
Game of Kings

In the VR world of [Game of Kings], there are over 1 billion players world wide. The game is played on a world map that is earth 1:10 scale. There are no NPC, only human players in the game. This is a game where players can band together to build civilizations that will stand the test of time or declare wars that will throw the entire world into chaos. To build or to destroy, all is for the player to decide, in the world of [Game of Kings]. Huge thanks to @Creaking_Shadow for this awesome cover ( ^ω^ ) Disclaimer: The background music used inside does not belong to me. All political views and religious view is strictly fictional views of characters and by no means to offend or persecute any race or religion.

Enejiang · 奇幻
71 Chs

[65] The concert of Europa

In the lavishly decorated meeting room of in the Palace de Magnifique, located in the capital of Kingdom of the Franks II, Bagutte, known for its opulence and diplomatic neutrality, leaders of the five newly formed nations gathered to discuss the formation of a 'Concert of Europa'. The room buzzed with tension and anticipation as each leader prepared to defend their nation's interests.

King LionHeart123 of Britannia: A tall, broad-shouldered man with a commanding presence, King Aldric's deep voice filled the room. "We are here to discuss unity, but let's not kid ourselves. Each of our nations wants to ensure its own power and security."

Queen Isolde of the Kingdoms of the Franks II: Elegant and sharp-witted, Queen Isolde, dressed in fine robes, replied coolly, "Indeed, King Aldric. Yet, we must find a way to coexist without stepping on each other's toes. A 'Concert of Europa' could ensure mutual respect."

Grand Master Ulrich of the Final Teutonic Order: A stern, battle-hardened warrior in knightly armor, Ulrich grunted, "Respect is earned on the battlefield. We need clear military alliances, not just fancy words."

Queen Isabella of The Spanish Inquisition 2.0: A young women with piercing eyes and dressed in religious vestments, Isabella interjected, "And who leads this Concert? Without a head, this body will flounder."

Governor Marcus of Roma: A pragmatic and seasoned politician, Governor Marcus stroked his well-groomed beard, saying, "Leadership must rotate among us to prevent power concentration. But what of the smaller city-states and their representation?"

The discussion quickly turned heated as they debated the structure and leadership of the proposed Concert of Europa.

Isolde: "Rotation is fair, but we need a council for smaller states. They cannot be ignored."

LionHeart123: "A council? Bloody hell, that will only slow things down. Decisions need to be swift."

Ulrich: "Exactly! A council of squabbling city-states will get us nowhere. The strongest should lead."

Isabella: "Strength is not just in armies, Ulrich. Diplomacy and wisdom must prevail. The Concert needs a balanced approach."

Marcus: "And what of external threats? We cannot ignore the Sea Wolves and their growing influence. We need a unified front."

The leaders continued to argue, each pushing their agenda, but no consensus was reached. The idea of a rotating leadership was met with skepticism, and the role of smaller states in the Concert remained a sticking point.

Isolde: "This is going nowhere! We need compromise, not stubbornness."

LionHeart123: "Compromise? We'll be compromising our security at this rate."

Ulrich: "Let's not forget our individual strengths. We don't need to bend over backward to accommodate every whim."

Isabella: "Yet, without unity, we are vulnerable. The Concert must stand together, or we fall apart."

Marcus: "We need more time. This cannot be decided in haste."

LionHeart123: Pounding his fist on the table, "This is a bloody waste of time! We're going in circles. Either we find a way to make this work, or I'm out."

Isolde: Sighing in exasperation, "We're all leaders here, not petulant children. Let's focus on what's feasible, not ideal."

Ulrich: Grumbling under his breath, "Feasible? This whole thing is a farce. We're strong enough on our own."

Isabella: Speaking calmly, "Strength alone is folly. The world is changing. We need a united front, even if it's just for appearance."

Marcus: Rubbing his temples, "Enough! Let's be practical. We all want to ensure our voices are heard. What about a system where each of us gets a veto vote?"

A hush fell over the room. The suggestion was simple yet held the potential to break the impasse.

Isolde: Leaning forward, intrigued, "A veto vote? That could work. It ensures our interests are protected."

LionHeart123: Narrowing his eyes, "A veto, huh? It's not ideal, but it's a damn sight better than endless bickering. Each nation has equal say then?"

Marcus: Nodding, "Exactly. Any major decision must be unanimous. It prevents any one of us from dominating."

Ulrich: Scratching his chin, "Unanimous... That could keep us from stepping on each other's toes. But what stops us from vetoing everything out of spite?"

Isabella: Smiling faintly, "Faith, Grand Master. Faith that we all want what's best for Europa, not just ourselves."

The room erupted into a fresh round of discussion, this time more constructive. They debated the intricacies of the veto system, the scope of decisions it would cover, and the potential for abuse.

LionHeart123: "We'll need rules. Clear guidelines on what can be vetoed and what can't. No petty vetoes over trivial matters."

Isolde: "Agreed. And we should meet regularly to discuss issues face-to-face. Transparency is key."

Marcus: "Regular summits, then. A neutral ground where we can debate and decide."

Isabella: "And perhaps a council of smaller states to advise us. They deserve a voice, albeit not a veto."

Ulrich: Grunting in agreement, "Fine. But let's be clear – if this doesn't work, we're not bound by it forever. We reassess as needed."

Q: Have you ever played Europa?