

Seeing Sarah and Chloe enter the Inn Seth couldn't help but to stare at Sarah as she wore the sundress making her look even more beautiful to him.

"If you stare too much you will give it away man, " John said patting him on the back knowing what he was thinking.

"Hey guys what are yall talking about? " Chloe asked as she took a seat next to them on the couch.

"We figured out the prices of houses and rooms and wanted to talk with you two about what we should save up for before making a decision. " Seth said while telling them the prices of both towns.

"Personally I would love to live in a bigger house with private rooms so I think we should work to save up for the house in Alexandria it will also give us enough space to have two more party members in the future. " Sarah said trying to imagine what the expensive house would look like.

"We kind of figured that would be what you two would want, " John said.

"Well we still have 2 hours before our new equipment is made. What should we do? " Seth asked, wanting to wait to go into the forest until he had his new items.

"There is a bank close by we can go start a group account to make saving up easier. " Chloe said remembering a player talking to a NPC about one.

"Sounds like a good idea lets go! " John said following the girls to the bank.

"Welcome to the Bank of Exmortana! How may I help you? " A cute NPC girl said standing behind the counter.

"We would like to open up a joint savings account for our party! " Sarah replied.

"We do not offer joint accounts outside of marriage, your party would have to pick a trustworthy member to be the account holder. " The clerk responded.

"Who should it be? " Sarah turned to face them.

"I am okay with you being the account holder Sarah. " Seth said handing her his bag of money while the others also agreed doing the same thing.

"Alright thanks for your trust! " Sarah said while taking the money and handing it to the bank's clerk.

"Sarah you are depositing 12,061 Elru into your account is this correct? " The clerk asked counting out the money in each bag.

"That is correct, how will I withdraw money and spend it? " Sarah asked curious if they had a card or something they issued.

"Out bank is partnered with every shop in the world of Exmortana, you will be given a bank chip in a moment that will be inserted under the skin of your hand. To make sure funds are not stolen

the chip will not transfer funds unless you are willing and the shop owner sets a price, to pay shop owners have their own chips you only have to shake their hand for the funds to be transfered. In order to pay another player money you will have to find a local bank and withdraw the funds. It is a smart idea to use the Bank as a savings account and use Elru you keep on your person as funds to pay for expenses. Please hand over your right hand. " The clerk asked, pulling out a needle.

Putting her hand on the table the clerk inserted the needle in the palm of Sarah's hand and then pulled the needle free.

"All set, thank you for banking with us! Your money will be shown under Elru in your status window separate from any Elru you have in your inventory. " The clerk said while waving and wishing them safe travels.

"I guess since that is done we can try and find another party member or just explore the town for another hour. " John said.

"Lets see who would be a good fit we could use a Ranger or another Knight maybe even a Monk it would be interesting to see what a Monk can do. " Seth said wondering if they would ever even find a Monk.

"You guys are looking for another party member? " A female said while walking up to them.

"We are thinking about it, what class are you? " John asked curiously not seeing any weapons or armor to give away her class.

"I am a ranger, my weapon and armor are being crafted right now so I have just been walking around the town looking for things to do. My name is Jessica. Nice to meet you guys! " Jessica said with one leg crossed behind the other and her hand out to shake Seth's.

"Nice to meet you Jessica, I am Seth. This is John, Sarah, and Chloe. John and I are also waiting on new equipment to be crafted do you mind us asking what level you are? " Seth asked.

"Currently I am level 12 but I am pretty close to level 13. I normally just climb a tree and attack monsters all day until I level. " She replied.

"We are all level 14 it wont take us long to reach 15 but you are welcome to join us for a while to see if you fit in the party. " Seth said.

"Don't you think we should talk more about getting another party member so soon? " Sarah asked seeing Seth and Jessica chatting casually.

"We do need a Ranger and one found us lets just give her a shot. If she doesn't work I am sure Seth will make the right call. " Chloe said knowing they couldn't just refuse her now that she already accepted the invitation.

"Ugh, fine whatever. " Sarah said now in a slightly sour mood.

"Our equipment should be finished now Seth we should head over to the Blacksmith to pick the stuff up. " John said while pulling Seth away from his conversation with Jessica even though he knew they still had a few minutes.

"What's up man? We should still have a few minutes before everything is done. " Seth asked.

"Making Sarah jealous is okay if you do it a little but you shouldn't push things you know. " John said while they entered the Blacksmiths.

"What do you mean I was just talking to Jessica it isn't like we are flirting. " Seth replied while they looked for Jason.

"Bruh, how dense are you? Jessica has the hots for you and you have been getting really close to Sarah so what is she supposed to think when you all the sudden start having a long ass talk with a new girl that's clearly into you? " John replied wondering if Seth was really this dumb.

"Alright I understand, Hey Jason! How are things looking? " Seth said spotting Jason who was polishing his GreatSword.

"I finished a few minutes ago and the NPC has refined them already. I was just making them look shiny until you guys got back! I hope you both enjoy these items, you won't be able to see the stat boosts until you hit level 15 and put them on but they should do pretty well until you hit level 25 and get the next gear sets. " Jason said while putting both of their equipment on the table for them to put away.

"The next set comes at level 25? " John asked curiously.

"Yeah, levels 15, 25, 35, 45, 50, 60, 75, 80, 85, and so on are all the gear set levels. You can also get pretty amazing gear sets outside of those levels that have amazing stat boosts from killing monsters. The drop rate for those items are really low and even if you kill a monster and get the drop it is not guaranteed to be a gear for your class. On the bright side those items will sell really well with other players so be sure to keep one if you get it. " Jason said feeling happy he was able to help some players with their items and information as he decided to run a blacksmith in the future rather than be someone who fights to win the game.

Leaving the Blacksmith Seth and John sent messages to Sarah, Chloe and Jessica to meet up with them so they could go back to leveling. The first one to reply was Jessica who was only a few shops away and done with getting her items.

Seth and John met up with Jessica outside of her shop since it was on the way to where the other two girls were waiting.

"How do I look? " Jessica asked while giving a small spin on her tiptoes letting her skirt spin showing her underwear a little for Seth to see. She wore her hair in a ponytail while her armor looked like a cloth outfit that hugged her body tightly showing her great shape in green and white color.

"You look great, " John replied before Seth could, giving him a small elbow in the ribs letting him know he shouldn't answer.

Showing a small pout at Seth's lack of answer she followed beside him as they all walked to greet Sarah and Chloe who were waiting beside the towns exit into the forest.

"Thought you guys got new armor and weapons? " Chloe said noticing them still in the same things as before.

"Got to hit level 15 before we can equip them. " Seth replied as they headed out into the forest while protecting Jessica and helping her to catch up in level along the way.

Reaching the area they made into their campground previously they gave Jessica time to sort her status points now that she had reached level 13 before they began mobbing the level 14 monsters until they reached the level 15 ones.

Jessica who had taken her ground in the trees would help deal damage to the monsters that Seth and John pulled. Whenever they would kill a monster she would aim at a monster further out and attack them letting them stand in one spot and fight continuously for an hour before they had all leveled up.

"Finally level 15! " Seth said excited to increase his stats and put his new weapon and armor on.

Name: Seth

Class: Demon


Level: 14 > 15

HP: 640/640

MP: 330/330

STR: 100 > 110 ( +10 )

VIT: 45 > 50

INT: 10

DEF: 50 ( +15 )

AGI: 45 > 50 ( +5 )

Skill Points: 20 > 0

Elru: 778

Skills: Dread Slash, Sword Shot, Demon Smash, Shadow Rush, Demon's Call.

Putting on his new weapon and armor Seth was happy to see he got a decent bit of extra points into hit strength and defense which would allow him to attack and defend better. The armor and weapon looking a bit plane was kind of upsetting but he was still considered to be a low level so there was probably nothing he could do about it until they reached higher levels.

"We still have plenty of time left in the day should we make an attempt at making it to the new town and hitting level 20? " Seth asked wanting to make it as far as he could today.

"We still have camping gear and the Warding Log so I don't see why not, " John said also wanting to go pretty far and get as much money as he could for them to buy the house.