
Futuristic Fighting Field

In a world where individuals harness unique powers, they battle for survival in a futuristic dome. This dome, a marvel of advanced technology, serves as an arena for combat against creatures from different epochs. Each victory allows participants to ascend levels, unlocking ancient fables that enhance their abilities. However, failure transports them to an alternate realm of endless conflict. Here, warriors fight relentlessly, their reality a cycle of battles and survival tests. The story centers on Hae-Yun, a participant in these battles. Driven by curiosity and determination, Hae-Yun seeks to uncover the identity of the dome's creator. Alongside him are his three friends, their camaraderie and collective strength are crucial in navigating the challenges of the dome and the alternate realm. The ultimate goal is not just to locate, but to access the true paradise that lies beyond the city. According to legend, those who manage to emerge from the five layers will discover the entrance to heaven. However, when the main characters finally reach this elusive destination, they find that it has already been destroyed by the monsters...THE HUMANS

Xsurae · 武侠
26 Chs


The day had been a whirlwind of emotions. After paying my respects, I quickly exited the building, my heart heavy with sorrow. As I stepped out into the daylight, I noticed a small fairy trailing behind me. Her wings fluttered in the breeze, casting tiny rainbows in the sunlight.

"You must miss her, right?" she asked, her voice soft and sympathetic. I could see the genuine concern in her eyes, but I couldn't bring myself to share her sentiments.

"Well, it's good that she's gone," I muttered under my breath, my words barely audible. The fairy's eyes widened in shock, but before she could question me, I quickly covered up my previous statement. "Oh, nothing. I do miss her," I said, forcing a smile onto my face. "So, why are you following me?" I asked, changing the subject.

"Just…I didn't expect that many people," she replied, her voice trailing off. "I'm Estelle," she added, introducing herself.

Fast forward to the future, Estelle and I were reminiscing about that day. "We chatted for the rest of the afternoon, but I found him a bit odd. He didn't seem sad at all. However, later on, he became a clumsy and worried type," Estelle said, her eyes squinting as she tried to recall more details.

"Well, you're weird," Mingyu retorted, looking up at her with a smirk on his face.

"How!" Estelle almost screamed at him, her face contorting into a look of disbelief.

"How, why were you following him in the first place?" Mingyu questioned, tilting his head slightly.

Before Estelle could answer, the door swung open. "We're back," Xiang and Yìchén announced, their voices echoing through the room. They closed the door behind them, their footsteps echoing on the wooden floor.

"Huh, where is Hae?" Estelle questioned, her gaze shifting towards the door.

"Oh, he had something important to do. I think the headmaster called," Yìchén replied, settling down on a chair near the bookshelf.

"Are you guys not hungry?" Xiang asked, climbing onto the top bunk and lying down.

"Nope," Mingyu replied, shaking his head.

"Alright, kids, go to sleep now. I know it's a bit early, but we have a long day tomorrow," Estelle commanded, flying out the door.

Meanwhile, Hae was rushing down the long stairs, his heart pounding in his chest. "Shit, how could I forget," he muttered to himself, his footsteps echoing in the empty hallway. He finally reached the arena where everyone was gathered. Estelle quickly caught up to him, her wings fluttering rapidly.

After a while, most people left, leaving only Hae, Yesil, and Haein in the arena. "So what now?" They all asked each other, their faces filled with confusion.

"I thought we were all going to do today's mission together," Yesil said, breaking the silence. 

Suddenly, a holographic screen materialized in front of them. It flickered for a moment before stabilizing to display the following information:

Level: Bloodcurdling Abyss

Time: Limitless

Difficulty: Extra Hard

Description: Unknown

Starting Now…

As the last word faded from the screen, they were instantly transported into the level. The transition was so swift and seamless that it left them momentarily disoriented.

The level they found themselves in was unlike anything they had ever seen. It was a nightmarish landscape that seemed to have been ripped straight out of the darkest corners of the imagination. The sky overhead was a swirling vortex of crimson and black, casting an eerie, blood-red glow over the entire area. The ground beneath their feet was rough and uneven, made of some kind of obsidian-like material that seemed to pulse with an inner life of its own.

All around them, grotesque entities lurked in the shadows, their forms barely discernible in the dim light. They were nightmarish creatures, twisted and malformed, their eyes glowing with malevolent intent. The air was thick with their presence, and every so often, one would lunge out of the darkness, only to be repelled by an invisible force field.

The level was filled with the deafening roar of unseen beasts and the constant, low hum of malevolent energy. The atmosphere was oppressive, the tension palpable. It was as if the level itself was alive, watching them, waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

Despite the terror-inducing surroundings, there was a certain beauty to it all. The way the light played off the obsidian ground, casting long, dancing shadows. The way the entities moved, their forms fluid and graceful despite their horrifying appearance. It was a deadly dance of survival, a test of their courage and resolve.

They stood there, at the precipice of the unknown, their hearts pounding in their chests. This was their challenge, their trial. And they knew they had to face it head-on, no matter what horrors awaited them. The level had begun.

As Hae stepped forward, the dense fog that had blanketed the area began to dissipate, revealing the true nature of the level. He tilted his head, a sense of familiarity washing over him. "I've seen something like this," he murmured, his voice echoing in the eerie silence.

Suddenly, a shadowy figure lunged towards him from the darkness. Its form was indistinct, a mere blur in the dim light. But Hae remained unfazed. He stood his ground as the shadow passed right through him as if he were a ghost.

A smirk spread across his face as he watched the shadow disappear into the darkness. "Well, this will be easier than last time," he mumbled to himself, his confidence evident in his voice.

For a moment, the world seemed to hold its breath. The eerie silence enveloped the level, amplifying the sense of isolation. Then, without warning, a brilliant red light pierced the darkness. It was the moon, its crimson glow bathing the landscape in an ethereal light. The sight was mesmerizing, a stark contrast to the nightmarish surroundings.

But as the moonlight washed over them, a sudden chill swept through the level. It was not just a simple drop in temperature; it was a bone-chilling cold that seeped into their very core. The sudden shift in temperature was as shocking as it was unexpected.

"Hey, you guys, follow me," Hae whispered, his voice barely audible. With a stealth that spoke of experience, he moved towards a large oak tree that stood like a sentinel in the darkness. The gnarled bark of the tree provided a perfect hiding spot, blending them into the surroundings.

Without a word, the other two followed suit, their footsteps silent on the obsidian ground. They moved like shadows, their forms barely discernible in the dim moonlight. The freezing cold was biting at their skin, but they ignored it, their focus solely on following Hae's lead.

As they settled behind the tree, they could feel the rough bark against their backs, the cold seeping through their clothes. But they remained still, their breaths shallow and controlled. They were in the heart of the level now, hidden in plain sight.

As they huddled under the tree, the landscape around them began to shift. Shadowy figures emerged from the darkness, their forms grotesque and terrifying. They moved on all fours, their elongated backs arching high into the air, giving them an eerie, hunched appearance. Their bodies were a disturbing blend of humanoid and beast-like features, a nightmarish vision that sent chills down their spines.

Their faces were the most horrifying of all. They were perfectly shaped like a basket, a grotesque parody of a human face. But instead of eyes, they had glowing red dots that burned brightly in the darkness. The dots pulsed with an inner light, casting an eerie glow on their faces. It was a sight that was both mesmerizing and terrifying.

The creatures moved with a fluid grace that belied their horrifying appearance. They prowled the darkness, their movements silent and deadly. Every so often, one would raise its head, the red dots scanning the surroundings, searching for any sign of movement.

The sight of these creatures was enough to freeze anyone in their tracks. Their horrifying appearance, coupled with their predatory movements, made them a formidable presence in the level. It was clear that these were not mere obstacles to be overcome; they were deadly adversaries that could strike at any moment. 

End of volume one

Xsuraecreators' thoughts