
AOTG Battle: Mia's Side

-This chapter is written using Mia's POV-

Only the strong can rule the Snow White Wolves... this rule is tradition for our tribe.

Background comes second to power... and when my father died, had Mom lacked the strength, she wouldn't have been able to claim and hold the title of chieftainess.

Few challenged her due to the responsibility and the dire nature of our circumstances during the war, but even if that was not the case, I doubt anyone could take the position from her.

Even while under unfavorable terms, she kept our enemies out for years, proving she fit the role like no one else.

This made the others create a lot of expectations about her daughter...

But compared to her... I was lacking.

She was much stronger when she was my age. She always showed potential... 

As for me... I was weak. The abilities necessary for leading didn't come as naturally to me. As a fighter, I also couldn't view myself ever surpassing her...