
Game's Villain; The World of the Anima

… My head… it's fucking hurt! I feel like someone is pounding inside my head, holding inside of my brain, as if it were wrapped in a woman's firm thigh… Coiling there around my head, squeezing them into submission… My head felt like it was about to split open, spilling memories of cheap beer, it tasted like horse piss. Loud music that can make the ear deaf. What the hell! I groan, squinting against the unfamiliar, Luxurious surroundings. This isn't some dingy bar with sticky floors and questionable clientele. Where are those men rubbing shoulders with each other! And Lisa! That fucking slūt! Did she hide this from me! Bītch! This isn't luxurious? It's more like a damn hoarder's wet dream. ‘Asher Aegis,' the name echoed in his mind, a bitter curse on his tongue. He was Asher Aegis, the infamous villain from "Eternal Heroes: The New Dawn of Desire," a notorious VR game notorious for its brutal realism and adult themes. [Additional Tags]: #Fantasy | Adventure | Swords & Magic | System | Monsters | Dark Elements | Dragons | #Gods | Goddesses| Sexual Content | Demons | Angels | Non-Human Characters | #Beautiful Female Leads | Multiple Lovers | Milf | Teacher & Student Relationship | Obsessive Affection| Cold Female Leads | Villainess | | Doting Lovers | Yanderes | Maids | Master-Servant Relationship | #Game-Elements | World System | Level-Up | Multiple Sub-power system | #Overpowered Protoganist | Handsome MC | Protoganist strong from the start| Anti-Hero | Ruthless MC | Cold MC | Villain | Lack of Morality | Hard working | Power Stealing | Strong to Stronger | Evolution | Selfish | Self-centred | Crazy | Genius #Taboos [Special Tags] #Taboo Subjects #No Yuri #No NTR (This Book has taken Inspiration from Several works! If you find some similarities between them, it is because of it. However, as the plot progresses there would be different thing's from those works.)

Ellucid_Dreams · 奇幻
36 Chs

Chapter 1: A little bit of Past

It was brutal and strangely enough… beautiful.

Knock Knock

Suddenly, a knock pounded on the door.

He flinched, momentarily startled, and then frowned as the annoyance he'd been trying to suppress bubbled back up.

'Who the hell is it?!' he thought, his expression barely-contained annoyance. His current situation, trapped in this kid's body, was already pushing his patience thin.

"Who is it?!" he almost barked, stil his voice laced with barely-suppressed irritation.

"Young Master," came a polite reply through the door, "It's Stella. Lady Scarlett requests your presence for breakfast."

He shut his eyes briefly, 'Scarlett huh!? Perfect timing to meet the woman who orchestrated his…mine downfall' He vividly recalled her character in the game, and each one a bitter pill to swallow in his mouth.

Let's just say he wasn't exactly her biggest fan in the game, and this new reality wasn't changing that.

"Tell her, I'll be there in a minute!" hiding his annoyance, he spoke aloud, a bit authoritative though tinged with a barely suppressed sneer.

Stella, on the other side, couldn't quite place the strange edge to his tone, shrugged and retreated back to her madam.

"Sigh!" A frustrated sigh escaped him.

He wasn't in the mood for social niceties, especially not with the woman who was so stringy.

She made him run for his money for almost half the decade. Sure, some of it was his fault, but let's not rewrite history here.

"Still, let's see if this is different from the game, shall we?" he muttered venomously.

This wasn't his body, but now his life, he didn't know how he got here but he was damned if he'd play their game, alright, but on his own terms, and whoever brought him here better be prepared for the consequences.

Was this arrogance? Nah. This wasn't some cocky kid's bravado.

He knew this game like the back of his hand.

This game was his playground, having spent countless hours playing around and exploiting and exploring.

Every plot twist, every hidden mechanic, every character's weakness – it was all etched into his brain like a cheat code.

He wouldn't just survive; he would thrive, leaving them all scrambling in the ashes whoever dared to cross his path.

A twisted smile flickered across Asher's face as he approached the bathroom mirror.

Despite the bizarre situation, he couldn't deny the strange appeal of his new life, and this youthful reflection.

Inside the bathroom, he once again looked at his face.

"Damn, cute," he muttered, but the eyes held a glint that hinted at something deeper, something darker.

Now fully calmed, he doesn't mind being here, because he'd already accepted his bizarre fate.

Life, death, location - none held the same meaning as before.

His past life, while lacking thrill, held a sense of purpose.

He remembered the faces of those who begged for mercy, the thrill of justice served.

He'd taken pride in helping those wronged, using unorthodox methods to claim back what was rightfully theirs.

And he felt fun doing this job, seeing their faces.

'Ah~ Old times were fun, I already missed those days~' he felt nostalgic, yet devoid of genuine warmth.

Asher recalled the faces of those he'd helped, some grateful, others fearful, many pleading for more time.

He couldn't allow their suffering, especially those who exploited kindness. His methods were forceful, often brutal, but effective.

He'd been ruthless, yes, but not heartless.

He helped those who truly needed it, even if they didn't deserve it. You get it, right? He was a hard worker.

Splashing cool water on his face, the droplets clinging to the delicate skin.

After brushing his teeths and cleaning himself, he walked towards the dining room.

A minute had turned into several. He had said that he would be there in a minute, but hey, adjustments took time, especially when you woke up in a kid's body.

"It's time to go." He walked towards the door, a smile playing on his lips.

It probably looked cute on this adorable face. He hadn't changed yet, the fluffy pyjamas, sparkling eyes made him look even younger and more adorable.

Pushing open the door, he stepped out.

And damn!!! Everything screams luxury, Asher's eyes sparkled with curiosity.

Maids bustled about their duties, some looked at him, and smiled charmingly, and bowed before going back to work.

"Young Master seems happy today!" one whispered to another.

"Of course he is," the reply came, "Today is the big day for both of them."

"I wonder what it would be."

"Maybe just like the late Master, it would be something similar…"

They exchanged whispers in hushed tones, their smiles hinting at a shared secret, but Asher didn't pay mind.

Big day, huh? He had a feeling he knew what they were referring to, so he walked towards the dining room.

After passing through several corridors, and walking downstairs, he reached the double doors of the dining room.

A maid stood guard, her expression gentle and welcoming with a small bow.

"Mistress is waiting inside, Young Master," she announced.

The chatter ceased abruptly. Four pairs of eyes turned towards him

Taking a deep breath, Asher entered the room, his smile unwavering.


I wonder, what occupation Asher had before coming to this world? And who were exploiting kindness?

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