
Futa Diaries

A collection of short stories related to futanari women and some of the events in their lives. This will be a spattering of genres, from medieval, fantasy, futuristic, modern... you name it, and eventually... I might get to it. Each 'story' will average around 5 to 10K words, meaning 5 to 10 chapters, but I will never go past 20K words for a single story. Some may get revisited and given some followup story, depending on their popularity. All kinds of genres will be used, and all types of tone will also be used; some stories will be quirky and lighthearted, while others may be darker and more... unpalatable for some. Each story will have a warning for the kinks inside, and any suggestions will be taken in account for the next story. This is just a collection of random ideas that I don't think would flesh out well enough for a full novel, but is still something I want to write down. Uncommon uploads, always free to read, and mainly a collection of smut with a dash of story.

Ketsueki_Hasu · LGBT+
37 Chs

New Maid (5)

After my rather embarrassing first time, I managed to get myself under better control, and I am slightly embarrassed to admit that I lost most memory of that first night with Ayika.

All I know was that I swung my hips so much that they were sore the next day, and that I had cum inside my Maid so many times that she was slightly bloated the next morning, her plump pussy still leaking my seed when we awoke.

Of course, I blushed hard as she wordlessly helped me over to my dresser before falling to her knees in front of me, drinking down my first and second loads without complaint as she took notice of my morning wood.

With that first night with her, I managed to cleanse my mind of most lecherous thoughts when I was alone, but being around her was still like poison as I had her pleasure me throughout the day.

In my office, she almost moved to reside under my desk permanently, her lips wrapped around my cock as she got me off a few more times, before I pulled her up and bent her over, losing myself to her beautiful ass and tight pussy.

When I finished, I always came inside her, and she would always give me a seductive grin as she dressed herself again, leaving me alone for a bit to get my work done while she went to do her own work.

Time began to pass, and the seasons slowly progressed, but while the weather and flora outside shifted and changed, my life with Ayika remained the same.

We now spent our nights embracing each other desperately, drowning in lust together as we mated like beasts, before falling asleep in the others arms.

Waking up, she serviced me a few times, using her entire body to get me off, before we started our work.

The longer I relied on Ayika for my needs, the less intrusive they became to my day; slowly, we were more often than not working side by side together, only occasionally accepting the throes of lust for the other.

Mother definitely noticed our more carnal relationship, but she said little to me besides 'As long as you are happy, your Mother is happy.', and I felt relieved to hear that.

As for Father, his time spent outside the house had only grown with our increased success, and so he wasn't aware that Ayika and I had become frequent lovers, seemingly the only one in the house who didn't know.

I never made attempts to keep our relationship secret, but Ayika seemed to worry about that, telling me that she wouldn't want to tarnish my image by letting the world know that I was having sex with her.

I decided to respect her wishes to keep it a secret, but actions always have consequences.

With the newfound rise in our influence and wealth, I was approached with dozens of marriage letters.

Men, women, and futanari all proposed to me, wanting to unify my house with theirs, and some had begun to show up to our residence with gifts, wanting to woo me with the expensive items.

During that time, I noticed that Ayika made love to me more frequently then ever before, and the older Maid had begun to stare at those letters with jealousy in her crimson eyes, only to switch to despair as the amount grew and grew.

No matter how I reassured her that I wasn't keen on marrying a Noble, the former Paladin seemed to think I was just placating her, so she tried her hardest to mark me as hers.

Hickeys all over my fair skin and more dominant sex became common, and I personally allowed the misconception to continue on for a few days, relishing her blatant acts of jealousy.

Whenever Ayika pinned me down with those strong hands of hers, I melted like butter beneath her, while her penchant to leave marks on my skin got me so aroused for the rest of our time together.

This shift continued as more and more influential people asked me to wed them, only for it to reach its crescendo when the Duchess herself asked for my hand in marriage, wanting to add me to her harem of gorgeous, powerful women.

If I had never met Ayika, I would have leapt in joy at her proposal, uncaring of the fact that there would be no love between us as I birthed her a child or two.

The power of her name and reach of it would give me so much to play around with, and I could create a real merchant empire under her, but...

I had met Ayika, and I pursed my lips as I played with the letter in my hands.

The former Paladin stood behind me, silent, as I stared down at the elegant calligraphy on the page.


My voice was tired, and I sighed as I laid the letter down on the desk.

"Yes, my Lady?"

Hearing her more neutral, flat voice, I sighed again as I said "Get me the expensive stationary, please. And light a few candles."

"Of course, Lady Yvana."

Moving to do as I asked, I watched as Ayika walked around the room, gathering the items I requested and placing them in front of me with stiff, rigid movements.

Feeling tired, I began to compose a reply to the Duchess, mulling over the words I needed to use to negate as much negative emotions as possible.

Inside, I outlined a plan I had to make up for refusing her offer, offering instead to create and manage a chain of stores for her, while also deciding to stamp down on my own greed and pride as I offered to move some of my own personal stores under her name as well, as a gesture of peace and goodwill.

It took me a long time to do, and the entire time was spent in silence, Ayika watching me with dull eyes as I wrote on the page.

Finishing it off, I folded the letters carefully before placing them in an expensive envelope and sealing it off with my personal stamp, placing it on the table in front of me.


The red haired, dark skinned Maid flinched, before focusing on me, her eyes filled with worry.

"I'm offering you a choice. This letter that I just wrote is declining the Duchess' proposal. If you agree to what I have to say, I will be sending it to her early tomorrow."

Ayika widened her eyes at that, confusion and hope appearing in those beautiful crimson orbs.

"So... here it is. Ayika Fergan, will you do me the honor of becoming my one, and only wife?"

Standing up, I stared intently at her as I sprung that question, watching as her confusion grew, her mouth hanging open silently.

Stepping forwards, I continued on, grabbing her hand and stroking the back of her hand with my thumb.

"Ever since I first met you, I found you to be a stunning, captivating woman, and after you made me so blessed by taking my first time, I fell in love with you. Your wit, seriousness, playfulness, desire to stick to orders, your passion... I love it all. Your body, your mind... I want you to do me the honor of standing by my side from now on not as a servant, but instead as my equal; my partner."

Falling quiet, I stared at her eyes, my heart pounding in my chest.

Seeing her begin to tear up, I gulped as I awaited her answer, before adding "I make this offer knowing of the challenges and derision that others will provide us, Ayika. I am aware of what comes from the choice I make, but I would make it still, because... I love you. I really, really do."

Her cheeks darkened as the tears began to fall, and she began to sob.

"L-Lady Y-Yvana..! Y-Yes..! A m-million times yes!"

My eyes went wide, and joy swept over my heart like a storm.

Reaching forwards, I pulled her into a hug and kissed her deeply, our bodies clinging together tightly.

Feeling my cock begin to harden, Ayika giggled as she pulled away from my lips, glancing down at the bulge in my dress.

"A-As horny a-as ever, L-Lady Y-Yvana~!"

Hearing her try to tease me even as she continued to cry, I laughed as I nodded, my lips pulled into a wry smirk as I said "You just seem to have that effect on me, my love... Ever since we first met~!"

She made a half moan, half shriek of joy as she lunged back towards my lips, kissing me deeply.

Enjoying her kiss, I began to grope her wondrous body, and we both stripped down before making love on the desk.

After I moved the letter, of course; it was still an expensive set of papers and inks...

One more chapter in this diary entry; if you have a suggestion, let me know in the comments section below!

Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts