

What happens when you suddenly wake up and discover that your reality has merged with a game? You will have to rise up and fight demonic beasts in a world where now everything is kill or be killed. Could humanity unite to fight and survive? or will they be devoured by beasts?

Bianca_Leyva · 科幻
41 Chs

Kairen Labyrinth

After taking the pills Alison felt like new and after dinner, she went to train with Dylan, they were practicing weapons handling improving their skills, Dylan also taught her some martial arts moves, when the clock struck 10 pm they both met. They went to sleep, they woke up early, they had a delicious breakfast and before the clock struck 8 am they equipped their weapons and armor, they checked that they had everything they needed and when 8 am struck the robotic voice was heard.

*Good morning my dear survivors, I hope you are full of energy for today's challenge, since after this challenge I will give you a small announcement, so look forward to it, without further ado, good luck and SURVIVE*

Dylan and Alison held hands before they were enveloped by the light, this time when the light disappeared they were not alone, they were in a fairly large room along with other people who could easily number 1000, before anyone could speak a figure appeared. screen in front of them that said:

You are in a group

Group members: Dylan, Alison

Do you want to continue in the group? YES / NO

In front of you are the doors of the Kairen labyrinth, inside you can find great opportunities that could make a difference in your future.


Exit the maze before 24 hours are up

Rewards: (rewards given to each party member will be the same as shown below)

The reward will depend on the time it takes them to exit the maze, the sooner they finish, the greater the degree of the reward.

They both clicked yes to continue as a group, and then the screen disappeared, Dylan motioned to Alison and they both sneaked in without her noticing and walked to a corner where there were almost no people, the people in the room were of different colors. nationalities and some were starting to form groups of 5 members, the largest group seemed to have 50 members, once the groups were formed some approached the door, it was a huge door that 20 people could easily pass through. Once, the door is black with golden designs, in front of the door there was a clock that was counting down, once the clock reached 0 the door opened and people rushed in, there were large and small groups There were even several who were alone whether they wanted to or not.

Dylan and Alison were the last to enter, once they passed through the door, it slammed shut behind them, 20 meters in front of them there were 3 paths to choose from, after thinking for a few minutes they chose the path on the left, They were going to use the method of following a wall to find the exit, when they entered, the place became quite dark only slightly illuminated by the moss growing on the top of the walls, with each step they advanced, Dylan's skill went creating a map of the labyrinth, after advancing 10 minutes they began to hear the screams of some people which caused them to chill.

After advancing a little further they came to a dead end, but in one corner the top of a chest was sticking out behind some rubble. Alison wanted to walk towards it and open it but Dylan stopped her and used his newly acquired skill *Analysis* on the chest and discovered that it was a mimic so he took out his bow and told Alison to step back, he placed an arrow and stretched the string as much as he could, the arrow shot out at a great speed and when it hit the lid of the chest it was He let out a shrill scream revealing his true appearance, the chest began to jump trying to get closer to them, each time it jumped its lid opened revealing its sharp fangs and some sticky tentacles that came out from time to time.

Dylan made sure that the mimic attacked him primarily so that Alison could attack safely, Dylan took advantage of his speed and strength to inflict deep cuts on the mimic's most sensitive areas and Alison helped him deflect the tentacles that were trying to drag him inside. from his mouth, in a last attempt the mimic tried to attack Alison but Dylan quickly did a spinning kick hitting him against the wall and Alison finished it with a downward slash that activated her critical hit defeating the mimic and turning it into wisps of light

Mimic Mysterious Chest Defeated


300 exp, x1 blueprint greenhouse (small), 3 silver

Dylan: Are you hurt anywhere?

Alison: No, what about you?

Dylan: I'm fine, let's keep moving forward.

Once they defeated the mimic they continued walking, another 30 minutes had passed and they did not find another mimic but they found a crack in the floor almost 2 meters wide, Dylan was the first to jump and once he crossed he took out a rope from her inventory and threw one end to Alison to tie around her waist so he could hold her in case she couldn't make it over the crack. Once they crossed the crack they came across a fork and took the path of the Left, that path took him to a room the size of a basketball court and in the center was a zombie 3 meters tall and with a body with large muscles.

The moment they saw the zombie they took battle positions, Dylan started shooting arrows, when the first arrow hit him, the zombie turned towards them and ran in their direction, the zombie is a little slow and Dylan was able to shoot a few arrows Furthermore, when the zombie entered the distance to fight melee Dylan took out his daggers and blocked the zombie's first blow, it was a powerful blow that made him take two steps back and made his hands a little numb so he warned Alison that Be careful as it was very strong, with agile movements they managed to avoid the zombie's blows and bites, taking advantage of every small opportunity to cause deep cuts, and little by little they lowered the zombie's life, on one occasion when the zombie threw a punch at Dylan , he used the zombie's arm as a support to jump towards him, stabbing his daggers into the zombie's eyes causing a critical hit that turned him into wisps of light.

They have defeated zombie Goliath

700 exp, x1 core lvl 3, 10 silver.

Once they finished fighting, they rested for a few minutes to regain energy since the fight against the zombie was very demanding since they had to be in constant movement to avoid its powerful attacks, which made their resistance deplete faster and they ended up tired. Once they rested they walked towards the door that was on the other side of the room.