
Furuichi and the Dimensional Chat Group of Disaster

???: Furuichi give me some Lucky talisman. ???: Furuichi teach me magic. ???: Furuichi do you have a new fish recipe? also erza is pissed and looking for you. ???: Furuichi-san how do you make some friends. ???: Furuichi! ???: Furuichi! ... 'Just how did my second life become troublesome?' I thought. "Furuichi fight me!" some random delinquent run towards me. "Furuichi-kun ? woul you join my peerage?" a sexy red haired devil is tempting me. "Furuichi what's the answer of this question?" an idiot asked me. "How did my life become troublesome?' I asked as I look at the sky and saw a cloud giving me the middle finger. 'F*ck off!!!' _____________________ Inspired by: Cultivation Chat Group and Sis-con with Dimensional Chat group I don't own any characters, this is just an idea and a fanfic

Simping_4_Akali · 漫画同人
44 Chs

Chapter 15: Testing the Food

"Welcome." A browned haired man greeted is as we entered the restaurant. we look around and saw that every seat is taken.

"Sorry, but every sit is full except for the bar table. You can sit there if you like." he said to us.

"Sure." I said to him as we went and sit in the bar area and see as the chef cook.

"Going to finish this first then I can take your order. Can you wait for some few minutes?"


"Thanks, Are you family? you seems close?" he asked us some question.

"We are close friends actually, we were thinking to build our restaurant first. Any tips?" I asked him.

"Hm... Let's see. the first thing you need to know is to cook first. So who is going to cook?"

"Me and Yunyun" I said to him as I also pointed to Yunyun who looks around.

"Yunyun? Is that her nickname?" he asked with a chuckle.

"Nope, I think it's her actual name. Her family is weird." I said to him.

"Really? Wha-"

"I'm Back." Looking at the one who spoke we saw a red haired teen with a school uniform enter.

"Soma, Good timing. Serve this at table 10 and 13." The man said as he presented some dish.

"Oh yeah, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Yukihira Joichiro and the kid right there is my son, Yukihira Soma. We are the two cooks of this diner."

"I see." I said as I look at the young man as he came back with the clothes that looks like with Joichiro.

'Uniform maybe.' I thought.

"So your orders?" He asked us and we looked on what's in the menu.

"Uh, Omelette for me." Yunyun said.

"Roasted Pork belly" Garp requested.

"I'll have Miso Ramen." Tama said as she played with her phone.

"Guess I'll have today's special." I said

"4 orders coming right up." He said as he was about to start cooking.


"Hm?" He looked back and saw a cat in Yunyun lap.

"Ah, a fish dish for Happy." Yunyun said as she hugged the cat.

- Joichiro PoV -

'Whats this!' I thought as I felt immense pressure from the cat.

'This feeling feels like a critique no! I don't know why but I felt that this cat is an expe- No an expert among expert on fishes!' I thought as I look at the sitting cat in the lap of the young woman.


- Furuichi PoV -

"So are you knew here?" the red haired young man asked us.

"No, we were just taking a stroll and got hungry and we found this place and decided to eat here." Tama said.

"I see, then I a sure you. You didn't make a wrong choice in picking this restaurant." He said with a grin.

"Soma, help me out." Joichiro said.



"Here you go." Soma said as he put the dish that we ordered. I also looked towards Joichiro as he personally handled the fish dish to happy with a serious expression. I can also see Soma confused.

"And today special: Yukihira Style: Oyakodon Special!" I look at the dish in front of me and I I can see that this dish is delicious with the chicken meat and the egg mixed perfectly together. I also smelled various spice that enhance the dish fragrance and aroma.

"Anyway, Dig in!"

"Thanks for the food." We all said before eating our dish.

Tasting my dish, I felt like I am an Egg that is protected and cared by the mother hen. There is also this hint of a ingredient that mixed well with this dish. I see myself as I come out from the egg and saw a huge woman with feathers of a chicken with her eyes not shown. She aimed her jugs at me as it sprayed milk that fitted well in dish as the milk made the egg creamier and delicious.

'Delicious.' I thought as I continue to eat my dish.

- Garp PoV -

'The Roasted Pork Belly looks like it was perfectly cooked. This chef has experience.' I thought as I look at the Pork belly that he served me. Smelling the dish first as I noticed spices and herbs that complemented the meat and the sauce that elevates the fragrance of the meat that made the whole dish appetizing in the customers eye.

'Tender!' As soon I bit the meat and chew it. I was able to taste the spices that touched my tongue.

'It's like I was back in my recruits day where I was just training as a new recruit for the marine!' I thought as I imagined back in my youth doing some training to toughen my body.

"Come on Move it!" In the training field, my trainer forced me to do more excercise to strengthen my body while hitting me with a large piece of raw pork belly.

"Yes sir!" I shouted back at my trainer.

"What did you say!"

"Yes, Sir Roasted Pork Sir!"

"Add another 20 repetition!!"

"Sir yes sir!"

- Tama PoV -

"Looks Delicious." I said as I look at the ramen in front of me. I first tried the broth and it tasted magnificent as soon it touched my tongue it exploded with flavors.

I soon tasted the noodles and it was chewy when it went to my mouth. I chewed on it two more times and swallow eat as it went down to my throat. I eat noodle again and tasted various flavor ever time it comes in my mouth. I tasted the chashu and the egg, it fit perfectly as the combination enhanced the ramens flavor.

It's like I'm a warrior of ramen and I am faced against a pig and chicken that will become nothing but flavors that will increase my deliciousness but the finisher is the egg as various spices and extra flavor explodes and spread towards the ramen.

"That's enough! You want beat us!" A blonde petite girl wearing a chicken costume said to me.

"Roka! I will never give up this journey as o will grow stronger and become the Demon Lord!!" I said to her. (Roka Shibasaki from D Frag in case anyone asked.)

"I think you got the role reverse here." a purple head young woman said in a cute pig costume. (Chitose Karasuyama from D frag)

"Enough! I don't want to hear anymore nonsense! Especially from the two of you! Roka the Chicken and Chitose the Pig!" I shouted at them as I get my noodle whip and trapped the two of them.

"Finishing Move!: Egg Bomb!!" I threw eggs at them.

- Yunyun PoV -

"Wow!" I marvelled the egg first used a chopstick to cut a piece of egg and ate it.

Tasting the egg, it felt like I was feeling and the egg cautioned my fall as various layer catched me in my descent before finally falling in a soft bed of cheese.

I looked at the egg and saw many layers of eggs in the omelette and in the core is a crusted cheese outside but inside the cheese is a nice almost cream cheese that is about to fall.

In the soft bed of cheese where I fell, I felt a wet spot in my breast as milk suddenly leaked from my nipple.

Mixing the egg with a little bit of milk to enhance the eggs texture.

'Its like a bomb of creamy texture that just melts in your mouth!'

- Happy PoV -

'Today is not my day. I turned into a real cat and was ignored by the chef. Hope his dish is good so I can hope that I at least got something from this day.' I thought before I see the chef brought my dish.

"Here it is, Tropical Salmon in Vacation." He said with a smile.

I looked at the dish and decided to ate it.

As soon I bit on the fish, it released a mild flavor that entrance me too keep eating. As the fish landed in my tongue, flavor began to spread in my mouth and swallowed it. As I slow it, the flavor is still in there and felt like it didn't lose any flavor from the source even it's in my stomach. The more I put the fish in my mouth the flavor grew inside and relaxed my body. This flavor is like green tea that harmonaits and fit well in the dish.

It's like I'm relaxing in the beach with a shade as a scent of tea travel in the air and many Salmon servants serving me.

'Delicious!' I continue to eat the fish.

- Joichiro PoV -

'As expected, this people aren't ordinary' I thought as I look at the new customer that didn't show any weird reaction like others ate my food.

They only smiled and eat my dish.

Although I was a bit delighted that the cat liked the dish for some reason and seeing him nod at my dish made me relief as I felt like I just passed a strict food critique that only few are able to satisfy.


"Come again." I said to them as they left the shop.

"Those people were weird." My son said.

"You are right about that, Soma among them who did you think was more experience in the food area?"

"The old man I think."

"No, believe it or not. It was the cat."

"The cat?"

"Yes, Soma when you became an experienced chef, you can identify who are expert in some dishes. And for some reason that cat was like an experienced food critique in fish, that only few was able to pass. I don't know how he was able to attain that kind of aura of a fish critique but I am sure that was an expert among expert critique in fishes."

"I see, alright I'll make a fish dish that can impress that cat!"

"Hahaha!! enough babbling. We still have some customers to serve!"

"Roger! Also I want to challenge you again!"

"Sure! haha!!"