

After graduating from Su Shi University, Su Jing was in a bad mood and went back to his hometown to adjust his mood. However, he discovered that his own backyard had become the Galactic Garbage Station. Every day a large amount of trash is deposited into his backyard. Some came from the Tomb of God, Battle Through the Heavens, Coiling Dragon, One Piece, Naruto, Bleach, X-Men, Captain America, Iron Man, and other novels, animes, and Marvel universes. As the owner of the garbage station, Su Jing has the obligation to deal with this Garbage. At first, he thought it was a hard and unprofitable task, but he discovered that he has found the most beautiful and cushy job in the world. Before anyone says anything, I am the original translator of this novel/fanfic.. I am uploading it here to get a larger fanbase and to get some support on my Patreon (https://www.patreon.com/GGS6395)

DarkShadow95 · RPS同人
1409 Chs

Chapter 1157 Monster's Might

Honestly, after obtaining their newfound abilities, their egos had swelled and they had begun to believe that the task assigned by their boss was overly simple and could easily be accomplished.

However, witnessing the challenges their boss faced in dealing with Su Jing made them reconsider their initial assumptions.

As they approached the Su Family Village, they halted and bided their time. 

Soon, Wu Ju caught up with them, and together, they proceeded towards the backyard of Su Jing's house, ensuring they didn't alert the villagers, taking a discreet path to reach their destination.

To their surprise, an eerie silence enveloped the surroundings as they reached their destination. According to their information, Su Jing's house should have been heavily guarded by doggies. 

Of course, they didn't regard the doggies as a significant threat. Even if they were Divine Dogs, they could dispatch them with a single blow.

"It's too quiet inside in here."

"Could there be a trap?"

"Su Jing himself is in Tokyo. What kind of trap could there be?"

"Caution is necessary."

They exercised caution, testing every step, and were wary of triggering any kind of trap. After confirming that there were no immediate dangers, they leaped one by one into the yard. 

With brute force, they forced open the front door of the ground floor and entered. The Undead Being had hastily fled from here, so he couldn't gather much information. However, it was evident that the coffin and Su Jing's secrets were located on the ground floor.

Xu Jing, Wu Ju, and the others stood dumbfounded as they surveyed the empty ground floor. Whose house boasted a ten-meter-high structure? Whose residence had alloy walls surrounding it from all sides? Something was definitely amiss.

Suddenly, the door slammed shut, startling them. Several figures materialized out of thin air on the eight trigrams stone at the center of the ground floor. 

These figures were a Giant Wolf, a Vine, a creature with the upper body of a woman and the lower body of a snake, a Colossal Octopus, a Squirrel with large ears…

Xu Jing, Wu Juan, and the rest of their group found themselves in a state of utter astonishment as a massive Wolf, Vine, Snake Woman, Massive Octopus, and Squirrel appeared before them. 

The rumors they had heard about the Battle Wolf did not do justice to its actual size. The Battle Wolf, standing over 2.5 meters tall, with a muscular physique and a fierce look in its eyes looked terrifying, this majestic creature surpassed even the grandest of legends.

The presence of the Vines, Snake Woman, and Massive Octopus left them speechless. How could such monstrous beings exist in their world?

As for the large-eared squirrel, it appeared harmless to both humans and animals. Its cuteness granted it immunity from the attention of the battling group.

"It seems we were expected," Xu Jing observed the situation and spoke, his voice tinged with a mix of curiosity and caution.

Wu Juan glanced at the extraordinary creatures and questioned, "What kind of monsters are those Vines and the snake-tailed beauty?"

Examining the Colossal Massive Octopus, another member of the group remarked, "That Octopus is surprisingly huge. Su Jing truly keeps some peculiar creatures."

Though Xu Jing, Wu Juan, and the others had grown more experienced and courageous over time, the sight of these formidable monsters still unsettled them. Yet, they refused to succumb to intimidation. 

Glimpsing at one another with unwavering determination, they charged forward in unison, displaying astonishing speed. The Squirrel, being the nimblest, initiated the first attack, launching ice projectiles from a safe distance. 

Simultaneously, the Man-Eating Vine deployed its own offensive strategy, releasing vines that sprawled across the area like the scattering petals of a Celestial flower. Both the squirrel and the vine served to restrain and support their allies.

The Battle Wolf, Snake Woman, and the Massive Octopus charged forward as well. The Battle Wolf engaged in a fierce confrontation with a tall, black-skinned man. 

In the fight, the black man swiftly changed direction and maneuvered himself to approach the Battle Wolf from the side. With his palm extended, shrouded in an ominous black mist, he aimed a strike at the wolf's abdomen.

However, despite its massive size, the Battle Wolf exhibited agility beyond expectation. Twisting its body with remarkable dexterity, it launched a claw strike in response.

The black man's expression contorted with surprise as he failed to evade in time. 

Raising his hand to block, the clash between the black mist on his palm and the Battle Wolf's claws was but momentary as a resounding thud echoed as the Battle Wolf's claws severed the black man's hand, leaving three deep wounds on his chest. 

Hurtling through the air, the black man was sent flying. Although the Battle Wolf bore a black mark on its paw, its injuries were minimal compared to its fallen opponent.

Having recently advanced to the Commander Level of Monster Beasts, the Battle Wolf now possessed formidable strength. Even if it were to face Bai Hetu, it would prove to be a challenging adversary. 

Moreover, the black man lacked the Undead Being's power within him; his temporary abilities came solely from the Undead. How could he compare to the Battle Wolf?

"Be careful, this wolf is strong!" The injured black man managed to shout, determined to continue fighting despite his severe wounds.

On the other side of the battlefield, a similarly arduous struggle unfolded. One of the black men failed to dodge the ice projectile hurled by the Big-Eared Squirrel, rendering him momentarily incapacitated. 

Seizing the opportunity, the Massive Octopus descended upon him, hurtling him against a Titanium Alloy wall with the force of a cannonball. The impact left a massive dent in the wall and caused blood to spew out from the wounded man.

The other two black men valiantly fought back against the Massive Octopus, yet they, too, found themselves in dire straits.

Meanwhile, another member of the group became entangled in the relentless grip of the Man-Eating Vine, unable to break free in time. Snake Woman Meng Mei'er seized the moment and delivered a devastating palm strike that crushed his chest bone.

The Monster Beast octopus was exceptionally powerful from the beginning, and after Su Jing's nurturing, it became even stronger. 

As for the Snake Woman Meng Mei'er, her time cultivating in the Spirit Beast pouch had finally led her to break through to the Fighter Realm, transforming her into an absolute powerhouse on Earth. 

Furthermore, her high intelligence allowed her to grasp the intricacies of footwork and palm techniques, making her an incredibly formidable opponent.

Novel is finished on my Patreon so you can read all the advance chapter till last on my patreon https://www.patreon.com/GGS6395