

Well, after successfully achieving my goal, I was perfectly set for the upcoming matches.

My first match that involved 2 goals scored by me and the motivation I gained from that guy, Simon, were the perfect combination of situations that helped boost my confidence for my future.

I was not overconfident, I was just confident. There were 4 more days left for the next match and I practiced as hard as I practiced for my first match.

The one major change was how I was treated by my teammates and my coach. After my explicit performance in the first match, all my teammates treated me with a great honor. They started treating me like I was a king and started respecting me a lot.

Overall, I was completely satisfied with what I achieved. The next team we had to play was a very weak team so my coach asked me to sitout for that day.

But I was not sure about that. I just played one game and I wanted to play more. I waited for one day without practicing and thought about it. At last, I decided to not sitout and play every game I could possibly play so that I could impress the judges more. I started practicing again and wanted to perform better than before.

I thought I would not be able to play as well as I did in the last game because the opponents were weaker and I wouldn't be motivated throughout the game. But I practiced with the same intensity as I did before and was ready for my second game.

It was game time and to my shock, the other team's captain was a girl. I mean, I never witnessed a woman playing football with such intensity before.

It was half time and I scored a goal and my other teammate also scored a goal. We were 2 goals up. I could see a dedicated and a frustrated face. It was her obviously her.

Her name was Elena.

She was the only good player in her team. In my opinion, she was an amazing player. She did possess a lot of talent but as people say, football is a team sport, she solely couldn't make any difference for her team. In the second half, I scored another goal and Elena also scored an amazing goal. She scored a freekick from 32 meters distance. It was a jawbreaking goal.

Unfortunately, their team lost. But for me, I got the same, but more appreciation from everyone. After the game, I went to appreciate her for her performance.

She told me not to bother about it because people would not recognise her talent because of her team no matter how well she played. She also told me that all the other teams had mocked her for their team and I was the only one to go to her and say something good.

I told her not to lose hope and always keep trying. She thanked me and I left. I thought it would be really amazing for Elena to play alongside me and Simon for the galaxy cup. Well, this journey has made me meet unique and talented footballers from around the world.

I was again successful at fulfilling my destiny and achieving my goals.

All I wanted was to set an image of myself in front of the judges and yet again, I was one more step closer to achieving it.