in front of him.

  She is indeed as beautiful as described in the book, her graceful figure is looming under the translucent silk dress, her olive-colored smooth skin glistens with health and vitality, and the smile on her charming face is as hot as the sunshine of Dorn, although she's not absolutely beautiful, but she has an inexplicable and strong attraction to men.

  "Knight of theReach , do you know that you are standing on the land of the Dornish people?"

Arianne spoke, her lazy tone seemed to be coquettish like speaking with her lover.

  This is a woman who is very good at using her charm to achieve her goals.

  Samwell was secretly vigilant, and said with a smile,

  "If I remember correctly, you Dornishmen attacked my territory first."

  "Your territory?" Princess Arianne chuckled, "How did I hear that even castle wasn't built."

  Samwell also smiled: "Your Royal Princess , we don't need to play this kind of jurisprudence game. Eagle Island is the territory I developed, and it is full of my subjects and property. Now it is being ruined by Uric Sand.

Now, it's not too much for me to come to Starfall City to ask for some compensation, right?"

  Princess Arianne pointed behind Samwell with her slender finger, and said,

  "Since you came here to ask for compensation, you occupied the pier and What are you building more fortifications for?"

  "Of course it is to guard against you." Samwell didn't bother to talk to this person, and simply said bluntly, "I have already negotiated with the Dayne family on the matter of war compensation, but your appearance , It seems that the flames of war are in danger of reigniting again. How can I not be on guard."

  "Have you negotiated war compensation? Which one of the Dayne family did you talk to?" "

  "Of course it is the first heir of the Dayne family,Ashara Dayne's daughter, Lady Natalie Dayne."

  Princess Arianne giggled when she heard the words, and her proud chest also surged: "Sir Caesar, are you making a mistake, the Dayne family lady Ashara committed suicide by jumping into the sea more than ten years ago."

  "Sure enough, the Martell family would not easily admit Natalie, but he still made the last effort: "She jumped into the sea, but she didn't die, and she left behind a daughter. If you don't believe me, you can ask some old people from the Dayne family to identify it."

"Why not."

Princess Arianne suggested with a smile , "You ask that Miss Natalie to come back to Sunspear with me, and let my father confirm her identity. If it is true, then she can inherit Starfall City and swear allegiance to my father."

"Come on, you really believe that." Samwell shrugged, of course he couldn't hand Natalie over to the Martell family.

  And he also understood that the woman in front of him would not bow her head easily.

  In the original book, Arianne was so ambitious that she wanted to proclaim Myrcella to sit on the Iron Throne, so her father had to send someone to arrest her to prevent her from causing trouble outside.

  Prince Doran had to resort to coercive means if he wanted her to be obedient. How could Samwell, a man from the Reach, use words to impress this woman?

  Therefore, Samwell didn't bother to talk nonsense, and said directly: "Then speak with sword's."

  "You are very confident, Sir Caesar." Arianne stared into Samwell's eyes with burning eyes, "I hope you can always Keep it."

  "Thank you for your blessing." Samwell saluted very gentlemanly, "I also hope that you can always maintain your current beauty, you know, swords have no eyes on the battlefield, and beautiful things are as fragile as porcelain vases. "

  Princess Arianne suddenly withdrew her smile, and there was no charm in her voice, it was as hard as gravel in the mountains: "

  Then you should take a good look, is the porcelain bottle standing in front of you a broken porcelain bottle or an iron one?"

"Unbending, unbreakable, unyielding Martell!"

  After saying this, Arianne turned and left.

  "Daemon Sand!" Princess Arianne ordered as soon as she returned,

  "Immediately send a letter to High hermitage City, Blackmont City, Skyreach City, Sandstone City, Kingsgrafe City, city... to all Lords of western Dorne, tell them that the people of the Reach have set foot on our land. I, Arianne Martell, in the name of the Sunspear, demand that they immediately send troops to support Starfall!"