
Game's of a Mafia Queen已删除

" I DONT CARE WHAT YOU SAY OR THINK BELLA ALL I KNOW IS THAT YOU'RE SURELY GOING TO MARRY INTO THE COPELAND FAMILY !!! " my dad screamed at me I got so pissed off that I threw my glass of whiskey at the the servants luckily for her she didn't get hit " what the fuck is wrong with this family, just because grandpa is weak doesn't mean you can control or order me around " first you oust I and mum out of this house because of this mother fucking piece of garbage you call a wife and when you found out that grand pa too us in you caused such a drama leading to his heart attack and since he couldn't take care of the responsibilities at work he handed over the power of attorney to me . have spent the last five years of my life building this empire and making it what it is today, and if you think you can force me to do what you want then YOU.ARE.A.MOTHER.FUCKING.BASTARD " I said and puff out the smoke from the cigarettes I was holding on his face " BELLA ARE YOU FORGETTING YOUR MANNERS !!! " dad's second wife Nuella screamed "ouch my ears hurts" I held my ears pretending to be in pain " I never forget my manners Mrs Nuella Carson , but I think some people forgot their rank and status so they decided to get involved with a married man you slut " " BELLA !!! " dad screamed and I held my hand up to stop him from speaking .. . . . " man my marriage has been fixed, " I said and he choked on his drink and started laughing " you don't mean it man, the mafia king himself is about to get married and who is this damsel in distress " he raised an eyebrow " it's Bella that crazy girl that almost killed me " this time he didn't only choke he spat out his drink " what!! you mean that.... " he couldn't complete his statement and he only shook his head __________ Hey guys this is my third book on web novel , I'll be updating it thrice a week, that is three chapters a week thanks so much for your support hope you enjoy it ^_^

lo_rezi · 奇幻言情
69 Chs



I arrived home, freshened up, and went straight to bed, I could feel my head spinning so I went to bed early.


I could hear loud music and the smell of alcohol choked me

I opened my eyes to find Bella in a transparent black nightgown

her hair was in a bun revealing her shoulder

she turned around to look at me and she was holding a cigarette in one hand and held a glass of alcohol in the other

" I taught you were never going to wake up " she scoffed and sat on the couch

" what do you want and why are you in my room so early " I laid back on the bed covering my face with a pillow

" huh did you say your room, excuse me it's also my room since we are married and it's already 5 am and you're still asleep," she said

' shit is this girl mad or she's just drunk

it's just 5 am and she's disturbing my sleep lord please help me or I might kill someone '

" and the reason I woke you up is to give you your rules and regulations" she sipped her drink

" my rules and regulations ? "

" yes, baby it's rules night.

you see I saw the way that ex-girlfriend of yours was buzzing around you like a fly hmm..no she's a fly"

" so ? " I raised an eyebrow

" that ends now.

I know you're a player and do a lot of rubbish stuff

but don't even think you're free to do them now as we're married"

if I wasn't told that Bella behaves annoyingly when she's annoyed I would have tied her up and locked her in a room

" rule number one

you aren't permitted to flirt or have intimate relationships with other girls

rule number two

you shouldn't try poking your nose in my life unless I might just pull a bullet in your head, also I must be by your side if you're going for a business trip

rule number three

you ain't permitted to bring in work into this room and failure to abide by these rules you'll get punished "

I sat up taking a good look at the person I call my wife

" and what gives you the right to control me ? "

" am your wife so I have that right "

" the same wife that left her husband halfway to the reception

look Bella I can understand if you have some expectations from me as your husband, I also have some expectations for you

you can't just try bossing me around " I tried explaining and she came close

" And what if I do ? " she dropped her glass beside the bed and threw the remaining cigarettes into the waste bin

" then am sorry to inform you but you're gonna fail"

she came close to me

" Have you heard this saying ?

the king always rules the kingdom but the queen rules over the king " I swallowed hard as our noses touched

" I ... "

she sealed my lips with hers giving me an open-mouth kiss

I could taste every part of her mouth, her tongue played tag with mine and my hands subconsciously moved to hold her waist, her lips were so intoxicating that I didn't want to break the kiss and I could taste the alcohol

but she pulled away in the next moment

" good night hubby" she pecked me and laid on the bed

I took a good look at myself and my little brother was already up.

" Nah this girl is going to be my end " I murmured and went back to sleep

*. *. *

" Leave her alone ... no mummy "

I heard Bella speak in her sleep

I covered my laptop and saw tears rolling down her cheek

" no let her be," she said and the tears kept flowing

" Bella" I tried waking her up but she shove my hand off

" Bella " I called again but she didn't wake up.

I didn't know what to do

beads of swear kept forming on her forehead and her tears were not stopping

I picked up the glass of water at the bedside and sprinkled a little on her face

she immediately sat up with a face filled with fear

" Bella are you okay ? " I held her shoulder but she shifted away wiping her tears.

she stood up and made her way for the bathroom.

seeing her like that brought up a wave of emotions in me.

she came out of the bathroom already freshened up and with a cigarette in her mouth

" must you smoke this early ? " I questioned

" I told you not to try getting involved in my life and just because you don't smoke doesn't mean others shouldn't

I'll be downstairs" she said in a dull voice and left the room.

Bella's behavior and attitude were different unlike last night and the other days we met.

she looked as if she was being bothered by something but she didn't want to speak up.

seeing her switch mood and behavior so easily just made me realize I knew nothing about her.

I checked my schedule and I was free for the day

so I decided to go visit Bella's mum so I could at least know a thing or two about her because I know Bella won't be opening up anytime soon

*. *. *

I arrived at Carson's mansion and was welcomed by old man Carson

" good morning sir "

" sir did you just call me sir ? well am very disappointed," he said

" I taught you would have learned to call me GP like your wife does " he said and I smiled in relief

" Don't worry GP I would never forget it " I said with a smile and he hugged me

" so what brings you here just a day after your marriage ?

I hope you aren't here to report your wife ? " he raised an eyebrow

" hmm.. no actually am here to meet with my mum-in-law " I could see him sign in relief

" so how was your first night after marriage ? "

I could see him grin from ear to ear

" Is there another world for horrible ? cause if there is then that was my wedding night "

he laughed so hard that I started feeling nervous

" well that's why am here

so I can know about my wifes

".Mr Carson suddenly called the chef and whispered something into his ear

" Why don't we discuss that over breakfast " I picked up a glass of juice

I wasn't a fan of breakfast I preferred brunch

" so what do you wish to know about my grandchild ? " he questioned

" everything, with only a few hours of living with her, has noticed her sudden change of mood," I said and he nodded

" well Bella only has mood swings when she has a night mere early in the morning

you see Bella's childhood wasn't a good one " I could see the color of his face drain

" Bella was just sixteen when she and her mum came to live with me and I handed over my business responsibility to her

she had always watched her dad beat up her mum and how he brought different ladies home... I find myself partially at fault for this because if I hadn't arranged Annabelle's marriage with an asshole like my son then all this wouldn't have happened "

I could see guilt vividly written on his face

" but am glad and relief that Bella has you

you see Bella only married you because I insisted

I have seen her cry to sleep on her mother's lap promising never to get married "

I couldn't help but feel bad hearing what Mr. Carson said

who would have known that such a successful and playful person like Bella was going through a lot inside

" Although she looks strong dominant and ruthless she's a loving person. You just need time to understand her " he said with a half smile

" I understand if she's having some trust issues but what prompted her smoking?

she smokes before going to bed and first thing in the morning when she wakes up " I said and he smiled

" as for that am clueless as she's the only one who can give you the answers you're looking for " he said and returned to breakfast

like seriously of all people , am the one to be patient ? patient is like an impossible thing in my dictionary and why in hell am I even trying to change her ?

I couldn't explain why I was feeling this want toward Bella

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