
Gacha Kingdom Building

Earth has changed and with it so has humanity. Follow Miwen as he makes use of his Gift, Gacha Kingdom Building.

uwuzer · 奇幻
183 Chs

The Merchant's First Summon

Throughout this whole ordeal, Claire was the one who dealt me the most amount of damage.

It happened as soon as I got back home. Before I could explain anything she planted her fist on my shoulder with way more intensity than the friendly bump Mia usually throws at me.

I couldn't really complain though, what I did was absurd to begin with, and even though she called me an idiot, I could tell that she was simply upset.

If I were to put everyone's reaction on a scale, Claire's would probably be around the middle, right next to Mia's, who also called me an idiot, but refrained to get physical. Somehow though, her cold and disapproving stare ended up being a little more hurtful...

On the brightest side of this scale, Ellie came running and hugged me as soon as I appeared. I didn't know that she was such a fast runner, but most importantly, I wasn't aware of how much she cared since it's hard to get a good read on her sometimes.