
A Debutante's Dance (I)

A magnificent banquet began after the formal ceremony. The visiting soldiers felt a bit out of their element at first as most of them were not from noble backgrounds. They had very little experience with such events, but they soon adapted.

It didn't look like a good idea to take cues from their leader seeing as he was not exactly sociable, but they somehow managed to avoid the wily politicians that tried approaching them.

Luckily, there were more than enough young people who were interested in them and so kept them busy in conversation.

Kamaria, who had years of experience blending into the background had succeeded in slinking to a quiet corner in the hall. She nibbled on some food while waiting for a good chance to leave.

The presentation in the throne room had thrown her off and she needed to rest and think about how to avoid upcoming calamities.

"Your Highness," suddenly said a voice.

Kamaria could tell from the uniform that the bowing woman was one of the soldiers. Lili had already put the princess behind her in a protective position, but Kamaria nodded her head to get her to relax.

"Lieuten- I mean Captain Mahalia Ilao, at your service."

"Oh, please don't stand on ceremony with me," insisted Kamaria partly because she didn't want anyone to noticed her from her little corner.

A smile lit up Mahalia's face, a striking sight compared to her dark, intimidating uniform.

"I've never met a princess before and now I'm meeting an imperial princess," she stated with a little blush, her limbs suddenly moving awkwardly.

The initial confidence only lasted so long. Kamaria only laughed at the other's sense of awe about the situation. Wasn't this little soldier quite adorable?

"How is it any special since we're both human? If I was some mystical being maybe it would be something worth mentioning. In fact, in life, I think you've achieved more than I have, Officer."

Mahalia had thought that she would be turned away after a few words, but the princess proved her wrong. Between nobles and those of lower statuses, there was politeness for the sake of being in public which had a hint of tolerance, but this princess seemed genuine in her speech. Even tolerance could only last so long.

Being the leader of the group, Sorin was bound to get some attention from some of the officials. His age mates were more interested in socialising, but his indifferent face was intimidating not to mention the fierce reputation, so they barely attempted starting conversations with him.

Altair was used to this kind of atmosphere and was quite happily having a snack when he spotted something interesting. He smiled before nudging the person at his side.

"Does young Master think what's happening over there is anything good?"

Sorin turned to see what Altair was talking about when he saw Mahalia in conversation with Kamaria.

"That woman…" he muttered thinking about the little recruit that always gave him headaches.

As if having heard him, Kamaria suddenly glanced in his direction before smiling and continuing the conversation with Mahalia.

He was certain his subordinate had initiated the conversation and was saying silly things about him otherwise why would the princess grace him with that mischievous smile. 

As he was about to walk over to them, he caught himself when he realised what he was thinking. Why would it matter what Mahalia said to the princess? After tonight, it was unlikely that they would meet again.

Besides, he knew that he didn't have the position to randomly approach her in public.

If it was done by him, anything could be taken as disrespect or an ulterior motive towards the imperial family. Mahalia was just being her usual bold self.

While speaking with one of the officials, the commander saw his wife approaching still in her official uniform and excused himself.

As it was partly a military event, she had stubbornly opted out of attending as the wife of a prince and instead resumed her military position which only made her husband smile.

"Madam General," he said quite teasingly.

"I'd appreciate it if the Commander kept his address formal. Please, I'm married," she stated with a bit of attitude.

"My apologies, what's brings the General over to this old Commander?"

"Listen to this old man, what else would it be except his favourite niece."

"The General means her favourite niece."

They both turned to each other and smiled. Her attendant gestured to a waiter to serve them both drinks as they stood talking.

While they were proud of the girl, they also knew that things would not get any easier for her and unfortunately there was little they could do about it especially with them handling so many official duties outside the capital. 

After partly raising her all these years, they could only observe how she navigated adulthood and help where they could.

In the spirit of helping, Princess Zorya saw an opportunity that her blockhead husband couldn't.

"Didn't you say you wanted to meet Duke Ulfric's son?"

"Oh yes, thank you for reminding me. Where is the man of the moment?"

"Over there," she gestured with a slight nod of the head.

Her husband was about to march right over when she subtly pulled him back by the cape.

"Observe soldier," she playfully said.

He glanced at her before turning back to look at the young man trying to get what his wife suggested he had missed about the situation.

While lost in his thoughts, Sorin became vaguely aware of the close presence of someone else.

"Little nephew, you're standing right here but your mind is not with us at all," said the booming voice.

The person standing before him was none other than the imperial commander and he quickly gathered himself with a martial bow to the man. He had only seen him once before, many years ago.

"Don't bow to me with the same grim expression as your old man. You two are completely different but this deadpan face seems inherited," he suddenly said with a smile.

Sorin was slightly surprised, and the slight change of expression amused the commander.

"Congratulations on the promotion Officer, stay alive long enough for the next few ranks."

"I'll certainly try my best Commander," said Sorin.

Having finished her conversation with Mahalia, Kamaria was about to sneak away when the commander suddenly called her over. Raisa and Lili saw the situation from where they were standing and glanced at each other before turning to look at Altair who came to stand next to them.

He smiled at them, but Raisa still made a sceptical look while Lili acknowledged the smile with a delicate nod. 

The meeting was noticed by several people in the hall. Insiders knew how much the Grand Prince doted on this little princess, so they had to wonder if this introduction meant anything considering how closely she was sheltered most of the time.

"Officer, you've met my beautiful niece."

Although Sorin was taller, Kamaria still stared up at him, and he stared back, not believing the nerve of her making eye contact with him in front of someone else and a family elder at that. It was as if she was just daring him to say something.

The exchange was not lost on the commander, and he almost laughed. Even if she was trying to be subtle about it, anyone who could solicit that sort of look from his usually demure niece was not a stranger to her, but the young man was handling the situation very well despite her expression.

The commander decided that the reply would determine if the young man could be given a chance.

Sorin looked back at the commander and replied with a slight smile.

"We haven't officially met, Commander. I hope I'll be of service in the future to your Highness," he said addressing the princess again with a proper noble bow. Even if people had not been paying attention before, they were now looking.

It was hard to miss such a big man humbly bowing before a young woman, but they thought that since the Commander was there, even the unruliest of people wouldn't dare to disregard someone he had personally introduced.

Kamaria slightly lowered her head in acknowledgment but before she could say anything the commander suddenly excused himself to attend to someone else.

"So, it turns out the Doctor was a Princess."

"Can't talk about that here," she whispered before walking ahead. He caught the hint and made sure to observe her as she walked away before looking around and subtly following a few moments later.

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