
" Houston Houses for Item"

" To expect the unexpected shows a throughly modern intellect"

-Oscar Wilde

Jack POV

Her Eyes were swollen over and a trace of blood spilled from the side of her mouth. Her smooth black hair was disheveled, her clothes drenched presumably by blood and she was unconscious. Her beautiful face masked with a frown as her head drooped down. She looked grotesque and my heart was in turmoil. I felt useless for not being able to protect her and how I wished those bruises and pain would be inflicted on me and not her. I had to work swiftly and efficiently for her and for that I had to stand and strong and focused.

Sam has been occupied with various work and I really applaud him for his patience and resilient. When I found out he was the unrivaled leader of the most powerful gang of the country, it dawned upon me how could this lean, pale guy be able to control over the majestic empire, but after co-operating with him for almost 1 and half day I could see that he was indeed a strong leader. His way of commanding and working was indeed brawny. I was really thankful to him for helping me but he shrugged it off saying that it was his duty too.

The day was dull and inauspicious because everything went against our plan. Sam was facing trouble recreating the image whereas I couldn't find the exact location of where she might be held captive. My life has been turned upside down, from the day I was born till now I have been ignorant about the whereabouts of my biological parent and I had promised my adopted parents to never go finding them. But out of nowhere I have been given a will surmising on my name. Not only that if I was really the owner as stated in this will then I could be the long lost cousin of Sam which might be extra awkward. Just like a unwanted extra frosting on a cake, I have been meeting problem in every corner I turn.

I thought I dodged a massive bullet when we found out that she might be in an abandoned factory but to my dismay it was the start of nothing and top of it those creepy riddles just made our day. The crux of the matter was how to save her and nothing was more important than that. I was still fondling with the laptop when Sam nudged me. He seemed to found out something about the clues, relief washed through me as I assumed the riddle has been solved but he just pointed at a painting. Serendipitously that painting was in Denmark and after finding that mysterious key I had been planning to go Denmark. And now it was absolute that I had to go and find "Houston Houses Of item."

I swear the kidnapper is a nut sack for in directing something he wants. I really wanted to beat the hell out of him so that he would re learn the art of direct speaking. There was some hesitance but I had to let him know about the key. As expected he rejected the idea of going to that item house but after reasoning my opinion he agreed. I wanted to ask him about how to proceed with the mission trip but seeing his stoic and cold face I couldn't ask further. My body was marked with the initial bruises and my leg was still limping and it did give me some pain but this pain was nothing to the fear and worry that flowed through my veins.

"Her blood shot eyes looked through me as she screamed my name. I could see Elisa drenched in blood, screaming for help. My hands were chained on the metallic pole as I struggled to break free. There was a loud, dark and deep voice laughing and gladden at my struggle as I tried to pull the chain out of my hand. I felt milksop at that moment as I saw her screaming yet I couldn't do anything. Panic crept through my skin and I wept louder but there was no one to lend me a hand."

I woke up with sweat drenching my shirt and I was on the sofa with the laptop on my lap. Sam on other side was in deep sleep mumbling incoherent words. My throat was dry and torrid from all the screaming and my eyes lacked moisture from all the crying, my bruises was okay but it still gave me some minor pain. I walked towards the kitchen, grabbed a cup and poured myself a drink. I had to focus and this alcoholic drink was the only option that could make me relax.

I stood in front of the large window facing directly at the abandoned park nearby my house. I was just staring on that dark night with a blank mind and blank idea. My mind was an empty slate , from the day my parents went away leaving me alone, my heart had became aloof and alone ; there was nothing that could make me live again but after meeting her she penetrated deep through my heart and made me believe that there was some hope in me. Now she was in danger because of my negligence but here I was just staring into the night, I couldn't lose her , she is my only hope. I wanted to ask my uncle for help but I knew that he was busy with the company which he decided to manage in my stead. I was just namby-pamby and weak that I really hated myself. The dark was glaring at me exactly reflecting the fear and darkness within me; it was as if I was looking the other me.

I moved away from the window but something dubious caught my eye; the dark shadow camouflaged perfectly in those darkness. I thought maybe it was a phantasm from all the stress I had been having lately but I swear the shadow glared clearly at me. I decided to ignore it and headed off to bed for some sound sleep.

The tall terraced house stood tall in front me, the floor well fitted with granite tile and a octagonal pool that surrounded the fountain, water spraying many feet into the dry summer air from the lips of a busty mermaid, this place was not a mere locker room; It was one heck of an empire. Behind those splashing sound I could near the hustle and bustle traffic where drivers busily honked to show their impatience; Denmark was no more a peaceful place.

We walked towards the building with the key in our hand and hope in our heart. The world is actually stupefying, when your stare those artistic horizon without any haze of discontent and without any filter with your naked eyes. This place was really huge and it was an amazement to see the place adorned with intricate architecture. The stair case had three different segment leading upstairs, one winding around a straight pole and other two attached with a junction in middle. A large painting hung in middle and this place was the definition of luxury. With a central chandelier that reflected rainbow light at every corner of the room, nothing could compare this place.

We walked towards the receptionist to ask about the where about of the locker room and showed her the keys. She was an old woman in her forties with her hair bunned up impeccably and her face held a gentle smile as we approached her. But that gentle face was no more when she saw the key; her face held astonishment and sadness but she was professional enough to hide it perfectly. She showed us the room then sprinted away as if something was chasing her.

The room was dimmed and there was a single door in front of us. We walked towards it and gave a gentle push as we walked further. There wasn't any single furniture except for a small box which lay centrally in the room, Worn edges, split at the corners, covered in dust, smudged label, folded in tops taped up with a brown cello tape, small and the word "Houston Houses for Items" written clearly.

It seemed the box was waiting for his owner, my heart beat faster as I walked further towards it. Sam offered to guard the door as urged me to proceed further, I went near the box and there it was the same label Houston houses for items. But something was clearly confusing here because as per what I had searched Houston houses for items was too be a place for people to bury their secret but why was the box named as Houston houses for items, or did I make mistake in my investigation.

I took out that key from the pocket and put it in the box as it opened with a loud 'Tud'. There was another painting and I wondered why everything connected to a painting. I took the painting in my hand and exited the room. Sam turned towards me and asked me whether there was any lead, I told him that we should get out and talk at home. While on our way we saw the receptionist eying us but her stare was that of respect and adoration which I couldn't understand.

The house was comfy and small which was just perfect. Initially Sam planned of staying in a hotel but I managed to persuade to live in this small area. I couldn't manage any unwanted attention before everything fell into its place so it was better to lay low for now.

I took out the paining scroll and eyed it carefully. Sam was busy inquiring his man about Elisa and to his butler about the state of his company. This man was a CEO and he had to focus on his company yet he was here helping me, my heart swelled with gratefulness and I promised to let him be near Elisa. I urged him to go for a shower because he really looked awful but at least better than me. My beards has grown long, my face masked with frown and my eyes with worry; I really looked awful.

It's been freaking one hour and I am still staring at the painting. There was nothing amazing about it, it just had some dots on it and some lines; I comprehend it. The night was approaching and the room got dimmer. I placed the lamp near me and proceeded to the kitchen for some light snack.

A grabbed a handful of chips, a bottle of coke and walked towards the sofa. My gaze landed on those painting and a bright idea came to my idea, I stuffed the cheese-ball in my mouth and lifted the painting in the air and that's when I knew what I had to find.