
The Chosen Ones

Life had taken Dominic to different places; never did he think he would be making decisions that would involve more than one person.

Every action had a reaction, and he knew it was real when his own actions resulted in unexpected changes in certain decisions.

The interest in taking care of his things and staying safe from the CRM's clutches was more than necessary; it was timely.

He knew perfectly well that the chances of being attacked on an island were lower; if he could commandeer some ships, then that possibility would be reduced to zero.

Perhaps many had achieved more than he had, but this was already considered the maximum within his capabilities. There was nothing more he aspired to achieve; he just needed to take very good care of his refuge and make it self-sufficient so as not to need anything.

But now there was something more important he had to do, and that was to end certain people who were not part of his mobilization plans.

"None of these people would survive such a harsh flight, and we also don't have the necessary equipment for where we're heading." Dominic looked at the patients in their comas on their stretchers.

It seemed very dignified to him that he would be the one to give these sick people rest. He knew that many of them would die from the doctor's words, so the necessity would force Dominic's group to leave them here.

If the bombs fell, Dominic knew that even if he left these people alive, they wouldn't survive the fire the military would rain down on all places. If the flames didn't kill them, then the smoke would finish suffocating all these people.

This was the only way they would have eternal rest.

"By my hand, it will be..." Dominic murmured as he approached an elderly woman and sat beside her, taking the silenced pistol in his hand. He was about to shoot when suddenly someone entered.

"Don't do it."

Dominic looked up and was surprised to see Bethany, who had entered carrying a briefcase.

"You should be on a helicopter by now; what are you doing here?" Dominic asked, genuinely confused.

"They're my patients; I should do it." Bethany didn't want Dominic to assume all this responsibility, which, in fact, was partly hers for not being able to cure them.

Doctors, regardless of gender, fight against death on a board where everything is against prognosis, and Bethany knew that this time she had lost a great battle.

"Then let's finish quickly; a shot to the head and they'll rest." Dominic would assume this pain; these people would live with him from now on.

Death when it comes to someone asleep is said to be the most peaceful of all, one in which you practically don't suffer and can lose yourself in dreams without any fear or sense of consciousness.

At times, when one sleeps, they forget that they're alive or that they're sleeping. In that state, if someone ends up shooting you in the head, you won't feel anything at all.


Dominic prayed deep in his heart that he had made the right decision; he couldn't take the responsibility of these people as his own. He really couldn't do it, especially now, knowing all the challenges they were about to face.

Bethany, with tears in her eyes, also pulled the trigger of her air pistol; the impact generated a shot powerful enough to pierce through the brain, preventing these comatose people from waking up.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Dominic's eyes lost color, feelings hid deep within him, and that sensitivity he believed didn't abound in his heart began to blossom.

Dominic felt strange; a feeling of restlessness and pain spread through his chest, giving him a sensation of suffocation.

Each shot was a life, and in total, more than a hundred people had been released. That prayer would be somewhat hypocritical to address the murder, but leaving them here to face their fate would only prolong their suffering.

Dominic had mercy; at least he didn't run away from his responsibilities like others would, and that at least sat somewhat well with him.

When it was all over, Dominic's trembling hand stopped squeezing the trigger, and with slightly blurry vision, he looked at a pack of cigarettes on a white table. Without thinking, he took the cigarettes and lit one clumsily because he didn't know how to smoke.

"Cough… They say smoking calms the nerves, but I think that's a lie." Dominic put away the pack of cigarettes and left this place.

Later, two soldiers entered with cans of gasoline and began to flood this entire place. When everyone was outside, a furious fire broke out at this location.

Stuart looked at Dominic and asked, "Are you my boss?"

"We'll talk later, Stuart, but you're right, I'm your employer and right now your boss." Dominic nodded, making it clear he didn't want anyone to find out.

Without further pauses, everyone boarded the helicopter and left this place.

Bethany looked at Dominic and, without wanting to speak, closed her eyes, feeling an immense sorrow that perhaps she could never shake off her chest.

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