
Tower 2

Ezra arrived quickly on the second floor through another portal that had appeared once he had fully decided to leave the first floor.

Rather than on the first floor where he stealthily hid before he was strong enough to take on goblins head on, Ezra decided to face the enemies he would come across quickly and in an up-front manner. He also wanted to allow his new pet to grow and hopefully reach the next stage in as soon of a manner as possible.

Currently his pet Earth Dragon was the same size of a cat with large sharp claws and teeth as well as spikes that ran from either side of its head all the way to its tail and on its tail it had a large spiked ball.

It seemed as though monsters of similar ranks would be unable to resist against his new pet, and Ezra wanted to see if this was the case. However, before he did anything he wanted to give his pet a name, and as it was a dragon, Ezra decided to call it Rex because dinosaurs and dragons were as similar as species could get.

Ezra then checked what his quest was for the second floor.

- Welcome To Floor Two Of The Great Tower -

- Defeat A Minimum Of Ten Hobgoblins To Unlock Floor Three -

Another easy quest for Ezra, and he planned to defeat one thousand hobgoblins much like he had done with the goblins on the last floor. He set out on his search for the monsters and soon came across a large area surrounded by wooden walls.

Ezra walked up to one of the walls and began to climb it, only to stop at the top due to what he saw. There was a huge tribe of hobgoblins that were partaking in daily activities in what seemed to be a hobgoblin village.

There were definitely enough enemies for Ezra to complete his quest even if half of them managed to escape. However, he had a way to make sure that he got as many as possible.

His new skill Flaming Fist would definitely make the job much easier. He used his Flaming Fist skill without being transformed as he did not see a reason to be in his Cipactli form yet.

Surrounding his right hand, a flame in the same shape as his fist but around three times the size appeared. It seemed to be incredibly hot, and from the top of the wall, Ezra punched forward and, as it didn't connect with anything, the flaming fist was sent flying forward at one of the buildings. Ezra proceeded to do this multiple times aiming at around fifteen buildings and watched the fire spread.

Very quickly, the fire spread until all of the buildings were set ablaze. The smell of burning corpses wafted through the air through the only entrance and exit from the village. Ezra knew that the smell was coming through the entrance, because he stood in front of it making sure nothing escaped. Although he was stood in front of the gate, he was not killing the escaping goblins, rather Rex was doing it.

With ease, he tore through the hobgoblins with his claws and teeth, and occasionally the large spiked ball on his tail bludgeoned its victims as well.

After a short while, all of the village was burned to the ground and there were no hobgoblins attempting to escape. Ezra entered the burnt village to eat his victims, but he realised an issue with this.

All of the hobgoblin bodies were absolutely destroyed, and there would be no way for him to eat them. This made him feel stupid, as he should have realised this mistake in his judgement before he had killed so many enemies.

He thought there could be some consumable bodies, and looked around for a few. However, after a few minutes he found something strange. It was a dead hobgoblin with a green ball of light above it.

He put his hand out and touched it, only for his body to pass through it. He had another idea, he transformed into his Cipactli form and used one of the mouths on his hand to try and consume it.

This worked, as the green ball of light entered his hand's mouth and a screen appeared.

- Hobgoblin Soul Has Been Consumed -

- + 2 Mana -

- + 2 Strength -

- + 2 Vitality -

- + 2 Speed -

- + 2 Stamina -

This screen amazed Ezra, as he realised he could consume the soul of a slain enemy rather than the physical body. This would save him. lot of time and it seemed as though because the form of the absorbed entity was a soul, he could also gain mana from eating the soul.

This was a huge gain, as mana was a difficult stat to raise and it increased the power of magic based skills and increased the mana pool of the user. Despite being a low number, ten mana was enough to use quite a lot of magic before running out, but against stronger enemies it would not be enough to consistently and effectively use magic.

Ezra began looking for more of the souls of the hobgoblins, but he was unable to find any and after about fifteen minutes he realised why. Once he reached the centre of the village, he came across a huge soul that seemed to be an amalgamation of all of the souls he could devour, and without hesitation he did just that.

- 999 Hobgoblin Souls Have Been Consumed -

- + 378 Mana -

- + 378 Strength -

- + 378 Vitality -

- + 378 Speed -

- + 378 Stamina -

After seeing this, Ezra knew that he was never going back to eating corpses again, from now on he would only eat souls. This was because he could gain physical stats as well as mana from eating them.

Although he knew that his future stats growth would not be so consistent, as not all monsters were all rounder monsters like goblins and hobgoblins. This meant that he would only consistently receive mana and what other stats the monster specialised in. Despite this, Ezra was even more sure than he had been before, he could definitely become stronger with this sort of immense growth.

He checked on Rex after absorbing all of the souls, as he had left him by the entrance to make sure any potential stragglers were dealt with, and he seemed to have grown a bit after defeating so many hobgoblins. It did not seem as though he had reached a new stage, but he was now the size of a large dog.

Ezra thought of completing the quest and began receiving his rewards.

- The Second Floor Has Been Completed -

- Level Of Completion Required Has Been Completed -

- 10000 Points Will Be Added

- Level Of Completion 10X Required Amount -

- 30,000 Points Have Been Added -

- Level Of Completion 100X Required Amount -

- 60,000 Points Have Been Added -

- Level Of Completion 100% -

- Mid Level Skill Box Has Been Added -

Ezra was surprised that he had managed to clear the entire amount of hobgoblins on the second floor, but he was definitely happy that he did and from now on he wanted to try and 100% every single floor for the extra rewards.

He counted up his points that he received and he had enough for a single mid level skill box, which meant if he opened his reward skill box he would be able to combine two mid level skills.

He placed them down in front of himself and despite being a grade above the low level skill boxes, the appearance was almost the same except it was a bit shinier.

"Open skill boxes."

Ezra said this and both boxes opened and Ezra received his skills.

- Spider Queen's Silk Creation (C) Has Been Received -

- Immense Throwing Power (D) Has Been Received -

Spider Queen's Silk Creation (C): Able to produce insanely durable and sticky silk through the use of mana. Mana usage decreases per level up.

Immense Throwing Power (D): When throwing something, the speed and power will be incredibly high compared to normal.

Both of these skills seemed decent to Ezra, but he knew he would get more use out of them by synthesising them.

he combined them together and the result pleased him greatly.

- Spider Queen's Silk (C) And Immense Throwing Power (D) Have Been Synthesised -

- King Of Webs (S) Has Been Synthesised -

King Of Webs (S): Able to produce an infinite amount of immensely durable and sticky webs that has a massive amounts of uses. This does not use any mana.

"An S rank skill? That's insane, I only fused a D and C rank skill and I got the highest grade possible."

Ezra was incredibly pleased, and he started to think about why this synthesis was so much more successful than the others. He came to the conclusion that the actual compatibility of the skills themselves mattered in the result of the synthesis. From now on he would hold on to skills if they did not seem to be a good match and wait for another skill that was.

He wanted to try out his new skill and decided he should go onto the next floor.