
Peek a Boo (+18)

3 Days Later

Naruto was in his loft, shadowboxing, he needed to get Cisco to rig up a machine that'll help him train in dodging , since Hartley was arrested his Barry came to his earth, nothing really had happened just him running into burning buildings and saving people, and just last night he saved a couple from a burning car. It was a bit boring so Naruto had decided to go visit Kara for a few days and the two had some fun, but she had to get back to work so Naruto had returned home and went to see Felicity.

Stopping in a kata, Naruto walked to his phone, and answered it to see Joe calling "Hey, Joe what's up?"

"We got a meta human." Joe said

"Alright, I'll meet you at the station."

"No, I'm on my way to S.T.A.R. Labs." Joe said

"Be there in a few." Naruto said sigh hanging up

5 Minutes Later

Naruto with a gronola bar in hand walked into the cortex to see Joe, Caitlin, Wells, and Cisco watching a screen "So we got a new meta?" he asked

"Last night, Clay Parker just mysteriously vanished from his cell, guards reported seeing a woman running around the jail, but one second she was there next she wasn't. Our new CSI found particulates leading all the way outside." Joe explained as everyone watched as the particulates bounced around

"Not even Nate's cells move this fast." Caitlin said

"I've never seen anything like it." Wells said, as Naruto focused on the particulates his eyes sipping around trying to keep up

"They aren't moving, it's more like they're jumping around." Naruto thought to himself

"So Clay Parker is a meta-human?" Joe asked

"More like the woman, the guards saw is the meta human. The particulate residue does contain Clay Parker's DNA, but also DNA of a woman. Cisco." Naruto said

"Got it." Cisco said running the female DNA against the CCPD criminal database "Yahtzee. Her name's Shawna Baez. Mostly petty crimes, and this girl likes to party, apparently. Long list of disorderly conducts at local bars."

"So I'm guessing we find her, we find Clay Parker." Joe said nodding impressed before he left, just as Naruto phone rang

Checking his phone, Naruto sighed when he saw it was from a block id "Hello?" he asked before with a sigh hung up as the caller hung up

"Who was that?" Caitlin asked

"I don't know for the last few days someone has been calling and hanging up." Naruto said before he shook his head "Let's see how Shawna's power work."

Caitlin nodded and followed Naruto and Wells to the lab, while Cisco stood up "I'll be right with you guys." he said walking away


Cisco stood in front of Hartley who was still in his containment cell, normally he would've been more then happy to let the smug bastard rot down here, but he said he knew what happened to Ronnie. For the last 3 days he couldn't get the thought out of his head, and his curiosity had gotten the better of him

"I've had the biggest craving for Thai food." Hartley said trying to get his way as he sat relaxed in his cell

"You said you knew what happened to Ronnie and how he was still alive. And you said Professor Stein was at S.T.A.R. Labs the night of the explosion." Cisco said getting down to business

"Yes. He was." Hartley nodded

"Why?" Cisco asked

"The mystery isn't why Stein went to S.T.A.R. Labs that night. It's why he didn't leave." Hartley said buying time

"Tell me." Cisco demanded

"Can't." Hartley said before he smirked "I have to show you."

"You are not getting out of this cell." Cisco said turning to leave casing Hartley to stand up quickly,

"Fair enough, but I know you, Cisco. I know how much you looked up to Ronnie. He was like family. A family you built for yourself here. I know how much you want to see that family healed. Let me help you." Hartley said causing Cisco to stop and turn to him

"I don't believe you." Cisco said turning to leave

"Well, I'm telling you the truth, Cisco." Hartley said causing Cisco to stop "When you are ready, you know where to find me."

Cisco with a frown closed the pipeline and walked off


Naruto returned from with a bag of Big Belly Burger to see Caitlin still hard at work "Hey." he greeted

"Hey, check this out." Caitlin said causing Naruto to lean forward next to her "I was analyzing the particulates that Clay Parker and Shawna Baez left behind, and I found something very interesting. When Clay's cells come into contact with Shawna's, they adopt her properties."

Naruto nodded before he looked up to Caitlin when she didn't continue "Something bothering you?" he asked causing her to look at him

"Why would you ask that?" Caitlin asked raising an eyebrow

"You're doing that biting your lower lip thing that you do when something's bothering you." Naruto said causing Caitlin to blush slightly that he paid that much attention to her

"I'm fine." Caitlin said

"You sure?" Naruto asked getting a nod "Okay." he said looking back to the computer

"Cisco says I don't have a life." Caitlin said suddenly crossing her arms under her bust causing Naruto to look up at her

"Do you? I mean besides hanging with me, and Linda what do you do?" Naruto asked

"I cook and I eat and I read and I..." Caitlin trailed off trying to think of something else

"So, what you're saying is, when your not with me you do everything that has nothing to do with having a life." Naruto nodded

"You don't have to be rude about it." Caitlin said with a small pout

"I'm sorry, but maybe you could take some Martial Arts classes, or even Yoga. Cooking, and reading are indoor activities you need to get out more even if it is without me or Linda." Naruto said causing Caitlin to look thoughtful

"I guess I can look into Martial Arts, it'll be good for me." Caitlin said

"I know someone who could teach you. I'll introduce you." Naruto said

"Thanks." Caitlin smiled before an alarm on the computer caused them to look to see an alert about a crime in progress "There's an armed robbery in progress. Two suspects, male and female in their 20s. Sounds like our meta-human Bonnie and Clyde are at it again."

"Time to ruin their social life." Naruto said winking at Caitlin before he sped off


Clay Parker held his glock on two of the Black Hawk Squad Security Guards as he looked up to his new weapon, in the form of his girlfriend Shawna Baez, who was now like one of those freaks from the movie Jumper, he wouldn't show his disgust of her as long as she proved useful.

"Just a few bags, baby, is enough to pay back Marcus." Clay said as Shawna walked from the back of the truck with 2 bags of money

"These things are heavier than they look." Shawna said smiling at Clay who returned it, before she vanished causing the two guards to look around in shock

Shawna was at the car, putting the money in the trunk when she looked up just in time to see Naruto skid to a stop "Oh, I've read about you. You're The Flash." Shawna said smiling as Naruto shrugged "I've heard you're real fast."

"I try." Naruto said

"Let's see if it's true. Catch me if you can." Shawna said as Naruto saw her focus on something before she teleported away and he looked behind him to see her appear and before she could regain her composer he grabbed her shoulder

"I can." Naruto smirked before he released Shawna when she pulled out a taser and tried to tase him before she jumped to the steps leading to the powerplant, but Naruto was there in a moments notice, and grab onto her but she teleported again and Naruto found himself about to fall from six stories, but caught the rail

"Not too many men can keep up with me." Shawna said before she teleported back to the car, and Naruto was back where it started

"Well, I haven't really tried, just been observing your powers and I got to say I'm a bit jealous, anywhere you see you can jump there, so why are you still here robbing armored trucks?"

"To help the man I love." Shawna said

"You broke him out of jail, and instead of skipping town and living the high life on some tropical beach somewhere your still here cleaning up his mess." Naruto said "I can respect that, but would he do the same for you?'

"Of course he would, we love each other." Shawna said before Naruto looked up just as a gunshot went off and he was forced to duck as a bullet reached over him, while Shawna teleported to Clay, and Naruto was a fingertip away from catching them but Shawna got away with him, causing him to sigh

S.T.A.R. Labs

Naruto was on the computer doing a profile on Shawna when he saw Caitlin, and Wells arrive "Shawna Baez, she can teleport." he said

"As in, "Beam me up, Shawna?" Caitlin asked

"Yes, of course. Quantum entanglement. The ability to manipulate interconnected particles over an infinite distance. Or, as Einstein put it, "spooky action at a distance." Wells said

"Every time I got close, she'd disappear. It was like we were playing a game of-"

"Peek-a-boo." Caitlin said suddenly interrupting Naruto who raised an eyebrow "Come on. Can't I name one?"

Naruto smiled and shook his head, "I observed her as she used her powers, it's like the movie Jumper, she can teleport as long as she can see where she is going."

"Nice work." Wells said before Naruto finished the profile and stood up

"I'm gonna change." Naruto said before he looked to Caitlin "You sure you want to go?"

"Sure, it'll be fun. I'll meet you guys there." Caitlin smiled as Naruto sped off

"What's going on?" Wells asked

"Our friend Linda, invited us to a dive bar, apparently it's karaoke night." Caitlin smiled

"Alright have fun." Wells said rolling away


Dive Bar

Naruto and Linda were sitting at their table smiling as a guy horribly sung Everyone's Watching, picking up his glass of Scotch Naruto was about to sip, when he saw Caitlin walk in wearing a black fork fitting dress that stopped at mid thigh level and black heels

"What?" Caitlin asked

"What? Nothing. It's just you look really nice." Naruto said

"I don't always dress like a high school principal." Caitlin said sitting down as Naruto smiled

"So you ready for tonight, Cait?" Linda asked knowing that Caitlin has never done anything like this

"Yes, I'm going to put myself out there and take a break from pining for someone who bursts into flames and wants nothing to do with me." Caitlin said

"That's a bit weird." Naruto thought before he saw Caitlin grab his glass

"Here's to liquid courage." Caitlin said immediately doing his entire drink

"That is...wow." Naruto said looking to Linda who was smiling before he looked back to Caitlin

"Excuse me!" she called getting a waitresses attention "I would like to start a tab."

Naruto watched as Caitlin smiled and nodded at him and Linda excited before he leaned next to Linda "Your going to corrupt her."

"I can't wait." Linda said excited

Throughout the night, Naruto and the girls had fun, with Caitlin getting tipsy and going on stage, at the bar, Naruto was talking to the bartender ordering some water for Caitlin when "Mr. Nathaniel Allen!"

Naruto turned around to see Caitlin on stage "You got to. e kidding me."

"Come on down! Or up."

Nauto shook his head "I'm not doing that." he said

"Come up here with me. Oh, come show 'em what you got. Come on. Nathan!" Caitlin began to chant along with the crowd "Nathan! Nathan! Nathan! Nathan! Nathan! Nathan! Nathan! Nathan!"

Finally Naruto jogged onto the stage, "Ooh, look at him go. He's so fast! Ooh, shh!" Caitlin sushed Naruto who smiled

"You know I'm not much of a singer. And you're not much of a drinker." Naruto said

"We are gonna bring this place down." Caitlin as the music started "Get ready."

"Summer Lovin, Had me a Blast" Caitlin sang horribly as Naruto immediately held a hand up to his mouth to keep himself from laughing while Linda recorded with her phone laughing as well "Summer Lovin, It Happened So Fast"

"I met a girl, crazy for me!" Naruto sang

"I met a boy, cute as can be!" Caitlin followed up,

"Summer Day just drifting away!" Naruto said before he motioned for Caitlin to sing along with him

"To oh, the Summer Nights!" They sang

"Walla, Walla, Walla, Uh!" Caitlin said

Moments Later

Naruto and Caitlin walked to Linda, by the bar, with Linda smiling and hugging them before she handed Caitlin a water

"Thanks." Caitlin said drinking it before she looked to Naruto "Your fast, and you can sing? Is there anything you can't do?"

"I'll let you know when I find out." Naruto smiled before Linda went up, wanting to do a solo before Caitlin went to the restroom

Naruto smiled as Linda did a good job, before they closed out their tab, and the trio left, taking a walk, and enjoying each others company with the girls tipsy it eventually lead them to Naruto's home, with Caitlin, and Linda in the guest rooms, while Linda snuck to Naruto's room in the middle of the night

Naruto's Loft

Lemon Begins.

Linda tugged Naruto's boxer down to reveal his throbbing cock. She watched it bounce out and she caught it in her hand, slowly caressing it up and down. She saw he was about twelve inches,

"Do you like what I'm doing?" Linda asked whilst she stroked his cock up and down

"Yes, I like it a lot," Naruto breathed as she pumped his cock with her hand.

She smiled, before she stroked him and slowly kneeled before him. "Just wait, because if you liked that, you're going to love this."

Linda dove down between Naruto's legs and gave his nutsac a little lick, dragging her tongue against it. That caused Naruto to twitch in pleasure,

"Damn it, keep doing that," Naruto stated after she licked him around his balls, and he reached forward, and instinctively snapped her bra off her.

Linda 's luscious C-cup breasts bounced out. Her nipples stood out, erect and ready, as she continued to caress and lick at his cock.

Naruto moaned as he began to grope her breasts, exploring them in his hands. This caused a slight moan to erupt from her mouth when she rolled back. He explored them with great confidence, running his hands over them, rolling his palms over her nipples.

Linda licked her tongue up and down his cock, feeling every throb, every twitch, as it grew more in her hand. She must have it down her throat and have him spewing his first load down her throat.

"Damn," Naruto breathed after Linda stuck his cock in her mouth, her tight mouth wrapped around his member. Her lips placed around him as she bobbed up and down on him, rocking back and forth on his cock went deep into her throat.

"She's good," Naruto breathed to himself, when he grabbed her hair in his hands and pushed her down, so her lips pressed against the base of his cock as she took the entire piece of meat down her throat, causing her to gag, before she began to breath through her nose, and rocked back and forth, going down on him like a pro.

Linda kept her tempo steady, she wanted there first time together to be a memorable one. She could not wait to see what else he had to offer and with the fury he explored her breasts, she could not believe it.

She pumped his cock into her mouth for many more minutes, looking up at him.

Naruto felt his balls seize up at the sensation of her mouth wrapped around his flesh pole, along with Linda 's hand squeezing and cupping his balls in her hand. She went down on him, making lewd sounds with her mouth. The woman rocked back and forth, taking him deep into her throat, and his cock sank down her throat, with her muscles working him over.

His balls tightened and he sprayed a hot load of his cum down Linda's throat when she worked him over. He pumped into her mouth over and over again.

"Naruto...fuck me, please," Linda stated, when she slid back on the bed without warning and Naruto peeled her panties off of her legs.

Naruto looked at her smooth sex appraising, with juicy lips that beckoned out for his cock. He could hardly hold himself back, but he had to taste her first.

Linda breathed heavily when his hands were on her thighs, and then his right hand moved up, teasing her. She felt a coursing pleasure move through her body and her heart beat more heavily.

His mouth found her and sucked on her clit, which caused her to throw her head back and moan. He stimulated her in such a way that she never thought possible, but the fun began, when he licked and sucked on her. His tongue buried itself deep in her core.

Naruto tasted the lemony taste inside Linda and heard the moans of pleasure. He continued to work her over with his tongue, paying close attention to what spots made her moan the loudest. These tastes made him rock hard once again; actually he got hard mere seconds after Linda was done giving him her blowjob.

Linda 's pussy clenched when Naruto worked her over, driving his tongue in and out of her, his moist organ scrapping against her.

"Oh, so wet," Linda breathed whilst she played with her breast, squeezing the flesh and playing with her erect nipple.

Naruto did not slow down, not even for a second, rather he dove in and out of her, licking her insides. The dark haired reporter grabbed Naruto's hair and pushed him in further. as he devoured her womanhood, using his tongue to cut a nice and steady pace through her. He picked up the pace and worked her over, heavily moving inside her.

She soaked his face when her thighs closed together and Linda's body gave a shuddering orgasm. The woman felt herself rocked from head to toe when she shuddered again and again.

"Time for more," Naruto stated, as he pulled Linda onto his lap, teasing her opening once more.

She smiled, knowing what was next. The woman straddled his hips, her legs tightly around him. He cupped her ass in his hands, before she rose up.

"Oh God," Linda breathed heavily whilst she impaled down on his thick rod, feeling it stretch her. It had been too long and toys did not cut it. They did not push her to her boundaries as much as this hunk of manhood did.

"Yes, so good," Naruto grunted as she rose up and sank down on him, riding him. The tight walls caressed his manhood quite nicely, as she worked up a bit of a tempo riding him. "You're so tight, so wet."

"This pussy belongs to you, Naruto," Linda stated in a lustful moan; she pushed herself up and sank back down, and continued her bouncing. She breathed in and out, when Naruto thrust into her, hitting her and causing her to throw her head back with a scream.

Naruto was in heaven when his member was enveloped in her warm tightness, wrapped around him, and squeezed around his cock. She rocked up and down, back and forth, and really picked up a steady and heavy pace. She rode him, gyrating her hips around him. His thick cock jammed into her hot box when she rode him until she began screaming

"Yes," Linda panted, feeling another orgasm wash through her body when Naruto rocked her with his cock. She got far more than she could ever hope from this lesson and she loved it. "More, pound me!"

Naruto pounded her already, thrusting his cock into her, and causing her to bend back, so she nearly spilled backwards over the bed. He used the leverage to cut a path, slamming his thick member into her pussy, driving it into her sopping wet core with each pass into her. Each thrust buried deeper into her. Linda wrapped her hands around him and sank her nails into his back.

"Oh, yes, so good," Naruto breathed as he cupped his hands around her

"You're,...ah the best," Linda panted as his cock slid in and out of her, when she felt another earth shattering orgasm rock her body. She was not sure how much she could take and Naruto gained a lot of momentum, pounding into her, reducing her to jelly.

Naruto smiled, and pulled out of her and Linda whined at the lost but not for long, when she found herself on her hands and knees.

She tingled with anticipation, when Naruto's very hard member lined up with her pussy and slammed into her. The woman clutched the bedsheets when he pushed in and out of her, thrusting into her, rapidly hammering her with a force she never experienced. His vibrating hands maneuvering their way over her body until they cupped her breasts only added to her pleasure

Outside of the room, Caitlin having woken up to see Linda missing, had gone to search for her when she heard the screams coming from Naruto's bedroom and peaked through the door to see the erotic sight before her.

Linda was on the bed on her hands and knees, with Naruto's huge cock buried in her, and screaming for more. Caitlin stopped and stared,

'Oh sweet God, Linda is getting plowed by Nate. With Ronnie it was only missionary, I'm so jealous.' Caitlin thought, but suddenly she felt a heat growing in her own body, between her legs.

She felt herself get hot and sweaty, when she watched the action. Her friend shrieked out loud as she was being drilled doggy style.

Caitlin paused and decided to wait her turn.

The doctor panted when she watched Naruto continue to plow into her friend like there was no tomorrow. His balls slapped across Linda 's ass, when he ran his hands over her, caressing every inch of her body.

Caitlin pulled down her shorts, before sticking a pair of fingers inside her sopping wet cunt. She pumped into it and diddled herself as she watched the erotic scene before her.

'Oh damn, I wish that was his cock in me,' Caitlin thought, she felt desperately horny and since it's been almost almost a year, since she had sex having put it off with Ronnie when they got engaged to make it more better on their weeding night.

Linda gave a shrieking orgasm from the other room and Caitlin looked up, a smile crossing her face. It seemed as if Naruto put Linda into a stupor.

And he was still hard, so Caitlin decided that it was her turn

Naruto saw that Linda passed out from the intense love making. She was slumped on the bed, drooling a little bit, he could still hear her heartbeat and was still breathing. He still had a problem of needing to finish.

Suddenly a figure rushed into the his eyes widened when Caitlim threw herself at hom, pouncing him, and kissing him madly, legs wrapped around him as she rubbed her bare pussy against his throbbing cock.

Caitlin tasted her Linda on Naruto's mouth; but ignored it, as she's focused on Naruto whose she had been attracted to since she met even in his coma he was appealing vuf when she got to know him, she could say she had feelings for him but she still loved Ronnie, and while usually that would hold her back, she was still a bit buzzed and was determined to not let this moment slip up, and continued to he rub her hands on Naruto's body, and pulled back.

"You sure about this?" Naruto asked as she looked at him, through lustfilled eyes.

"Yes, just for tonight while I have the courage to do this," she stated as she looked back at Naruto, cupping his hard erection in her hand, when her sopping wet twat lined up with him.

Caitlin lowered herself down on Naruto's cock, her center wrapping around him.

"Now do me...ah Naruto," Caitlin moaned whilst his cock slid into her

"Shit, you're tight," Naruto breathed; he felt her hot ass in his hands and also moved around to cup her magnificent breasts.

"Yeah, fuck this pussy," Caitlin panted whilst she rocked back and forth on him, gyrating her hips and pushing up and down on her, riding him like her life depended on it.

Caitlin felt her eyes roll; she felt this prime piece of meat bury inside her, rubbing against her cunt lips and pushing her apart. She panted heavily when she felt everything, he thrust fast into her, and she rocked back on him, pushing his cock with her inner muscles, determined to have him cum.

Naruto ran his hands over her, hearing her moaning loudly when she rode him, but he was still very hard in her, when he thrust up into her. His balls slapped against her tight ass, when she rocked against him back and forth, making sure his cock went into her nice and deeply.

"Oh, fuck, ah, yeah, fuck," Caitlin panted as she ground against him, feeling the greatest orgasm in her life and Naruto bent forward and sucked on her tits moaning at the feel his mouth work her over.

Naruto watched her tits bounce up and down when she continued to ride him very hard.

Linda woke up to the sounds of her friend and Naruto fucking like rabbits.

"Caitlin, so nice for you to join us," Linda stated, when she turned around, spreading her legs.

"Oh yes Naruto!" Caitlin screamed as she rocked herself up and down on him, using her pussy muscles on him. "Cum, I need it."

"I'm not sure if you're ready for it," Naruto stated, in response she bit down on his shoulder, when she rode him, bouncing up and down on him.

"Yes, please, cum for me," Caitlin panted heavily, when she continued to ride this thick cock of this powerful speedster.

It touched every single part inside of her and made her fill up with joy.

She had another orgasm where she saw stars and then soon after Naruto finally exploded. Caitlin screamed when his cock thrust into her, spurting his juicy cum into her, splattering into her insides. She screamed out loud.

"What a rush," Caitlin breathed as she slid back and rested her head on her Linda's breasts but she eyed Naruto who got harder. "Of course you're not done yet." she said causing Naruto to smile

Linda laid back and put Caitlin's mouth on her sopping wet cunt. Caitlin dove in between the juicy lips and began to taste her friend.

Naruto knew what to do and he grabbed her hips, before pushing into her. His cock slammed into Caitlin from behind and slowly began to ride her doggy style.

"Still tight," Naruto breathed and Caitlin squeeze her pussy tightly as Naruto's thick cock tore into her.

Caitlin panted when he slammed into her, and she tasted her friends pussy, indulging herself in the juices rolling down Linda's thighs. Naruto picked up a nice and steady pace as he explored the inside of her pussy with his thick tool, that he made vibrate while leaning forward meeting Linda in a hot kiss

'Yeah, oh, fuck,' Caitlin thought as she felt his cock vibrate and continue to push inside her, feeling him strike her g-spot continuously, 'So fucking good.'

Naruto picked up the pace, when he speared into her even more, whilst Caitlin munched on Linda's cunt.

"That's a good spot foxy, really plow her, give her no mercy," Linda suggested and Naruto did just that. Seeing Naruto have his way with her friend made Linda hot and bothered, and she could hardly wait to see what else he had to offer with his swift motions.

Naruto kicked things up a little bit, his hips blurring forward as he continued to fuck his personal physician

Linda gave a shrieking orgasm when her Caitlin worked her over with her suddenly cold mouth and she bucked her hips forward, while Caitlin began to scream into her pussy her toes curling

The three lovers continued their motions for a while yet, the time continued to wind down and Naruto's thrusts got deeper into her.

"I think Caitlin is reaching her edge," Linda stated whilst she looked at Naruto, before she sucked her own juices off of her fingers, moaning.

This did Naruto in, he had been going at it for almost two and a half hours straight with these two and he could tell that they had their limits. He willed himself to finish, sending the heavy stream of cum into the pussy of Caitlin, splattering her insides with his cum.

Caitlin saw stars, when she had her final orgasm and collapsed in between Linda's legs.

Naruto panted as he leaned over Caitlin holding himself up in his knuckles while, his head laid on Linda's shoulder before she kissed him passionately while he grabbed her by the back of her head and pulled her forward into the kiss

Lemon End

Next Day

S.T.A.R. Labs

Caitlin was in the elevator, with a small satisfied smile on her face, even though she had a hangover, she, Naruto, and Linda had stayed up and did it all over his loft, even on the balcony looking over the city, she and Linda had fell asleep around 6:00, and woke up to find Naruto gone with a note saying he was at the lab. Caitlin couldn't help but think how her life has changed since Naruto entered it, besides all the powers and stuff she could see that she had changed as well, she used to be so reserved and never tried to step out of her comfort zone, but Naruto has dragged her out if it plenty of times and she's had lost of fun, case in point being last night. Never in her wildest dreams would she had been in a threesome sharing a man, but she had done it and liked it. It was just something about Naruto that made her feel like she could do anything.

Stepping off the elevator she walked into work "Hey."

Caitlin winced as she looked over to a smiling Naruto who was drinking a Gatorade "So loud." she groaned

"Oh, ho-ho." Naruto laughed walking up to her "I just wanted to make sure you're okay."

"Let's just say I envy your inability to get drunk." Caitlin said as they began to walk to the Cortex "I don't remember much from the bar."

"Yeah, that's probably for the best...Summer Lovin."

"Oh, God. That I do remember." Caitlin said as Naruto laughed and wrapped an arm around her before they it to the cortex, to see Cisco standing away from Wells looking like he's just been scolded

"What's wrong?" Naruto asked

"Cisco...Has something he needs to tell you." Wells said causing Caitlin and Naruto to look at him

"...Hartley's gone." Cisco said sadly causing Naruto, and Caitlin to look at him in surprise

"He escaped from the Pipeline? How?" Naruto asked

"I let him out." Cisco said causing Naruto to raise an eyebrow while Caitlin looked at Cisco "Are you mad? I can't tell with those glasses on."

"I'd like to yell and wave my arms, but I'm afraid I'd throw up." Caitlin said

"Why?" Naruto asked

"Hartley said he knew what happened to Ronnie." Cisco said as Naruto noticed Caitlin tense up at the name

"I told you to let it go. I didn't want you looking into that for me." Caitlin said

"I wasn't doing it for you...I sealed Ronnie into the accelerator before it blew. He told me to wait two minutes, and I waited, but he didn't come back. And I can't stop thinking, Ronnie wouldn't be like he is right now." Cisco said sadly while Naruto sighed as Caitlin walked over to Cisco taking off her glasses "I've wanted to tell you so many times. I'm so sorry."

"So you carried that around this whole time? Do you know what Ronnie would say if he was here? He would say that you did the right thing. It wasn't your fault. What happened that night wasn't anybody's fault." Caitlin said while Naruto glanced to Wells but held his tounge "Come on. Don't we have a teleporter to catch?"

Just as she said that Naruto's phone rang "Hello? What?" immediately Naruto sped off

Iron Heights


Naruto sat at the bedside of Henry Allen, with a cold look on his face as he saw his dad's bruised up face, looking down with his forehead in his hand, as his legs twitched he looked up when he heard his dad groan "Dad." Naruto said as Joe walked up

"Hey, slugger." Henry said

"What happened?" Naruto asked

"I was given a rather stern reminder, not to poke around Marcus Stockheimer's business." Henry said causing Naruto to look at him in confusion

"Why are you looking into Marcus Stockheimer?" Naruto asked

"Your dad has been giving me intel, it helped us track down Clay and Shawna and arrest Stockheimer." Joe said causing Naruto to look up at him with a frown

"I managed to screw up Marcus's big heist, too, so.."

"You two have been working together, and you didn't tell me?" Naruto interrupted Henry as he looked at Joe before Henry grabbed his shoulder

"It isn't his fault. I did it to help you." Henry said

"You getting stabbed and beaten is not helping me." Naruto frowned which Henry returned

"Look, I... I...I don't get to feel useful very much in here. So if I can help you for a change, I'm gonna want to be there for you. Just like you've been there for me all these years." Henry said causing Naruto to sigh

"Okay, fine." Naruto said

"You said Marcus had a big heist coming up?" Joe asked

"Mm." Henry nodded

"You know anything else about it?" Joe asked causing Henry to shake his head negatively

"Dad, tell me who did this to you." Naruto said

"No, it doesn't matter." Henry said shaking his head

"But you said you want to help me. So help me." Naruto said

"One of Marcus's boys. Julius." Henry said causing Naruto to nod


Julius a mid level member in Marcus Stockheimer's crew was in his bunk, admiring a beauty in Playboy magazine, when he was suddenly grabbed and whisked out of Iron Heights, and thrown roughly to the ground outside, with a groan he stood up and began looking around in shock, and bewilderment "What the hell?"

"Evening, Julius." Naruto said causing Julius to turn and face him

"How'd I get out here?" Julius asked

"You escaped." Naruto shrugged

"They catch me trying to escape, they're gonna add five years to my sentence."

"Ten, actually. Unless you tell me where Marcus Stockheimer's next job is gonna be." Naruto said causing Julius to grimace just as sirens sounded off from the prison "Oh! Guards will be here any second. I'd start snitching."

"Okay! Okay. It's a TDK and money transfer truck coming from the federal reserve bank in St. Louis. Supposed to be millions. Delivery is around 8:00. That's all I know. I swear." Julius told

"That's right now." Naruto said racing off

"Hey! Hey, what about me?" Julius yelled

"Fuck you!" Naruto shouted before he was gone

Armored Truck

Two security guards were in the truck when one of them checked the side mirror and saw Shawna Baez car "We got company." he said to the driver causing him to look over before they heard rattling in the back, and the man looked back to see Shawna shoving money into her backpack, before she blew a kiss to him, and vanished

Clay Parker smirked as he looked at Shawna who appeared shoving another thousand into the filled backpack "Let's go." she said and he immediatelyturned a corner,

'Homestreatch, now all we need to do is get out of the country, then work on me becoming top dog, with this freak by my side it'll be easy." Clay thought before he frowned when the window to the driver seat was smashed opened and a red streak, and the keys were yanked out of the ignition causing it to turn off, and slow to a stop with The Flash in front of them, with the bag of money in hand

"Cisco, cut the power to the tunnel." Naruto said

"Got it." Cisco said turning off the power

Shawna looked around in shock when the lights went out, before she heard the sound of birds chirping and saw lightning in the palm of The Flash's hand

"Get out of the car, now." Naruto ordered

Shawna sighed as she couldn't do anything with her powers relying on her sight it was over, getting out of the car she put her hands up and walked to the front of the car, not looking back when she heard Clay slam the door "I'm sorry ba-urk!" Shawna was forced to stop talking as Clay wrapped his arm around her neck choking her with his gun to her temple,

"Alright freak, your going to back up and me and this botch are going to leave with no problems." Clay ordered as Shawna had tears in her eyes

"Your not going to kill her, you love her." Naruto said only for Clay to cock his gun

"When she was normal, she's a freak just like you, I go on the inside knowing I would come home to the love of my life, then this freak breaks me out, Shawna is dead, all that's left is this bitch whose only purpose is to help me be a boss! Now step asi-argh!"

Clay screamed in pain, as Naruto appeared behind him and grabbed his shoulder with his lightning infused palm, and didn't let go till he was unconscious with smoke coming off his form, and his skin blistered

Shawna had tears going down her face as she looked down at Clay before she spit on his unconscious body and turned to the Flash "I guess your going to take me in to huh?" she asked wiping her face

"From my knowledge you haven't hurt anyone, so we're good." Naruto said tossing her the bag of money and the car keys much to her surprise "Use that money to live your life to the fullest and try to stay out of trouble."

Shawna nodded in gratitude before she walked toward the csr, but paused and pecked his lips before she got into the car and sped off never to return to Central City again

S.T.A.R. Labs

"Are you sure it was good idea to let her go?" Joe asked having watched everything along with the scientists

"She hasn't hurt anyone, everything she did was because she loved him, it was misplaced but I think she's a good person." Naruto said

"Alright, I'm going to trust you on this." Joe said causing Naruto to nod before he left, and Naruto went to find Caitlin and saw her in her office looking at the footage of Ronnie merging with Professor Stein

"You still love him don't you?" Naruto asked causing her to jump and turn to face him before she looked down

"That obvious?" Caitlin asked

"You never struck me as a person to love someone and give up on them easily." Naruto said sitting down beside her

"But what about us?" Caitlin asked looking at him "After the other night, what we did.."

"The other night, was you leaving all your problems behind and being a young woman with her whole life in front of her. You are still engaged to Ronnie Raymond, we'll find a way to help him, you'll get your happily ever after Caitlin I promise." Naruto said

"What about you?" Caitlin asked

"I will keep my feelings in check, I can love you from afar, as long as you are happy." Naruto said leaning over and kissing Caitlin who returned it, before he pulled back and smiled at her before she brought him into a hug that he returned "Just remember I always got your back."

"I know, thank you." Caitlin said

CC Picture News

Iris walked down the aisle at her job feeling good, the Flash had helped her out with a story and she got a picture picture of him which got her the front page, looking up she saw Naruto walk in "Hey, what are you doing here?" she asked getting his attention

"Hey." Naruto smiled

"If you came to check on me, that is really sweet, but I think everything's gonna be okay." Iris said having told him about the trying time she'd been having at the job lately

"I'm, glad. Uh I actually am not here to see you." Naruto said which surprised Iris

"No?" Iris asked

"No, I have a lunch date." Naruto smiled

"With who?" Iris asked just as Linda walked up and wrapped her arms around his waist

"Ready." Linda asked

"Yeah." Naruto smiled peeking Linda's lips, before Linda saw Iris

"Oh, hey, you're our new stringer, right?" Linda asked

"Yeah." Iris nodded a tight feeling in her chest

"I'm Linda Park. Sports." Linda smiled

"Iris West." Iris said shaking her hand

"The Iris West nice to finally meet you." Linda replied

"I'm sorry how did you two meet?"

"She splashed her coffee on me." Naruto said

"Accidentally." Linda said indignantly "We met a couple of months ago, we live in the same building."

"Oh." Iris said the feeling in her chest getting tighter

"Yeah, I'll talk to you later, all right?"

"Ok." Iris nodded before Naruto and Linda walked away 'Have fun." she said watching them

2 Days Later

Naruto and Caitlin were walking downtown toward in a warehouse "Are you sure this is the right place?" Caitlin asked

"Yeah, she has an obsession with hiding in warehouses even when her friend invites her to stay in his comfortable upscale Loft out of the kindness of his heart!" Naruto said loudly before he caught an arrow aimed at Caitlin's forehead causing her to gasp "Really?"

"I wanted to see how strong she is now." a woman said walking out of the shadows placing her bow down

"I told you, you'll need to start from the ground up with her." Naruto said before he looked to Caitlin "Cait, meet Talia, she's agreed to train you."

Talia looked at Caitlin and looked to Naruto "I agreed to teach her, thanks for bringing her to me, now go. We'll see you later."

"You'll get used to that, she's a bit of an ice queen around strangers." Naruto said before he looked thoughtful "You'll get along great."

"See ya later." he waved before he walked off, before Caitlin could say anything. Reaching outside he sighed when his phone rang, answering it he didn't say anything


Naruto's eyes widened when he heard the familiar voice "Dinah?" he asked before there was a click

Dinah Drake was a good friend of Naruto's but she had left when he was in his coma, apparently her partner was killed in front of her while she was undercover, and him being in a coma did her no favors so she just quit the force and left the city.

Naruto smiled slightly before he texted the number "Good to hear from you, soon as I find our where your at, I'm coming to see you, love Nate" sending the text Naruto smiled when he saw that it was immediately read before he hung up and walked away.