

Bukumi, a small town in East Asia, is turned upside down when people mysteriously start to die. With no cause of death found, everyone have started to form their own theories. Some believed it was homicide. Whereas some believed it was a doing of an evil being. No one is safe. Death awaits them all.

k_sam · 灵异恐怖
2 Chs

Chapter 1

On an winter evening, a white Toyota Corolla parked in the garage of an old one story house in Bukumi, leaving a cloud of dust behind it. The house looked like it hasn't been painted for years. The walls looked dried and cracked due to the blazing sun. The white paint on the wall had a greenish tint to it. In short, the house looked abandoned and very old.

But it wasn't abandoned, in that house lives Mason. A 23 years old college student with a drinking problem. He has lived alone in this house for years now. After the death of his father, his mother went back to Germany, leaving Mason alone with his grandparents. Mason was able to endure the absence of his mother because of his grandmother. But after the death of his grandparents the only thing that had him going was alcohol and his friend Goku.

Goku got out of his car which was now parked in Mason's garage. Dressed in black suit, Goku was very excited to share the news with his best friend Mason. Goku and Mason have known each other since kindergarten. They were like brothers. It's funny how he doesn't remember how they became friends but he remembers every single thing about Mason.

He opened the door and was welcomed by warm welcoming smell of Ramen and eggs, the only food Mason can cook. The house from the inside was somewhat better. Apart from the cracks in the wall, the house was clean and fully furnished. Goku made his way towards the kitchen passing the living room, some empty bottles of beer were on the table.

"Why are you drinking so early in the evening?" Goku asked. Mason was standing in the kitchen facing towards the stove staring at the boiling ramen. He was wearing white tshirt splashed with tiny drops of ramen soup and blue shorts which looked washed out.

"I was celebrating your engagement." Mason replied turning around. He was looking at Goku now. Goku was leaning against the wall hands folded. "I'm not engaged yet" he replied.

"Not yet. When are you gonna propose?" asked Mason

"Tonight" Goku replied with smile. He knew she will say yes. They've been together since high school but he was still nervous.

"Tonight? You know how's the situation here. It's not safe!" Mason exclaimed, worried. Most of the murders happened at night. Even though everyone one is alert and patrolling. Nothing has stopped the killing spree. People try to not go out after 8 at night unless they are on a patrol or there's an emergency.

"Don't worry. I'll be picking her up from her house and we'll be in my car. It's safe. Plus, we ain't going anywhere far." Goku explained, he understands his friends worry but today's their 6th anniversary and he want to propose her at the same time and same place he first asked her out. He's lucky enough to marry his first love and he doesn't want to ruin the proposal.

"Do whatever you want, just don't die."

Goku left after finishing a bowl of ramen and Mason went back to drinking, chugging down all the sorrows of his life.