

What happens when you suddenly wake up and discover that your reality has merged with a game? You will have to rise up and fight demonic beasts in a world where now everything is kill or be killed. Could humanity unite to fight and survive? or will they be devoured by beasts?

Bianca_Leyva · 科幻
41 Chs

Defeating the area boss

Dylan activated his *Analysis* skill to inspect the weretiger who was standing in the central area and once he obtained his information he told the others: this guy is also at level 20, he is classified as an area boss and his hp It is 100,000 so it will be much stronger than the ones we have faced so far, the good thing is that it is only 3 meters tall which will make it a little easier for us to face him.

Victor: you still have to be careful with his blows since those of his type specialize in strength.

Dylan: I'll go first to measure his strength a little and we'll act depending on the results.

As before they had already planned a strategy, everyone went to their corresponding position Dylan took out his bow, placed an arrow and stretched the rope as much as he could when he released the arrow, he flew at great speed and in less than a second second hit the weretiger in the chest sending him flying at least 10 meters back and creating a huge crater in the place where he landed, the weretiger came out of the crater furiously letting out loud roars and once he looked at Dylan he ran towards him, the The distance separating Dylan from the tiger-man was almost 100 meters and the tiger-man's speed was not very high, so he had the time necessary to shoot 5 more arrows of which the tiger-man managed to block 2 and the other 3 he did back up a bit giving Dylan enough time to draw his daggers and prepare to fight the weretiger in hand-to-hand combat.

Dylan was able to dodge the tigerman's first blow and blocked the second with his daggers he was able to withstand the blow without retreating after blocking the attack, he pushed the tigerman, causing him to lose his balance a little, and took advantage of that opportunity to stab one of his daggers on the side of the tiger-man's waist and moved a few meters away from him while saying: ARIA, LUCAS TRY NOT TO BE HIT, ALISON TRYES TO PRESSURE HIM TO BREAK HIS DEFENSE, THE OTHERS BE AWARE OF ANY OPPORTUNITY TO HIT HIM IN HIS WEAK POINTS WE WILL USE THE HIT AND RUN STRATEGY TO WEAR IT DOWN FASTER

Once Dylan finished speaking everyone moved forward and began the fight against the weretiger, Alison and Dylan took charge of blocking and causing opportunities for the others to hit the weretiger's weak points, mostly the one blocking the attacks was Dylan since when Alison did it she took a few steps back and her arm went a little numb so she dedicated herself more to deflecting the attacks that the weretiger launched against Victor, Aria or Lucas and Dylan was the one who caused the most damage when he hit the points weaknesses of the tiger-man, Nix and Alison were in charge of deflecting the attacks, Dylan when he had the opportunity to launch an attack he tried to hit a weak point or one of the joints of the tiger-man's arm or leg with what he managed to do that he could not use one of his arms and hindered his mobility, which his companions took advantage of to deliver more and more blows when the tiger man had 5% of his life left, he entered a frantic state, which made the power behind his blows doubled and the damage he received decreased by half, the good thing was that he only had one arm with which he could attack so it was easy for Dylan to block him while the others were trying to attack faster and finally after a fight which lasted 40 minutes Dylan delivered the final blow that turned the weretiger into wisps of light.

When the weretiger died from the central area, a circular platform 10 meters in diameter began to appear that had several strange symbols engraved on it and a 40-centimeter hexagonal gem of a bright orange color Dylan walked towards the platform and when he climbed up he walked up to the gem and without a moment's hesitation he used all his strength to hit it with his 2 daggers, this time he only gave it 5 hits when the gem gave birth to 3 and a notice appeared in front of Dylan confirming that they had completed the mission.

*Your group has successfully defeated the area boss of the Tiger Men and destroyed the core of the nest by successfully eliminating the enemies in this area, they will be awarded the following rewards*


- Fame +1000

- Exp +10,000

- X3 material cards (10,000 units)

- X5 construction blueprints

- 1000 gold

When Dylan got off the platform he noticed that all his soldiers were already gathered near where he had been fighting so he raised his arm in victory to which the soldiers responded with loud cheers and applause.

Once the soldiers' excitement subsided Dylan said: Today you have fought bravely and we have successfully defeated the enemies in this area but we still have one more area to go and once we defeat them the threats against our area will decrease city and we will ensure a better future for us, but before taking care of those enemies I want everyone to rest for a while and eat something so that they can recover their strength and so we can fight giving 100% of our power...

After Dylan's little speech that raised the morale of the soldiers, everyone prepared to eat and rest a little before advancing once again against one of the lizardmen's nests which was about 30 minutes from where they were currently, Dylan had chosen these 2 nests since they were the closest to their city and were the ones that posed the greatest threat to them if they were attacked by these monsters, taking into account the time it would take them to reach the nest, kill the boss and destroy the core Dylan calculated that they could return to their city at 6pm and everyone would have enough time to rest and prepare in case the robotic voice announced a new challenge, so when he considered that they had rested enough he gave the order for them to begin advancing to the location of the lizardmen nest.

When they reached the area where the lizardmen's nest was, they used the same technique as against the tigermen, the only difference was that since the lizardmen had a much higher defense than the tigermen and they usually attacked in groups of 5 or more, the advantage was that their levels were between level 14 and level 17 so they were able to kill them in less time than they had thought before since all the soldiers were level 18 or 19 after having fought against the weretigers which made so that they did not receive so much damage from the lizardmen and by the time they killed all the lizardmen all the soldiers had managed to rise to level 20, Dylan and the others were also in charge of defeating the area boss and destroying the core much faster than they could what they had thought was that everyone managed to return to the city before 5 pm, having enough time to rest and prepare for a possible challenge the next day, when they finished the expedition, Dylan and the others managed to level up and the 10 plans they obtained as reward he got 3 plans for a farm with which he could raise it to lvl 2, on the farms he could raise animals such as chickens, ducks, pigs and sheep which would provide a new source of food for the city and in the system store he could buy offspring Of those animals, the only thing was that there was a limit to how many he could buy so he had to make sure to let them reproduce on the farms. The good thing about the animals that were sold in the system store was that their growth time It was quite fast and it would only take 3 days for them to reach adulthood, so they could begin to reproduce among themselves.

With the other plans as they were of buildings that I had already managed to level up, the buildings that were leveled up were the defensive tower, the store and the food processor, once the buildings were updated Dylan and the others went to rest and prepare for tomorrow.