
Game Of Thrones: Baratheon The Schemer

A/N: I don’t own the rights of this novel or the characters of the Series. A/N: No sheets, only knowledge about the world. A/N: This story is mainly built on schemes, strategy, and little Romance. Edward was a teenager who loved Game of thrones. He always dreamed of experiencing such a life. His family owned a factory that made artisanal whiskey and vodka. He, himself, owned a winery. When he was returning from his winery, a thief tried to rob him but he didn’t control his strength and killed Edward. When Edward opened his eyes, he found that he was in a baby’s body. Follow Edward on his journey in the game of thrones.

GNaNA · 电视同人
254 Chs

Chapter 20: Rhaegar in Griffen's Roost

A/N: Hey guys,

I hope you are enjoying the story till the moment. I just want to tell you that in the next few chapters, Edward would fell into a state of confusion, trying to balance between his goal and the people who he cared about.

Also, thanks to those who supported me.

Thanks, robert turner for becoming my Pàtreon.

Thanks, Jeff for becoming my Pàtreon.

You could find more chapters on my Pàtreon.


I am still on my promise when we reach 25 Pàtreon, we would have a mass release of 8 chapters.



Rhaeger nodded his head to the old man and took his seat. He was on his way back from Dorne with Sir Arthur Dayne. He was sightseeing the beautiful places in Dorne while his father was being fucked in Duskendale. When he heard about what happened, he was in an Inn, close to Starfall. He was singing in the feast in the Inn when one of the Kingsguard told him the news.

Rhaegar then heard all the news about what happened to his father and how the Young Heir of Storm's End had saved his father. He also heard that The king knighted Edward making Edward the youngest knight in the history of Westeros. That was why he stopped his journey in the middle and decided to return to King's Landing. Rhaegar hoped that he could visit Storm's End to befriend the Young Lord Baratheon. He saw talent in the young man, and we all knew how he loved to gather talents around his ass.

He was on his way to Storm's End. That was why he was here in Griffon's Roost. He was just stopping by and decided to visit his childhood friend Jon Conington.

"Your Highness, I have ordered Jon to show you the view of the forests and crags from the east tower till the feast's time. He would take you there immediately." Said Armond trying to suck up to the prince.

"mhm." Noded Rhaegar with his flashing smile.

"Have you heard any news about The young Lord Baratheon?" Asked Rhaeger trying to figure if Armond knew if Edward was in Storm's End or not.

Armond was surprised. He didn't hear any news of Rhaegar and Edward being friends. If they were friends, this would miss his calculations. He wanted to use the prince against his rival. What if Edward used the prince against him?

"What kind of news, my prince?" Asked Armond in a cautious voice.

"Is he in Storm's End at the moment?" Asked Rhaegar with a smile.

"No, your Highness. I heard that the young Lord took his mother and left Storm's End on his way to the Eyrie five days ago." Said Armond while sighing.

"Do you have any news about his journey's road?" Asked Rhaegar with the same smile.

"I don't know. Lord Edward is unpredictable. I heard he reached Felwood two days ago. I didn't hear anything since then." Said Armond.

Rhaegar nodded, then took his way out of the room with Jon. He decided to stay a night in Griffen's Roost then return to King's Landing. He hoped he could catch up to the young Lord Baratheon there.

After Rhaegar left the room, Armond's face turned black. He didn't want to see Prince Rhaegar and Edward became friends. He had some plans against House Morrigen and needed the prince's help. If the prince and Edward were friends, it would be hard for him to achieve that.

If Edward knew what he thought, he would fell on the ground laughing. As if he could do so in Edward's watch. Edward was already preparing to fuck up House Connington when he became the Lord.

Edward was also scheming against Rhaegar, and he had a new plan that would help him fuck everyone, literally.

After Rhaegar saw the view, he went to the feast. As a "Thank you" gift for House Connington for welcoming him, Rhaegar decided to sing for everyone. Everyone had to admit that this Rhaegar had the face and the voice. That was why the girls' and Ladies' eyes were at the shape of hearts. They fell for him at once, and Rhaegar thought he could befriend Edward. He was so fucked up.

After spending the night in Griffen's Roost, Rhaegar was on his way to King's Landing the next day.

During this time, Edward had already reached Fawnton. He had already inspected Felwood Ins and Outs by himself and with his men's help. After arriving at Fawnton and being received by Lord Cafferen, he went on his way to investigate again.

Two days later, he had finished everything he had come to this castle for. He decided to hit the road again. This time, he was on his way to King's Landing to check it. Every time he went to King's Landing was for a purpose and hadn't had the time to investigate the city.

During all this time, he was being nagged and scolded by his mother for hiding things from her. His ears were always red. He didn't know why Cassana always loved to pull him by his ear.

'Well, at least let her be happy for the moment. I think she is gonna break down when she hears about Steffon's death.' Thought Edward to himself while seeing Cassana enjoy herself.

Don't think he was being merciful, but this woman really cared about him and always helped him behind the scene. As she wasn't a hindrance in his future path, Edward decided to treat her with goodwill. Unless she stood against him or hindered his future, he wouldn't discard her.

Two days later, Edward's escort reached King's Landing. Edward had already bought a large land in the city and built a large house. He would spend three nights in that house. Edward would leave his mother to roam the city with his men as her bodyguards while Edward went with two of his men to investigate the city. He had a lot to know about this city. It had a lot of powers and hidden forces. He guessed his arrival had been discovered by Varys as if he cared in the first place.

While Edward was on his way to the capital with his mother, the messenger, sent by King Aerys, reached Storm's End. He already delivered The King's intention of sending Steffon to Volantis to find a bride of noble birth from an old Valyrian's bloodline for Prince Rhaegar.

When Steffon received the letter, he was surprised at first. He had thought that due to the long friendship between Aerys and Tywin, the former would choose the latter's daughter as a bride to Rhaegar. Not the mention that the latter had saved the former not long ago after Aerys had been imprisoned for a half year.

He knew that there were some disagreements between the two in the past. But the three of them were friends for some time now.

Steffon didn't know what to do. He didn't want to betray his old friend. At the same time, he couldn't disobey as this was an order from the king and his cousin.

Steffon made his decision and chose to follow The King's order. He called the guard. He wanted him to call his wife Cassana when he suddenly remembered that his wife was with his rascal of a son having a vacation.

Leave your comment and let me know if the flow of the story is good till now or if there is something that needs to improve.

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