

Having gotten some rest the 3 of them met back up in the lobby of the Inn to talk about what they should do for the day seeing how another few thousand people will be joining the game today.

"We should take a day to relax and explore the town a little otherwise we will just get burnt out on all the fighting. " Sarah suggested while both the boys agreed with her also wanting to check out the new town to see what it offered.

"We need to try and get better weapons and armor and maybe see if we can find any NPC quests to do for some extra EXP. " Seth said wanting to keep a leg up on the other players.

As they walked through the town admiring the futuristic building structures and heat they felt from the shining sun they looked through various shops.

"I wonder how close others are to this town? Do you think any of the others are close yet? " John asked, while eating a large turkey leg he purchased at a food stall on the road near some of the restaurants.

"Who knows, let's go to the blacksmith's shop over there. " Seth said while walking over to the shop and going inside.

Looking around the shop they all looked at gear that fit their class and stats. Seth picked up a large jagged sword and some light armor which highlighted his overall look. His sword had a white hilt and a red blade while his armor was mostly black trimmed with red that made him look more like a demon with his horns showing through his hair.

John had picked out a set of heavy armor and a great shield both of which had a standard silver color to them while the sword he picked out was only slightly longer than his last one.

Sarah had picked a White and blue leather skirt and top with a new robe to go over them that came down just below her knees. She had picked out her cross shaped weapon that her skill had talked about previously.

With the party having all new equipment and being completely broke now they decided they needed to go find some quests to take or go back to fight the level 10 monsters to make some spare Elru to last them another few days. It takes the three of them 100 Elru each to stay in the Inn for a night so they need to make roughly 2,100 Elru to have a spot to sleep for the week.

Deciding to go grind some drops and money at the level 10 Bronze Imps before trying to find other quests to do. On their way they encountered a player named Chloe Lewis, a tall and slender blonde girl with blue eyes wearing black robe holding a large book in her hands.

"Oh I thought I would be the first to reach the new town I guess I got beat here. " Chloe said while introducing herself to the group in front of her.

"Yeah we were the first players in the game and decided from the start to level and make it to a new town. I am Seth, this is John, and this is Sarah. It is nice to meet you, we are about to go and grind some more money and maybe level up again. Would you like to join our party? " Seth said, shaking her hand and inviting her to join them.

"It would be pretty nice to have another female around to be honest. " Sarah said, stepping forward to welcome Chloe to the party.

"I guess that would be alright, I am a Witch so I will be leaving the hard part to you guys. " Chloe said while accepting the party invite and following them back out to the fields.

They could see a few people further out in the level 9 area battling the monsters while trying to level up. Not staying distracted for too long John and Seth rushed forward using their team work to mob together 5 of the monsters while tanking and dealing damage a large lighting strike struck all five monsters dealing a large portion of their health allowing Seth to finish them off quickly while John took control of tanking.

"That's amazing this should go by pretty quick! "John said in excitement.

Moving on to another mob they used the same tactic repeatedly until most of the level 10 Bronze Imp's were cleared. Standing around waiting for more mobs to spawn some of the other players who had yet to reach level 10 had taken the chance they created to enter the Town of Satin without passing level 10 which would only hold them back in the future.

Grinding like this for a few hours Seth, John, Sarah, and Chloe had all managed to level up as well make a few thousand Elru from their time.

Name: Seth

Class: Demon


Level: 10 > 11

HP: 450/450

MP: 300/300

STR: 55 > 65

VIT: 35

INT: 10

DEF: 35 > 40

AGI: 35 > 40

Skill Points: 20 > 0

Elru: 2899

Skills: Dread Slash, Sword Shot, Demon Smash, Shadow Rush.

"It still feels so unreal to level up, honestly this feeling alone is enough to make this game worth playing. " Seth said while looking at his improved muscle tone and abbs.

Sarah who was also checking Seth out blurted out, "Yeah I also enjoy seeing the effects. "

"Haha way to go Seth, " John said putting his arm around Seth giving Sarah a teasing grin knowing just what she was thinking making her blush a little.

"Shut up John. " Sarah said, punching him in his shoulder lightly.

"It looks like you guys have known each other for a long time. " Chloe chimed in pointing out how well they got along.

"Does it? We all met for the first time yesterday. I guess spending hours working on teamwork and talking kinda makes you feel like family after a few hours of it haha. " John also noticed the friendships he had made in what only felt like a few hours. Back home John was always pretending to be friends with people like most people do not having anyone he was truly close with. While when it came to Seth and Sarah he honestly felt like they were his best friends.

"To be honest I have always been a loner so this is pretty nice. " Seth said while rubbing the back of his head recalling how he would most times choose to stay at home rather than go out and have fun around other people. He enjoyed spending time alone and did not feel like he was missing out on life at all. Now he is looking forward to spending every day with his new friends.

"I grew up always moving around never staying in one place long enough to make good friends so being forced to stay in this game around people is kind of shocking for me. " Chloe said relating to their lifes of solitude in the real world.

"What about you Sarah? " Chloe asked curious what she was like in the real world.

"I worked in an office around a lot of people and I had a boyfriend but when he cheated on me I decided to apply to join this game as a way to escape things. We had talked about getting married and inviting all of our friends pretty often so I was pretty devastated when I found him sleeping with my best friend. I kind of cut everyone off from my life after that, I do feel better when I spend my time with you guys though so thank you. " Sarah said with a smile as the Mobs started spawning again.

"Should we kill more of these level 10 monsters or try to find some quests and kill higher leveled ones now? " John asked.

"Now that we have Chloe I think it would be smart to start reaching higher levels and questing maybe once the 20,000 players mark is reached we can create a Clan as the highest leveled players in the game. Tons of players would want to join us to reap the benefits of knowledge and advice when they start the game. Not to mention we already have one of the 6 special classes. " Sarah said.

"What? Who?? " Chloe asked curious about this new information.

"That would be me, I got sent to a black pod during the game launch as the first player to enter the game. I picked the class Demon which is why I have these red horns. " Seth said while touching one of his horns that he just realized he could actually feel his finger touch his horn.

"Demon huh? Some would say your class is a reflection of who you are as a person. " Chloe said while giving Seth a weird look.

"What is that supposed to mean? I'm not a bad person or anything I just thought being a Demon sounded like fun it isn't like I plan to troll people and make people's lives here hard you know. " Seth said, looking a little sad feeling judged.

"Don't make that look, I only meant it as a joke. Anyways we should get going the only thing we are doing here is letting leaches through to the town. " Chloe said as they walked back into the town to find a NPC to ask about quests.

Finding a Human NPC hanging around a shop they asked if he knew of any quests that needed completing from any of the other NPC's in the town.

"Quests will be introduced at a player population of 10,000 as to keep the game more balanced for players who join at a later date. However you can use this time to level up as much as you want. A player information guide can be purchased for 10 Elru from any NPC. Would you like to purchase the Guide? " The NPC replied almost naturally.

Only buying one guide since they were a party they sat at a restaurant to eat while reading over the Guide before setting out to level more.

ExMortana Player Guide~

Players will start at level one and will be able to reach higher levels though killing monsters, going on quests, participating in events, meeting hidden conditions, and various other methods throughout the game.

Players may engage in Player Killing otherwise known as PKing with no backlash other than a change in nameplate color. The players name plate color will change for 24 hours per player killed in the game. Killing a player that attacks you will not change your name color nor count as a player kill.

Once the player population reaches 5,000 players the functions: Player Alliance (Form a Alliance with players outside of your party will allow you to attack them without them taking damage), Room Purchase (Purchase a Private room at Inns to solo belong to you the player), Gate Teleportation (Teleport between towns you have visited at the designated Gates).

Once the player population reaches 10,000 players will be able to talk with NPC's to obtain small Quests. Some of these smaller Quests will have rare rewards for the first player or party to complete the Quest.

Once the player population reached 20,000 players the functions: Clan Creation, Adventurer's Guild, House Purchasing, Clan Base, Class up (Requires level 30), Regular Quests, Clan Quests, Adventurers Guild Quests, Casino, Pet and Slave system (Monsters can be purchased for a large sum to become pets that will follow and attack your enemies. Slaves will be explained at a later date).

Once all 100,000 specially selected players have started the game a special event will be held as well as important information related to the game and the real world.

Events can be held by Game moderators outside of the game the events goals and rewards will vary by what the host wants and wishes to reward. Events are not mandatory but the rewards will always be worth the risk.

Titles are gained through hidden means and can grant special status buffs, some special titles can only have one title holder. When the title holder died that title can be obtained by the runner up for the title.

There are 6 special classes created by the games creator Alexander. Each of these 6 classes will be powerhouses late game that will be vital in clearing the game. Special classes can be taken by others if the special class holder dies. To make this risk fair to the special class holder the special class holders all receive benefits only known to them as well as class specific skills. (Note: If you are a special class holder it would be wise to keep the benefits you find out about to yourselfs unless you want to be targeted by thousands of players seeking your class. Good Luck.)

The Grand Prize of 1 million USD will be paid to the account of the person(s) responsible for clearing the game. As talked about before entering the game things such as your bills, debts, and rent are all taken care of by Exmortana for the duration of your time playing the game. This game is projected to last 1 year, this time is figured by countless simulations the average time being 1 year and the shortest time being 8 months and the longest clear time being recorded at 2 years 9 months. All players' actions can have an influence on the duration of this game. All players should keep in mind you signed legal documentation regarding this. If the game lasts longer than the 1 year mark we are in no way responsible, Loss of life is also a possibility so be sure to play this game as if you only have one life because you do.

Life hit me hard recently sorry for lack of updates, I will be updating daily again starting now.

Slewiscreators' thoughts