

Newton was an undergraduate at the University of Bayfield. He had things going very difficult for him until things changed......

zamarni · 都市
1 Chs


The golden ray of the sun was just beginning to set on a beautiful Thursday evening at Bayfield College.

Newton sat on a concrete pavement at the college park.

He had nothing to eat that evening, and hadn't eaten since that Tuesday morning.

He decided to take a stroll to take his mind off the unforgiving sting of hunger that bit his stomach.

He had strolled for twenty minutes before he found himself at the park.

"Newton" a voice called out.....Newton turned sideways to find out who in the world was actually excited to see him.

Most of his mates disliked him and would not like to be seen with someone like him.

They had said he gave off the "Job in the Bible type of vibes".

Newton turned his head around and was surprised to see Bella.

Bella was his colleague in the department of Mathematics and Statistics.

Bella laughs at silly and demeaning jokes about Newton by his colleagues in the department.

Newton beamed with usual cute smile as he waved shyly at Bella who had gotten much closer.

"Newton what are you doing out here by yourself at this time of the day?" she asked Newton.

He shrugged....

"Just felt like taking a stroll. it's a really cool evening isn't it?"....

"Yeah, really cool" she replied.

"Okay how are you doing Bella?" he asked.

Newton didn't feel like having a conversation at this time because he didn't have much strength left in him to keep talking.

He felt as though it was energy consuming since he hadn't eaten and was really hungry.

"I'm good" Bella replied.

She then brought up conversations about their classmates, the school and other topics.

Bella talked about the Mother of Gertrude who came for a fight 3 days ago with Mrs Fisher who sent Gertrude out of her class for dressing indecently

"It was a really good fight...who knew Mrs Fisher who was as slim as a spaghetti strand strand had the Bruce Lee in her"

Newton smiled. He found remembered that fateful Tuesday and how the whole fight went down.

No one separated them.

The fight was streamed live on Gear.

Gear was the school's social media platform.

The live stream had gotten over twenty thousand views.

Newton appeared in the video being held back by a colleague while he attempted to stop the embarrassing altercation.

The event was really funny.

Newton just couldn't laugh too seriously because he had no strength to do so.

Newton looked at Bella and was a bit startled to see the stern gaze she shot him.

He wasn't sure what the look was all about.

Bella had been watching his face closely with admiration.....

She realised just how handsome Newton truly was, after getting so close to him.

His Blue eyes just made her stir and she got lost in the moment.


Newton didn't know what to say.

He felt a bit embarrassed.

She wondered just how Newton would have looked if he wasn't so broke.

Newton was still a really handsome guy despite his poverty.

Just then, Newton heard the familiar loud voice of a person they knew very well. It was Steve Moss and his entourage.

Steve was in his favourite Car, the BMW 228i Series 2 Gran Coupe.

Together at the front seat with Steve was his best friend and Newton's worst enemy, Craig Robinson.

At the back seats were three girls.

The girls were Newton's colleagues

Steve was playing really loud music from his car's stereo, and the rest of the people in the car were being wanna be rappers.

They were being a complete menace as far as Newton was concerned.

Bella had a worried look ok her face.

She needed to leave immediately, or at least make sure she wasn't seen with the likes of Newton

She turned around and wore her backpack slowly to cover her body from being made out.

Steve sighted Newton from 10 yards out.

He couldn't pass up the golden opportunity to ridicule Newton with this pack of faithful supporters.

Steve muted the stereo immediately he sighted Newton.

"Look who we have here" Steve said as he pointed over at Newton.

At this point,Newton knew exactly what to expect.

He patiently waited for it.

Immediately Bella Heard Steve's words, she decided it was time to make a run for it.

"Goodbye Newton...see you tomorrow" she said as she hurried away.

Newton was left alone to face Steve and his verbal onslaught.

"It's Newton Norman" said craig with disgust.

"Jesus Christ, Newt shouldn't you be happy to see real humans so close to you?" said Steve with a smirk on his face.

Karen burst out with laughter on hearing this comment.

She mistakenly snorted like a pig while at it....

"Pipe down you slim pig" barked Steve with a sneer on his face.

Mary quickly stepped in to save her friend from Steve's merciless verbal slaughter...

"Uhm has anyone ever noticed Newton's face looks like that of a Newt"?

They all laughed .

"Yeah, he really does look like a Newt" remarked Craig

They kept laughing.

"Wasn't he with a girl when we saw him?" asked Craig.

"The stench of his wretchedness sent her scrambling" replied Steve.

Everyone laughed hard after hearing this.

Helen want to the ground laughing...this was her way of being overdramatic while excited ...

"Get up from the ground you pig" barked Steve to Helen.

Helen got up immediately and kept on laughing shyly.

At this point, the mood had changed due to the little squabble between Steve and Helen.

They were now quiet and were looking at Newton with disgust.

They were even more annoyed because he was mute and kept staring at their faces.

"Since you have updated your resumè from 'Broke' to 'Broke and Dumb', you can just have this leftover Cheeseburger I bought from skygarden.

Skygarden was one of the most expensive restaurants in Bayfield.

A meal there cost about $3000.

Helen threw him the left over juice she was sipping .

"You can have that too, don't say Aunty Helen didn't do anything for you little bro".

They all laughed at Newton.

"Let's leave this pauper to have a feast" said Craig while pointing at the Burger at Newton's feet...

"You are right Craig....lets leave him to feast on this burger, afterall, it's from Skygarden, and it should be eaten with utmost reverence and in serenity"